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Zimbabwe introduced a nation-wide program to teach AIDS education in 1994. This paper evaluates changes in student teachers' level of knowledge about transmission, symptoms and prevention of STDs and HIV/AIDS; their attitude towards persons living with AIDS; and their sensitivity to the impact of the epidemic and to discussing and teaching about these issues. There was an increase in knowledge of HIV prevention and in teachers' ability to discuss reproductive health and sexual issues. …
The behavior of adolescents puts them at an increased risk for HIV and other STIs, and their knowledge about HIV/AIDS is often inadequate. An understanding of how AIDS knowledge and sexual activity co-vary among Flemish secondary school students and of how education type, specifically, affects these students is limited. This study addresses the question of whether the effects of education type on HIV/AIDS knowledge and sexual activity are independent of the socio-demographic characteristics of the students.
This cross-sectional study aimed to describe the level of knowledge, perception/attitude, and practices related to HIV among 1,054 freshmen students in four Afghan universities differences between genders. A probability, two stage sampling method was used. Data were collected by a self administered structured questionnaire. SPSS software was used for data analysis. Descriptive and inferential statistics were performed. Most of respondents were male (72.1%), their average age was 20.1 ± 2 years, and most were unmarried (93.4%). …
The Adolescence Education Programme (AEP) was launched in 2005 as a response to the needs of adolescents by the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), in collaboration with the National AIDS Control Organization, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, to be implemented in all the state government schools in the country. Concurrently, a separate programme supported by MHRD and UNFPA is also being implemented by key national agencies of school education. …
The objective of this Young People's Booklet is to prevent HIV, other STIs and unplanned pregnancies and gender-based violence among 15-24 year old out of school young people by providing them with: - knowledge on sexual and reproductive health and HIV prevention, especially the main ways HIV is transmitted in Papu New Guinea; - chances to think about their values, attitudes, risks and intentions related to sexuality and hear about those of their peers; - opportunities to prevent HIV and access health services and have better relationships; - fun learning experiences. …
Soul City, a multi-media health project in South Africa has been effective in imparting much needed information on health and development, and in changing attitudes and behaviour as well. Soul City works primarily within South Africa but the TV programme has been shown in a number of African countries as well. In the last two years Soul City has worked on a sponsored education booklet called Choose Life, aimed at 12-16 year olds in Botswana, Lesotho, Swaziland and Namibia. 1,331,000 copies of the booklet will be printed and distributed in the four countries in seven different languages. …
This report provides a systematic account of a three-year programme dubbed Teachers - Agents of Dissemination and Change (TAD), which was designed to provide all public school teachers at the Pre-Tertiary level with information to enable them protect themselves and their students from being infected with HIV. It was also designed to provide guidance and methodology on the incorporation of HIV & AIDS messages into ordinary subject lessons. …
This manual is intended to assist upper primary and lower secondary school teachers in the delivery of the Health and Family Life Education (HFLE) curriculum particularly in the area of human sexuality. In an effort to make teachers more comfortable with material and so to improve their levels of competency in the area of the curriculum regarding Human Sexuality, the Ministry of Education has embarked on a number of initiatives. This manual on Human Sexuality is one such initiative. …
These materials have been developed in order to support the implementation of the revised Health and Family Life Education (HFLE) curriculum to be implemented in schools across Jamaica. Both documents are prepared to lead a staff training programme designed in order to adequately prepare teachers to deliver the HFLE curriculum to grades 1 to 9 in Jamaican schools. …
While Tanzania is taking measures to curb the HIV and AIDS pandemic - including limiting its transmission and minimizing its impact, addressing such transmission among mobile populations such as students and staff of Higher Learning Institutions remains a challenge. Available information shows that a number of daunting challenges face Universities in Tanzania in designing and implementing effective responses to HIV and AIDS. First is the fact that little is known about the vulnerability, prevalence, impact and situation of HIV and AIDS in most of these institutions. …
This manual supports the implementation of the Health and Family Life Education (HFLE) curriculum to be implemented in schools across the island. In order to be able to teach a new curriculum using the non-traditional teaching methodology and strategies of the Life Skills approach, those involved in delivering this new curriculum need to participate in effective training and development activities that result in building their sensitivities, knowledge, skills and capabilities to create a learning environment that facilitates students' learning in an enjoyable manner. …
Cette étude a pour objectif d'évaluer l'état actuel des connaissances et des comportements des apprenants et des personnels administratif et enseignant du Ministère de l'Enseignement Technique et de la Formation Professionnelle (METFP) face au VIH et au sida. Sur le plan méthodologique l'étude a touché 2985 apprenants de 14 à 35 ans et 830 enseignants et administratifs de 21 à 60 ans des deux sexes venant des structures officielles et de certaines structures privées laïques et confessionnelles de Lomé à Dapaong. …
The Caribbean is second only to sub-Saharan Africa in HIV & AIDS prevalence. Jamaica, the largest island in the English speaking Caribbean island has however been relentless in its efforts to stem the spread of the disease and in 2007 estimated that approximately 1.3% of the adult Jamaican population was infected with two-thirds being unaware of their status. Behavioural surveillance is part of the Ministry of Health's ongoing efforts. …
This report summarizes multi-country findings from the International Men and Gender Equality Survey (IMAGES), a comprehensive household questionnaire on men's attitudes and practices - along with women's opinions and reports of men's practices - on a wide variety of topics related to gender equality. From 2009 to 2010, household surveys were administered to more than 8,000 men and 3,500 women ages 18 to 59 in Brazil, Chile, Croatia, India, Mexico and Rwanda. …
No inquérito sobre conhecimentos, atitudes e práticas em relação ao VIH/SIDA realizado em 2008 na Guiné-Bissau, apesar do nível de percepção sobre o SIDA situar-se acima de 90%, foram encontrados 12% de homens e 33% de mulheres que disseram ter já ouvido falar do SIDA, mas que desconhecem as formas de transmissão do VIH [Estudo CAP 2008]. …