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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Différences entre filles et garçons : une revue des indicateurs sanitaires en Afrique subsaharienne

    L'étude présente certaines différences par sexe observées chez les enfants dans les enquêtes par sondage de type EDS (DHS) ou EMF (WFS) en Afrique subsaharienne. Quatre indicateurs de résultats sont analysés : les indicateurs de mortalité des jeunes enfants (néonatale, post-natale et juvénile) et la prévalence de la malnutrition. Trois indicateurs de comportements sont analysés : la vaccination, l'utilisation de la réhydratation orale et la durée d'allaitement. Enfin, les rapports de masculinités à la naissance sont étudiés séparément.

  2. Contexte économique et socio-politique de la santé publique au Rwanda : de 1900 à 1992

    Cette étude fournit de nombreuses données sur la santé publique et de nombreuses références sur le Rwanda et sa structure socio-politique.

  3. Stratégie mondiale de la santé pour tous d'ici à l'an 2000

    The global strategy presented in this document outlines the guiding principles at the policy and operational levels at both a national and international scale in the health sector and other economic and social sectors in order to achieve "" by the year 2000.

  4. Rapport de la deuxième consultation sur les aspects neuropsychiatriques de l'infection à VIH-1, Genève, 11-13 janvier 1990

    The neurological and psychiatric troubles which may occur during HIV-1 infection are numerous and varied. In fact, 65 per cent of patients who die of AIDS suffer mental and neurological disorders at terminal stages of the disease. Post-mortem examinations reveal some anatomopathological injuries of the nervous system in 90 per cent of AIDS cases. Some acute reactions to factors of stress disorder in HIV-1 infected (but asymptomatic patients) are also noted, particularly in the period following the discovery of seropositivity. This report gives a vivid picture of the current knowledge relating to HIV-1 associated neuropsychiatric troubles and provides results of neurophysiological tests conducted on HIV seropositives in good health before drawing conclusions concerning tracking activities, training of health personnel and research orientations.

  5. Prototype action-oriented school health curriculum for primary schools: teacher's resource book. Units 10-12

    This volume is one of the seven resource books designed to assist teachers in school health. It advocates a shift in emphasis on instruction to one focused on providing pupils with learning opportunities and experiences, e.g., making the educational process action-oriented. This volume which focuses on public health contains: Unit 10: public hygiene; Unit 11: water and health; and Unit 12: living environment.

  6. Prototype action-oriented school health curriculum for primary schools: teacher's resource book. Units 1-5

    This volume is one of the seven resource books designed to assist teachers in school health. It advocates a shift in emphasis on instruction to one focused on providing pupils with learning opportunities and experiences, e.g., making the educational process action-oriented. This resource book contains Units 1-5: Unit 1. responsibility and health; Unit 2. human body; Unit 3. hygiene; Unit 4. oral health; and Unit 5. care of eyes, ears, nose, skin, hair and feet.

  7. Report of the Planning Meeting on Strategic Options for HIV/AIDS Advocacy in Africa

    This report distils the observations and recommendations of a mission to six African countries (Burkina faso, Cote d'Ivoire, Ethiopia, Ghana, Malawi and the United Republic of Tanzania), undertaken on behalf of UNFPA and UNAIDS within the framwork of the framework of the Inernational Partnership Against AIDS in Africa (IPAA). The report is envisaged as a tool to stimulate a common understanding of the nature and dimensions of advocacy for HIV/AIDS. …

  8. School Based Health and Nutrition Programmes: Findings from a survey of donor and agency support

    This paper is an update of the original survey that was carried out by Carmel Dolan in 1997 and completed in 1998. The current up-dated survey was conducted in preparation for a UN sub-committee on nutrition (ACC/SCN) meeting held in April 2000, where the subject of support to school aged children was discussed. Information was gathered in a similar way to the original survey, using telephone, email, post and use of agency/organisation web sites, annual reports and newsletters, over a three-month period from September 1999, by Celia Maier.


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