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This report provides a brief update of the progress made in Lesotho by the partners in the implementation of the EU funded linking HIV and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRH) project in 2011. The project, covering seven countries, was designed to improve capacity of national systems to ensure stronger HIV/AIDS and SRH linkages. The overall objective of the project is to address barriers to efficient and effective linkages between HIV and SRHR policies and services. …
This document is a report of the third in the series of Imagined Futures conferences. The debates and discussions concerned coping with stigma and disclosure on campus, and treatment options at universities.
Access to antiretroviral (ARV) drugs in Sub-Saharan Africa has rapidly expanded - from fewer than 10,000 people treated in 2000 to more than 8 million in 2011. To measure the impact of this expansion, it is necessary to identify the behavioral response of individuals to drug access. This paper combines geocoded information about the timing of introduction of ARVs in all Kenyan health facilities with two waves of geocoded population surveys to estimate the impact of proximity to an ARV provider on risky sexual behavior. …
The conference programme was driven by the presentation of applied case experiences on the following topics: 1. Evaluating HIV/TB/STI prevention projects (e.g. Peer Education, HIV and TB testing, treatment), 2. Approaching HIV as an issue of transformation, diversity and inclusivity (including stigma, sexual orientation and gender), 3. Integrating HIV and AIDS into socially responsive core curricula: Lessons from innovative collaborations in Higher Education, 4. …
This article is an attempt to present and elaborate the HIV/AIDS scenario in Jharkhand state of India, services available, key issues, challenges, and concerns at various levels to mitigate the epidemic. It also examines the role of different stakeholders and agencies in halting and reversing the epidemic. The findings show that there are various challenges that need immediate attention. The article critically examines these issues in detail and suggests the approach to address the epidemic.
Impact mitigation strategies in sub-Saharan Africa on HIV/AIDS in the education sector involved initially the development of education sector policies. This study traces the policy development initiatives, level of implementation, progress made and existing challenges. The study is based on a close (textual) reading of authoritative literature from United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), World Bank, UNESCO and UNICEF for the last decade on global monitoring of HIV/AIDS and statistical data. …
The AIDS Legal Network (ALN), in collaboration with Her Rights Initiative (HRI), South Africa Positive Women Ambassadors (SAPWA), South Africa Partners, and the Mitchell’s Plain Network Opposing Abuse, engaged in a study to assess perceptions and experiences of violence and other rights abuses against women living with HIV. …
This book is a contribution to the debate on expanding access to HIV/AIDS treatment in developing countries. It presents an important and innovative aspect of the work of the ANRS (Agence Nationale de Recherches sur le Sida), one of the few agencies to have initiated research in this field.
Women may make up half the world’s population, but they do not share it equally. This is especially evident when it comes to HIV. Half of all people living with HIV are women, yet many are underserved or do not know their status. Despite the many successes we have seen, women still face inequalities that will keep the AIDS response from reaching its full potential.
This regional issues brief was prepared for the Africa Regional Dialogue of the Global Commission on HIV and the Law which took place on 4 August 2011 in Pretoria, South Africa. The brief examines legal responses to children and HIV in Africa including: Prohibiting discrimination; Access to treatment; Access to sexual and reproductive rights; Access to HIV information and education; Access to harm reduction measures; Guardianship, property rights and social protection.
Early diagnosis of children living with HIV is a prerequisite for accessing timely paediatric HIV care and treatment services and for optimizing treatment outcomes. Testing of HIV-exposed infants at 6 weeks and later is part of the national prevention of mother to child transmission (PMTCT) of HIV programme in Zimbabwe, but many opportunities to test infants and children are being missed. …
Young girls in sub Saharan Africa are reported to have higher rates of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection compared to boys in the same age group. Knowledge of HIV status amongst high schools learners provides an important gateway to prevention and treatment services. This study aimed at determining the HIV prevalence and explored the feasibility of HIV testing among high school learners. Between September 2010 and February 2011, a linked, anonymous cross-sectional survey was conducted in two public sector high schools in the rural KwaZulu-Natal midlands. …
This folder contains ten leaflets covering the following themes: an overview of the HIIV and AIDS epidemic; HIV and AIDS in South Asia. HIV and AIDS epidemic in Pakistan; What is HIV? What is AIDS?; Sources or causes of transmission of HIV and AIDS. Diagnosis of HIV and AIDS; Effects of HIV and AIDS on individuals, family and society; Prevention of HIV; Role of stakeholders; HIV and AIDS and human rights; Initiatives by the Government of Pakistan; Initiatives by UNESCO.
This Guidance Note has been developed to provide the UNAIDS Cosponsors and Secretariat with a coordinated human-rights-based approach to promoting universal access to HIV prevention, treatment, care and support in the context of adult sex work. Sound, evidence-informed measures to address sex work constitute an integral component of an effective, comprehensive response to HIV. The Guidance Note provides clarification and direction regarding approaches by the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS to reduce HIV risk and vulnerability in the context of sex work. …
This report contains the latest data on numbers of new HIV infections, numbers of people receiving antiretroviral therapy, AIDS-related deaths and HIV among children. It highlights new scientific opportunities and social progress which are bringing the world closer to UNAIDS vision of zero new HIV infections, zero discrimination and zero AIDS-related deaths. This publication also gives an overview of international and domestic HIV investments and the need for greater value for money and sustainability.