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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. In a life: linking HIV and sexual and reproductive health in people's lives

    Linking sexual and reproductive health and HIV recognizes the vital role that sexuality plays in people's lives, and the importance of empowering people to make informed choices about their lives, love and intimacy. The real-life stories in this publication reflect the core characteristics and values that IPPF aims for in linking sexual and reproductive health and HIV: evidence-informed programming, a recognition of vulnerability and the full protection of rights. …

  2. Dignity denied: violations of the rights of HIV-positive women in Chilean health facilities

    Dignity Denied documents the systemic discrimination and abuse that HIV-positive women endure in Chilean health facilities. Based on women's testimonies and those of healthcare providers, this report exposes the discriminatory and often dehumanizing experiences that Chilean women living with HIV/AIDS face when seeking healthcare, including failures to protect patient confidentiality, lack of adequate pre- and post-test counseling, delayed or abusive treatment, pressure to not bear children, and coercive and forced sterilization.

  3. Food crisis, household welfare and HIV/AIDS treatment: evidence from Mozambique

    Using panel data from Mozambique collected in 2007 and 2008, the authors explore the impact of the food crisis on the welfare of households living with HIV/AIDS. The analysis finds that there has been a real deterioration of welfare in terms of income, food consumption, and nutritional status in Mozambique between 2007 and 2008, among both HIV and comparison households. However, HIV households have not suffered more from the crisis than others. …

  4. Teacher management in a context of HIV and AIDS: Botswana Report

    This study aims to describe and analyse the results of a qualitative research study on teacher management policies, tools and practices in Botswana, a country where HIV and AIDS is highly prevalent. The research aims to discover whether teacher management policies, tools and practices have evolved in high prevalence settings as a response to the HIV epidemic.

  5. Female Drug Use in Pakistan: Mapping Estimates, Ethnographic Results and Behaviourial Assessment

    This study is a part of the operational research which includes mapping and size estimation of female drug users, which forms the first key step in developing targeted interventions for this highly vulnerable key population. The results of this mapping study will assist in understanding the drug using scenario among female populations, which will ultimately form a baseline for service provision, based on which service providing organizations will develop targeted interventions within a specific geographical setting. …

  6. Cadre Stratégique National de lutte contre le VIH/SIDA et les IST 2007-2011

    Le présent Cadre Stratégique devant orienter la lutte contre le SIDA au Tchad des cinq prochaines années (2007-2011), est le produit d'un long processus et le fruit des travaux de l'ensemble des acteurs, bénéficiaires et partenaires de la lutte. …

  7. Plan d'action sectoriel 2007-2010 de lutte contre le VIH/SIDA

    Ce document est une synthèse de l'analyse situationnelle du VIH/SIDA dans le secteur de l'éducation et de la proposition de plan sectoriel qui en découle pour la période 2007-2010. Il ambitionne de mettre à la disposition du Ministère de l'Education Nationale un outil fiable de mise en oeuvre des activités de lutte contre le VIH/SIDA. Sa réalisation s'inscrit dans le cadre national défini par le Ministère de lutte contre le SIDA (MLS) à travers le Plan Stratégique National 2006-2010 de lutte contre le SIDA. …

  8. Plan Strategique National de Lutte contre le VIH/SIDA 2006-2010

    Selon les données de l'EDS-III (Enquête Démographique et Sanitaire), le Cameroun est toujours en fin 2004 en contexte d'épidémie généralisée avec une prévalence moyenne de 5,5% dont 6,8% pour les femmes et 4,1% chez les hommes. Le groupe de jeunes de 15 à 24 ans est toujours considéré comme un groupe très vulnérable ; d'autres groupes ayant des comportements à hauts risques sont identifiés : il s'agit des hommes en tenue, les professionnelles de sexe et les camionneurs et les populations riveraines du Pipeline Tchad-Cameroun. …

  9. Asia Regional Consultation on MSM HIV Care and Support

    This document is an outcome of a process to establish a regional framework defining the key elements of a comprehensive response to HIV among MSM and transgender persons (TGs) in the Asia Pacific Region. Along with UNDP and USAID, this regional process has been supported by WHO, UNESCO, UNAIDS, the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN), Asia Pacific Coalition on Male Sexual Health (APCOM) and Family Health International. It has involved government sector and community representatives from over 20 countries.

  10. Children and AIDS: fifth stocktaking report, 2010

    Advocacy and investment on behalf of children affected by AIDS have had an impact, and the goal of eliminating mother-to-child transmission of HIV appears within reach. But for every problem solved or advance made, new challenges and constraints have arisen. This Children and AIDS: Fifth Stocktaking Report examines current data, trends and the progress that's been made - pointing out disparities in access, coverage and outcomes - and calls for concrete actions to benefit the millions of children, women and families worldwide who bear the burden of the epidemic.

  11. Department of education HIV and AIDS strategy 2008-2012 [Limpopo Provincial Government]

    This HIV and AIDS strategy is aimed at guiding and coordinating activities and initiatives of different stakeholders to manage the impact of HIV and AIDS in the public education sector in Limpopo. It is based on the premise that HIV and AIDS are multi-faceted challenges that impact on learners, educators and staff of the provincial Department of Education. As such, it requires a comprehensive, coordinated response involving a variety of stakeholders that would each bring to the implementation of this strategy specific resources and strengths in accordance with their core business. …

  12. The role of human rights in ensuring universal access to HIV testing and counselling. Report of a meeting sponsored by the World Health Organization. the Joint United Programme on HIV/AIDS and the Open Society Institute, 12-13 October 2009

    The main objective of the meeting was to bridge the gap between existing HIV testing and counselling guidance and implementation to ensure the human rights protections in the HIV testing and counselling scale-up that are necessary to achieve universal access to comprehensive HIV services. It was hoped that the participants would reach consensus on concrete strategies and specific activities to overcome two types of barriers to ensuring human rights in the practice of HIV testing and counselling: political/systemic barriers and technical barriers. …

  13. Regional situation analysis of accelerating the education sector response to HIV and AIDS in the EAC partner states

    This regional situation analysis focuses on the responses to HIV of the education sector within the East African Community region, which covers five partner states - Burundi, Rwanda, Kenya, Uganda and the United Republic of Tanzania (comprising Tanzania Mainland and Zanzibar). …

  14. Southern African HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis plan of action, 2010-2011 for Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, South Africa, and Swaziland

    This paper for senior World Bank management and staff describes the current status and impact of the HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) and tuberculosis (TB) epidemic in southern Africa, the strategic role the Bank has played to date, and puts forward an action plan for deeper Bank engagement with the middle-income countries (MICs) in this subregion, especially in light of the new political commitment by the government of South Africa.

  15. HIV: an agenda for action

    NAT (National AIDS Trust) is publishing this "Agenda for Action" for the UK because, whilst we have much to be proud of in our national response to date, more can and should be done to address HIV. All of us have a part to play - individuals, businesses, trade unions, civil society, faith organisations, healthcare professionals, to name a few. This document sets out both what our key aims should be if we are to address HIV effectively in the UK, and also the practical actions to be taken to achieve those aims.


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