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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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Search results

  1. Revue des stratégies de communication lors des séances d'IEC VIH-sida en milieu scolaire et/ou universitaire au Bénin : méthodes, messages, impacts et perspectives

    L'objectif principal de cette recherche est d'étudier et d'analyser l'adaptabilité et les impacts des campagnes ou stratégies de communication des séances d'information, d'éducation et de communication (IEC-VIH-SIDA) en milieu scolaire et/ou universitaire en rapport avec le contexte socioculturel béninois Dans cette optique, l'accent sera surtout mis sur la revue des différentes séances d'IEC en matière de VIH/SIDA effectuées en présentant les stratégies étudiées, les supports utilisés et les messages transmis et en procédant par la suite à une analyse des données recueillies.

  2. Perceptions, attitudes et pratiques face au VIH/SIDA dans les universités de Ouagadougou, de Bobo-Dioulasso et de Koudougou : la réponse de l'intelligentsia burkinabe est-elle adéquate ?

    La présente recherche réalisée au sein des universités de Ouagadougou, de Bobo-Dioulasso et de Koudougou, analyse les perceptions, les attitudes et les pratiques des universitaires face au VIH/Sida et leur réponse en matière de lutte contre ce phénomène.

  3. Lutte contre la stigmatisation et la discrimination des personnes vivant avec le VIH/SIDA au moyen de l'éducation non formelle dans les communes de Koilokoro et de Banamba en République du Mali

    L'éducation non formelle peut-elle être un moyen de lutte efficace contre la stigmatisation et la discrimination des personnes vivant avec le VIH/SIDA dans les localités de Koulikoro et de Banamba ? A cette interrogation se rattache une série de questions : Pourquoi les personnes vivant avec le VIH/SIDA souffrent-elles de stigmatisation et de discrimination ? Ce phénomène est-il spécifiquement lié au VIH/SIDA ou est-il le fait des rapports entre une collectivité et une minorité de la société ? …

  4. Letters from Egypt: HIV/AIDS, testimonials of stigma and discrimination

    Between your hands are the stories of several Egyptians who have suffered the stigma associated with living with HIV/AIDS. They are ordinary citizens who have lived among us, speaking about their emotional and psychological suffering - as if the infection was not sufficient agony in itself. Here we present people who have been exposed to daily to stigma and discrimination, be it by neighbors, friends, police officers, religious figures, or even doctors. They have become outcasts in their own society because of the prevailing stereotypes about people living with the virus. …

  5. CEPEHRG and Maritime, Ghana: Engaging new partners and new technologies to prevent HIV among men who have sex with men

    Many African MSM are surprised to discover that the sex they have with other men puts them at risk for acquiring the virus. The media and most prevention programming in the region consistently describe HIV vulnerability in terms of heterosexual risk, and many African MSM do not realize that they too are vulnerable. The few programs that do target this population face significant challenges in reaching MSM with the information and services they need. …

  6. Because I am a Girl. So, what about boys? The State of the World's Girls 2011

    Because I am Girl is an annual report published by Plan which assesses the current state of the world's girls. While women and children are recognised as specific categories in policy and planning, girls' particular needs and rights are often ignored. These reports provide evidence, including the voices of girls themselves, as to why they need to be treated differently from boys and from older women. The reports also make recommendations for action, showing policymakers and planners what can make a real difference to girls' lives all over the world.

  7. Impact of five years of peer-mediated interventions on sexual behavior and sexually transmitted infections among female sex workers in Mombasa, Kenya

    Background: Since 2000, peer-mediated interventions among female sex workers (FSW) in Mombasa Kenya have promoted behavioural change through improving knowledge, attitudes and awareness of HIV serostatus, and aimed to prevent HIV and other sexually transmitted infection (STI) by facilitating early STI treatment. Impact of these interventions was evaluated among those who attended peer education and at the FSW population level. Methods: A pre-intervention survey in 2000, recruited 503 FSW using snowball sampling. …

  8. Evaluation of a Prevention Intervention to Reduce HIV Risk among Angolan Soldiers

    We developed and evaluated a military-focused HIV prevention intervention to enhance HIV riskreduction knowledge, motivation, and behaviors among Angolan soldiers. Twelve bases were randomly assigned to HIV prevention or control conditions, yielding 568 participants. HIV prevention participants received training in preventing HIV (4.5 days) and malaria (0.5 days). Control participants received the reverse. Monthly booster sessions were available after each intervention. We assessed participants at baseline, three and six months after the training. …

  9. HIV-related knowledge, attitudes, behaviors, and practices of young people in Cross River State and Kogi State, Nigeria

    Communication for Change (C-Change) works around the world to improve the effectiveness and sustainability of social and behavior change communication (SBCC) across program areas, including health, environment, economic growth and poverty alleviation, and democracy and governance. In Nigeria, C-Change supports health and HIV prevention objectives of the USAID Mission. The project is building SBCC capacity for country-driven interventions that aim to prevent new HIV infections, reduce HIV prevalence among high-risk groups, and stabilize HIV prevalence within the general population. …

  10. Stay healthy: a gender-transformative HIV prevention curriculum for youth in Namibia

    The overall goal of Stay Healthy: A Gender-Transformative HIV Prevention Curriculum for Youth in Namibia is to prevent HIV infection among Namibian youth aged 13-18. Stay Healthy focuses on changing three key behaviors directly related to HIV infection by accomplishing the following: (1) delaying the onset of sexual intercourse, (2) increasing the correct and consistent use of the male condom among sexually active youth, and (3) decreasing multiple concurrent partners among sexually active youth. …

  11. HIV/AIDS and conflicts: micro evidence from Burundi

    This paper studies the relationship between civil war and HIV/AIDS in Burundi. It contributes to the empirical literature by providing micro level evidence using an identication strategy based on original data on the dynamics of rebel movements. The presence of exit and entry points from and to rebel safe havens is used to generate exogenous variation in con ict intensity. These points are plausibly assumed to serve as starting or end points for rebel attack, but are not directly related to HIV/AIDS or correlated with unobservables. …

  12. Zindagi Mile Dobara HIV Treatment Education

    Today, it is possible to live healthy with HIV. Indeed, Anti-Retroviral Therapy (ART) has been a significant breakthrough in the struggle against HIV and AIDS. In a major advancement for public health, the Government of India rolled out provision of free ART in 2004, making it available for every person living with HIV. The possibility of treatment brings back a sense of hope, and helps reduce the stigma and fear often associated with HIV and AIDS. …

  13. Regional consultation on youth and HIV/AIDS: mobilizing youth for behaviour change

    The aim of the workshop was to provide a follow-up forum for the BIG7 Alliance from the Nairobi cluster countries after the Pan-African Youth Forum in Dakar, Senegal, and to give them the opportunity to not only finalize their national action plans for HIV/AIDS prevention but also to identify regional needs and priorities that could be considered for prevention and mitigation of the impact of HIV/AIDS among young people in the region. The consultation brought together over 40 young participants from Burundi, Eritrea, Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda. …

  14. HIV/AIDS: the Polish policy 1985-2005

    This publication, the Polish Policy on HIV/AIDS Prevention in 1985-2005 is the fruit of efforts of all groups which have been directly involved in the HIV/AIDS actions since the beginning of the epidemics. The authors are researchers, people working on social issues as well as representatives of non governmental organizations. The Policy gathers those, who day after day put their efforts in common to counteract HIV/ AIDS, which is not only a medical issue, but also a social, economical and for some countries a political challenge. …

  15. Operation plan of the national HIV prevention strategy: phase one (October 2009 - June 2011)

    The Government of Malawi, in collaboration with partners, developed the National HIV Prevention Strategy that will guide HIV prevention interventions for the period September 2009 to December 2013. The national strategy addresses key gaps in prevention programming in Malawi's national HIV response. It calls for a strategic focus on the main drivers of the HIV epidemic to reduce sexual transmission of the virus. This includes a concerted effort to reduce concurrent and multiple sexual partnerships and identifying discordant couples and reducing HIV transmission between them. …


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