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This briefing is a summary of the key findings of an online survey designed to find out from 16- to 25-year-olds what their experience of sex and relationships education (SRE) was at school, what topics they were taught and what made their SRE particularly good or bad. In total 1,709 self-selected young people responded to the survey.
The aim of this study was to assess the association between the experience of sexual coercion and risky sexual behavior among university students of both sexes in Uganda. In 2005, 980 (80%) out of a total of 1,220 students enrolled in Mbarara University of Science and Technology in Uganda participated in a self-administered questionnaire covering sociodemographic and religious factors, social capital, mental health, alcohol use, and sexual behavior. A validated scale of six items was used to assess the experience of sexual coercion. …
We use a randomized experiment to test whether and what information changes teenagers' sexual behavior in Kenya. Providing information on the relative risk of HIV infection by partner's age led to a 28 percent decrease in teen pregnancy, an objective proxy for the incidence of unprotected sex. Self-reported sexual behavior data suggests substitution away from older (riskier) partners and toward same-age partners. In contrast, the official abstinence-only HIV curriculum had no impact on teen pregnancy. …
The Association of African Universities (AAU) runs an HIV and AIDS Programme dubbed 'African Universities Responding to HIV and AIDS' which aims at ensuring that the higher education community in Africa uses all available means to prevent the spread, mitigate the impact and manage the HIV and AIDS epidemic. …
Este estudio pretende ayudarnos a identificar los conocimientos, las actitudes y las prácticas que un sector de la población tiene con respecto a los gay y lesbianas en Costa Rica, que aunque no necesariamente es el punto de partida de un análisis profundo de estos comportamientos, sí nos refleja parte la cotidianidad de sus expresiones, tanto homofóbicas, como respetuosas. Ambas expresiones son solo un resultado de un sistema social, educativo e institucionalizado en construcción. …
The Toronto District School Board (TDSB) acknowledges that inequities have existed in the curriculum; therefore, the Board is committed to enabling all lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, trans-gendered, two-spirited, and queer (LGBTQ) students, and students who identify themselves on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity, to see themselves reflected in the curriculum. …
The Educational Policy Addressing Social Inclusion (EPASI) project is an effort to identify and analyse a sample of existing policies and implemented projects addressing educational inequality in 14 of the 27 member states. This report begins with a brief outlining of gender and sexuality definitions and concepts, moves onto present findings of the projects that deal with gender and sexuality, the educational policies followed, descriptions of projects that represent these policies in practise and concludes with a summary, conclusions and recommendations.
This report is the result of the largest study ever made on homophobia, transphobia and discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity in the 47 member states of the Council of Europe. …
La investigación tiene por objetivo primordial la producción de conocimiento estadístico que posibilite la medición y el acercamiento a la compresión integral de la problemática de la violencia de género. Asimismo, busca ser una guía en el diseño y el desarrollo de políticas educativas que, desde la perspectiva de género, propicien relaciones equitativas entre los sexos, contribuyan a la eliminación de la discriminación y la violencia de género, así como a garantizar el cabal cumplimiento de los derechos de las niñas y los niños en el entorno educativo.
En el marco de la celebración del Día Nacional contra la Homofobia, se desarrolló un conversatorio sobre la Homolesbofobia en las aulas, con la participación de la Master Zaira Carvajal, representante del Instituto de Estudios de la Mujer, IEM y el Master Francisco Madrigal, por el Centro de Investigación, CIPACDH.
Que savons-nous des manifestations de l'homophobie à l'école secondaire québécoise? Que font les écoles secondaires afin de contrer cette forme de violence? Comment améliorer le bien-être des jeunes de la diversité sexuelle à l'école secondaire? Pour répondre à ces questions, le Conseil permanent de la jeunesse a entrepris, à l'été 2005, une recherche sur ces sujets. Six sections constituent le présent ouvrage. Dans la première section du document, le Conseil propose une réflexion autour du concept d'homophobie. …
Plusieurs enquêtes récentes, principalement états-uniennes, et depuis peu canadiennes, ont sondé la prévalence de l'homophobie - qu'elle soit d'ordre physique, verbal ou autre - dans les écoles ainsi que ses conséquences néfastes sur les jeunes qui en sont victimes.En documentant de façon concrète l'homophobie en milieu scolaire et ses impacts sur la persévérance et la réussite scolaires, notre recherche vise à informer, à mobiliser et à outiller l'ensemble des acteurs du monde de l'éducation en ce qui concerne les conséquences négatives de l'homophobie sur les jeunes qui en sont victimes.
This report discusses the results of a national survey of Canadian high school students undertaken in order to investigate what life at school is like for students with sexual or gender minority status. Our study sought to identify the forms and extent of students' experiences of homophobic and transphobic incidents at school, the impact of those experiences, and the efficacy of measures being taken by schools to combat these common forms of bullying. The study involved surveying over 3700 students from across Canada between December 2007 and June 2009 through two methods. …
Spot contra la homofobia. Si no lo quieres entender, es tu problema.
En apoyo al poryecto de Dan Savage "It Gets Better"; "Todo Se Pone Mejor." Terminemos con la injusticia, el abuso fisico y verbal en las escuelas, en las familias o cualquier parte del mundo en contra de los niños y jovenes del genero GLBT: Gay, Lesbico, Bisexual, y Transexual. Brindemos apoyo y comprencion a todos los jovenes en general, pero en especial a los que mas nos necesitan.