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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Percepción de estudiantes universitarios sobre la homo/lesbofobia en Costa Rica para diagnóstico, con enfoque de género, sobre la situación del estigma, la discriminación y la homofobia en Costa Rica

    Este estudio pretende ayudarnos a identificar los conocimientos, las actitudes y las prácticas que un sector de la población tiene con respecto a los gay y lesbianas en Costa Rica, que aunque no necesariamente es el punto de partida de un análisis profundo de estos comportamientos, sí nos refleja parte la cotidianidad de sus expresiones, tanto homofóbicas, como respetuosas. Ambas expresiones son solo un resultado de un sistema social, educativo e institucionalizado en construcción. …

  2. Représentations de l'homosexualité en milieu étudiant : synthèse de l'enquête SOS homophobie - CAELIF

    Cette enquête menée au printemps 2010 permet de dresser un premier panorama des perceptions de l'homosexualité et de l'homophobie dans un milieu ciblé : celui des étudiant-e-s des grandes écoles et universités d'Île-de-France. L'administration de ce questionnaire et l'analyse des résultats sont le fruit d'une collaboration entre SOS homophobie et le Caélif, fédération qui rassemble un certain nombre d'associations LGBT des grandes écoles et des universités franciliennes (et limitrophes). …

  3. A Tri-Level HIV-Prevention Educational Intervention

    This paper describes an intervention designed to provide HIV education at three levels: to students in a registered nurse baccalaureate-nursing program, lay health advisors, and African Americans in high risk communities. Students conducted needs assessments and prepared teaching plans, contributed to funding proposals and implemented and evaluated their programs. Lay health workers were trained as peer educators and were drawn from the high risk community, to increase their credibility. Of the 168 community participants, 151 completed both pre and post-test HIV knowledge exams. …

  4. Risk Communication about AIDS in Higher Education

    AIDS education is increasingly being done at the university level, as recognition that university students are at high risk for contracting HIV has increased. This article looks at how risk communication should be done at this level. …

  5. Experiential Service-Based Learning: An Integrated HIV/AIDS Education Model for College Campuses

    This paper discusses an approach to teaching the sociology of AIDS which combines coursework and weekly volunteering at an AIDS service organization. This approach deepends students' understanding of HIV/AIDS by allowing them to test theories and ideas discussed in the classroom, in practice. the paper evaluates the benefits and drawbacks of this approach and provides guidelines for effective implementation.

  6. A Group Technique for Testing Knowledge about HIV/AIDS

    This paper discusses how a sociology professor at the University of Arizona coped with increasing interest among university students on AIDS. She discusses dealing with larger class sizes and the need to make sure students understood the basic biology of HIV. She designed a series of riddles that students in groups of 5 would complete in 20 minutes testing their knowledge. She would then mark the riddle answers and discuss these answers with students afterwards.

  7. Break the Silence

    Break the Silence, Wisconsin was a statewide gathering to raise awareness about the impact of bullying, homophobia, and transphobia in our schools. The LGBT Campus Center recently launched Stop the Silence: LGBTQ Anti-Bullying Campaign to address ongoing incidents in both the UW-Madison, and broader communities. Bullying toward students identified as LGBT, or those perceived to be, is a long standing issue. …

  8. Stonewall's legacy

    Contemporary American colleges are increasingly queer places, where significant steps toward inclusion of BGLT students have been made. Tracing the journey of BGLT students' emergence, which parallels the modern gay rights movement in America, this monograph provides an overview of data and theory derived from studying BGLT students and student movements in higher education. …

  9. Knowledge of HIV/AIDS and attitudes towards people living with HIV among the general staff of a public university in Malaysia

    Stigma and discrimination towards people living with HIV have been widely documented, and have extended their impact into the workplace. Stigmatising attitudes towards people living with HIV (PLHIV) in the workplace significantly hinder HIV prevention efforts and indirectly affect national development. This cross-sectional study was designed to determine the level of knowledge about HIV and AIDS and assess attitudes towards PLHIV among the general staff of Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), as well as to identify factors that are associated with it.

  10. Politica da Universidad catolica de Moçambique sobre HIV/SIDA

    Esta política tem quatro componentes principais: 1. Direitos e responsabilidades de funcionários e estudantes afectados e infectados pelo HIV/SIDA. 2. Prestação de serviços de prevenção, cuidados e apoio dentro do campus universitário. 3. Integração do HIV/SIDA no ensino, na pesquisa e na prestação de serviços de todas as faculdades, centros e unidades da universidade. 4. Implementação da política: estruturas, procedimentos, monitoria e revisão da política.

  11. This was my hell: the violence experienced by gender non-conforming youth in US high schools

    This paper explores the experiences of harassment and violence endured by seven gender nonconforming youth in US high schools. Based on a larger research project, it opens an inquiry into the school-based lives of gender-variant teens, a group heretofore ignored by most academics and educators. Breaking violence down into two main types (physical and sexual), this work uses informants' voices, along with 'doing gender' theory, to analyze the experiences of butch lesbian girls, trans teenagers, and genderqueer youth. …

  12. Ministry of Higher and Tertiary Education HIV and AIDS work place policy

    The aim of this policy is to guide and direct the process of dealing with HIV and AIDS issues in the workplace at all levels in the Ministry of Higher and Tertiary Education. The Policy provides the framework in which the MHTE as the leader, staff association representatives and members should design, implement, monitor and evaluate practical and effective HIV and AIDS programmes at the workplace in each institution. The policy conveys a culture of caring and compassion necessary to encourage openness, consistency and equity in dealing with the HIV and AIDS epidemic in the MHTE. …

  13. Zanzibar education sector SRH/HIV/LS assessment report

    The Ministry of Education and Vocational Training has been implementing SRH/HIV/LS education initiatives for more than a decade now and is currently striving to strengthen this education in its learning institutions in Zanzibar. Amongst its efforts to achieve this objective, the integration of a number of existing training manuals focusing this education package was undertaken in order to provide a common understanding in teaching these topics at all levels of education. This was done through the support from World Bank through Zanzibar Basic Education Improvement Project (ZABEIP). …

  14. Gender differences in KAP related to HIV/AIDS among freshmen in Afghan universities

    This cross-sectional study aimed to describe the level of knowledge, perception/attitude, and practices related to HIV among 1,054 freshmen students in four Afghan universities differences between genders. A probability, two stage sampling method was used. Data were collected by a self administered structured questionnaire. SPSS software was used for data analysis. Descriptive and inferential statistics were performed. Most of respondents were male (72.1%), their average age was 20.1 ± 2 years, and most were unmarried (93.4%). …

  15. University of Zimbabwe life skills module 2009. Manual for entry level university students

    When students come from various community set-ups, they come with their own expectations of life. The university, being a new environment is a stressor on its own. Lack of knowledge of the surroundings, fear of the unknown, meeting new people including the facilitators of learning will compound the fears of the new comer. …


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