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The programme Prevent violence in schools focuses on enabling and supporting learners to take action to prevent violence in their own schools. Programme materials include two publications: Prevent violence in schools. Learners taking action. Learner book, and Prevent violence in schools. Learners taking action. Facilitator and mentor guide. This Learner book contains the workshop materials the learners will need. It is also a stand-alone resource that learners can use for information and advice throughout the action process at school.
The programme Prevent violence in schools focuses on enabling and supporting learners to take action to prevent violence in their own schools. Programme materials include two publications: Prevent violence in schools. Learners taking action. Learner book, and Prevent violence in schools. Learners taking action. Facilitator and mentor guide. This Facilitator and mentor guide includes: Introduction: background and origin of the programme, description of the different parts of the programme and the programme approach. …
La Estrategia Nacional de Educación para la Convivencia Pacífica y Prevención de la Violencia 2016-2020, constituye una respuesta a las necesidades y proyectos de formación integral de la niñez y juventud guatemalteca en el marco de la Política General de Gobierno 2016-2020 y el Plan Estratégico de Educación 2016-2020. La estructura de la presente estrategia se compone de la descripción, estrategias, principios, objetivos, componentes, metas y proyectos. …
Le Ministère de l'éducation nationale, de l'enseignement supérieur et de la recherche a lancé en 2015 une nouvelle campagne nationale destinée à informer et sensibiliser les collégiens, lycéens, étudiants et l'ensemble des membres de la communauté éducative aux violences et discriminations à caractère homophobe dont souffrent encore trop de jeunes. Ce guide donne des ressources pour agir contre les comportements homophobes en milieu scolaire.
Objetivo general: Promover el desarrollo de un comportamiento sexual sano, pleno y responsable en niñas y niños, adolescentes y jóvenes a partir de la formación y desarrollo de conocimientos, habilidades psicosociales, valores y actitudes que favorezcan los modos de conducta y las relaciones humanas sustentadas en el ejercicio de los derechos sexuales y la igualdad de género.
Esta Guía fue pensada para facilitar y promover la implementación de la Educación Sexual Integral (ESI) en las escuelas de todos los niveles educativos, en el marco de las Jornadas de Formación Institucional en ESI que el Ministerio de Educación de Nación pone en marcha como parte de su política educativa, para el período 2012-2015 en todo el país.
El presente trabajo es el resultado de un proceso de evaluación y monitoreo que ha dado protagonismo a las voces de los docentes.
El Ministerio de Educación, en el marco de las acciones orientadas al fortalecimiento de la Educación Sexual Integral en el sistema educativo peruano, elabora y distribuye materiales educativos que contribuyen a la labor pedagógica de las docentes y los docentes.La Educación Sexual Integral (ESI) que se imparte en la instituciones educativas se,sustenta en los Lineamientos Educativos y Orientaciones Pedagógicas para la Educación Sexual Integral (R.D. …
Promoting Student Health and Wellbeing: A Guide to Drug Education in Schools is intended for school Boards of Trustees, principals, and teachers of drug education within the context of the health and physical education curriculum. The guide provides information and guidance for schools on developing and implementing drug education programmes. It also outlines how these programmes are supported by a whole-school approach to promoting health and wellbeing that links to wider school communities.
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) among youths represent an important public health challenge in developing countries. The incidence of HIV peaked in the 1990’s and saw a decline from 2005. What was done to prompt the decline? To answer this question selecting studies between 1990 and 2005 was appropriate to assess whether the drop in HIV incidence in developing countries was as a result of education interventions. …
Students learn best in schools that provide safety and social support. However, some young people experience violence and harassment in, around, and on the way to school. This includes gender-based violence (GBV), which can take many different forms. As a teacher, you can play an important role in preventing the expression of gender-based violence in the school setting. …
Alcohol and drug education is a statutory part of the science curriculum for schools in England, and this can be built on through the Personal Social and Health Education (PSHE) curriculum. By building pupils’ resilience, values and skills around alcohol and drugs, teachers help young people to develop the life skills to enter adulthood healthy and avoiding harms. These standards are designed to help schools and those that work with schools to shape the context and delivery of alcohol and drug education. …
The goal of the programme has been to contribute to averting new HIV infections among young people aged 10–24 years in Papua and West Papua Provinces of Indonesia by the end of 2013. …
A Family Life Education (FLE) curriculum was introduced in Fiji schools in 2010 in response to concern about increasing teenage pregnancies and young people's vulnerability to sexually transmitted infections and other health and social problems. However, conservative and suspicious parental attitudes towards FLE have been an obstacle. The need for an educational programme for parents to complement the FLE curriculum taught in schools is now urgent. This study examines parents' views on the sex and sexuality component of the FLE curriculum. …
Most interventions designed to prevent HIV/STI/pregnancy risk behaviours in young people have multiple components based on psychosocial theories (e.g. social cognitive theory) dictating sets of mediating variables to influence to achieve desired changes in behaviours. Mediation analysis is a method for investigating the extent to which a variable X (e.g. intervention indicator) influences an outcome variable Y (e.g. unprotected sex) by first influencing an intermediate variable M (e.g. …