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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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Search results

  1. Sex and HIV education programs: Their impact on sexual behaviors of young people throughout the world

    This paper reviews 83 studies that measure the impact of curriculum-based sex and HIV education programs on sexual behavior and mediating factors among youth under 25 years anywhere in the world. Two thirds of the programs significantly improved one or more sexual behaviors. The evidence is strong that programs do not hasten or increase sexual behavior but, instead, some programs delay or decrease sexual behaviors or increase condom or contraceptive use. …

  2. Gender, sex and HIV: How to adress issues that no-one want to hear about

    This paper discusses the limitations of conventional Information, Education and Communication (IEC) approaches to HIV prevention and describes Stepping Stones, one approach which 1) is more holistic in recognising the location of HIV in a broader sexual and reproductive health (SRH) context; 2) emphasises the importance of a gendered perspective throughout; and 3) works on the basis that, with good facilitation, ordinary community members are those most able to develop the best solutions for their own sexual health needs.

  3. National aboriginal youth strategy on HIV and AIDS in Canada: For First Nations, Inuit and Métis youth from 2010 to 2015

    La Stratégie nationale de la jeunesse autochtone sur le VIH et le sida au Canada sert de guide et offre une approche globale pour les peuples autochtones du Canada, afin de diminuer les taux élevés du VIH et du sida, en particulier chez les jeunes autochtones. La SNJAVSC a été élaborée grâce aux conseils et aux suggestions des jeunes engagés, qui siègent au Conseil national de la jeunesse autochtone sur le VIH et le sida. Le succès de la SNJAVSC dépend de la collaboration avec le RCAS et ses partenaires et de la participation significative continue des jeunes autochtones du Canada dans l'élaboration des décisions, de la politique, de la programmation, de l'éducation et des approches liées aux questions du VIH et du sida. Les points forts et les déterminants sociaux de la santé des jeunes autochtones ont été exposés dans des approches basées sur les droits de l’homme et sur la diminution des effets négatifs. Lors de la mise en pratique de la SNJAVSC, il est fortement recommandé de mettre en oeuvre ses stratégies, ses objectifs et ses buts. Plus important encore, une approche intégrée, collaborative, culturellement pertinente et adaptée aux jeunes est au coeur de la réussite de la SNJAVSC. Cette stratégie est délivrée par le RCAS, avec des orientations et des conseils émis par des jeunes autochtones, afin d’améliorer la santé et le bien-être des personnes atteintes et affectées par le VIH et le sida au Canada.

  4. Factors associated with teachers’ implementation of HIV/AIDS education in secondary schools in Cape Town, South Africa

    This study investigated the factors influencing whether high school teachers implemented HIV/AIDS education. The independent variables included constructs derived from expectancy value theories, teachers’ generic dispositions, their training experience, characteristics of their interactive context and the school climate. We conducted a postal survey of 579 teachers responsible for AIDS education in all 193 public high schools in Cape Town. Questionnaires were completed and returned by 324 teachers (56% response rate) from 125 schools. …

  5. L'éducation affective, relationnelle et sexuelle des jeunes comme mesure de prévention du VIH/SIDA

    Le rapport qui suit est une étude comparative des réponses obtenues suite à la transmission, aux différentes sections membres de l’Assemblée parlementaire de la Francophonie en septembre 2010, d’un questionnaire sur l'éducation affective, relationnelle et sexuelle des jeunes comme mesure de prévention du VIH-SIDA. …

  6. Abriendo escuelas para la equidad: guía práctica

    Este documento explica las características del Proyecto Abriendo Escuelas para la Equidad, sus antecedentes, así como un manual de actividades donde claramente se pueden leer los criterios teóricos y conceptuales, así como los aspectos metodológicos y operativos para el diseño e implementación de actividades y proyectos dentro de las escuelas y las jornadas sabatina.

  7. ABC de nuevas prácticas: equidad de género, noviolencia y protagonismo juvenil

    Este documento ha sido diseñado con el objetivo de apoyar nuestra labor como integrantes de la comunidad educadora al momento de identificar estilos de relaciones y enseñanza que se dan en la escuela, para que podamos descubrir cómo estamos contribuyendo a erradicar o mantener pautas violentas, estereotipos de género o esquemas de limitado protagonismo juvenil. La idea es que observemos conductas, actitudes y acciones que quizá antes no habíamos tomado en cuenta, con las cuales podemos fortalecer un ambiente escolar basado en el respeto y la equidad. …

  8. HIV eLearning and classroom research study. Comparing the use of eLearning to traditional classroom learning to enhance HIV knowledge uptake in life orientation in primary schools in the Western Cape, South Africa and in Dublin, Ireland

    This study sought to provide evidence whether eLearning compared to classroom instruction improved HIV knowledge uptake among learners between ages 11 – 16 years. Based on the study’s findings, the supporting education departments are strongly advised to consider implementing eLearning as a technique to transfer HIV knowledge to adolescents using a culturally-adapted and interactive platform.

  9. Education Sector HIV and AIDS Global Progress Survey: Tunisia Summary Report

    Tunisia Country Report for the 2011-2012 Education Sector HIV and AIDS Global Progress Survey.

  10. Multifaceted Adolescent Reproductive Health Education Strategies in Panama

    Reproductive health education relates directly to six of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals, including that of combating HIV/AIDS. The need for high-impact adolescent sexual and preoductive health care programs has become a primary concern for global health organizations. Regarding HIV/AIDS prevalence, Panama is at a critical point in which the situation can either drastically improve or deteriorate depending on how it is addressed. …

  11. A critical review of the evidence on the effectiveness of HIV/AIDS education programs for youth in Sub-Saharan Africa

    This paper critically examines the evidence from recent experimental design evaluations on the impact of HIV/AIDS prevention through youth education programs in sub-Saharan Africa. It pre-specifies the study inclusion criteria, the search strategy and the methods for summarizing findings. This paper also identifies recurring flaws in the research and suggests several methods for avoiding these shortcomings in future studies. Our initial search produced 139 potential articles for review, but only six met the pre-stated study inclusion criteria. …

  12. Education about HIV/AIDS - theoretical underpinnings for a practical response

    Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)- and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)-related education is seen by many as central to increasing young people’s awareness of, as well as decreasing their vulnerability to, HIV. There is less agreement, however, on the central goals of HIV- and AIDS-related education and the form it might best take. …

  13. Effectiveness of peer education interventions for HIV prevention in developing countries: a systematic review and meta-analysis

    Peer education for HIV prevention has been widely implemented in developing countries, yet the effectiveness of this intervention has not been systematically evaluated. We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of peer education interventions in developing countries published between January 1990 and November 2006. Standardized methods of searching and data abstraction were utilized. Merged effect sizes were calculated using random effects models. Thirty studies were identified. …

  14. The World Starts With Me: using intervention mapping for the systematic adaptation and transfer of schoolbased sexuality education from Uganda to Indonesia

    Evidence-based health promotion programmes, including HIV/AIDS prevention and sexuality education programmes, are often transferred to other cultures, priority groups and implementation settings. Challenges in this process include the identification of retaining core elements that relate to the programme’s effectiveness while making changes that enhances acceptance in the new context and for the new priority group. This paper describes the use of a systematic approach to programme adaptation using a case study as an example. …

  15. Teachers' confidence in teaching HIV/AIDS and sexuality in South African and Tanzanian schools

    Aims: This study aimed to investigate how confident and comfortable teachers at Tanzanian and South African urban and rural schools are in teaching HIV/AIDS and sexuality. It also aimed at identifying factors associated with teacher confidence and investigated how reported confidence was associated with the implementation of educational programmes on HIV/AIDS and sexuality. Methods: A survey was conducted among South African grade 8 and 9 Life Orientation teachers, and among science teachers for grade 5 to 7 in public primary schools in Tanzania. …


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