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The overall goal of Stay Healthy: A Gender-Transformative HIV Prevention Curriculum for Youth in Namibia is to prevent HIV infection among Namibian youth aged 13-18. Stay Healthy focuses on changing three key behaviors directly related to HIV infection by accomplishing the following: (1) delaying the onset of sexual intercourse, (2) increasing the correct and consistent use of the male condom among sexually active youth, and (3) decreasing multiple concurrent partners among sexually active youth. …
The aim of this randomized, pre-post test study was to evaluate the impact of AIDS education programs (Streetwize UK) on adolescents. Participants were identfied from six youth training centers in Nottingham, England. The participants were aged 16-19 years and each centre ws randomly allocated to experimental (n=173) or control (n=164) group. Sixty-six percent of the sample was sexually active. No differences were observed between groups at pre-test. …
This study aimed to evaluate a one-year, comprehensive, school-based HIV and AIDS education program in rural, southwestern Uganda. Twenty intervention schools (1274 students) and 11 control schools (803 students) completed baseline and follow-up questionnaires. Twelve focus groups were conducted among five of the intervention schools (93 students). Very few effects of the intervention were observed. Focus group data indicates that programmes were not implemented comprehensively and certain activities (how to use condoms, role playing) were only superficially used. …
This cross-sectional study describes three approaches to sex education in schools in three locations-- Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte, and Salvador, all in Brazil. It compares knowledge, attitudes and practices related to sexuality, citizenship and gender among adolescents in schools with such programs, compared to controls in schools without them. Results show that the program in Salvador improved knowledge on sexuality and reproductive physiology, attitudes towards citizenship, and use of modern contraceptives compared to controls. …
In this Guide, we focus on strengthening the curriculum dimension known as education for learning to live together (LTLT), which incorporates areas of life skills, citizenship, peace and human rights. We first argue for a holistic view of this dimension and for appropriate teachinglearning processes. We then offer suggestions for monitoring and evaluation processes to answer one or more of the following questions - depending on circumstances. For a traditional system: does our traditional schooling meet our current goals in the LTLT/life skills dimension? …
Effective sexuality and HIV/AIDS education programmes are needed to protect young people against HIV/AIDS and teenage pregnancy in Tanzania and other Sub-Saharan African countries. Using a theory- and evidence-based approach and adapting the programmes to local contexts, increases the effectiveness of these programmes. This paper describes and discusses the challenges and opportunities concerning the application of Intervention Mapping (IM) in the development and implementation of a sexuality and HIV/AIDS education programme targeting young people aged 12-14 in Tanzania. …
All children need to be prepared for life in 21st century Britain. All primary schools want children to learn and play in an environment where they can be themselves and can talk honestly about their families. Primary school teachers say that children can experience homophobic bullying and may use homophobic language in their schools. This document provides ten recommendations for primary schools on challenging homophobia.
The Ministry of Education and Vocational Training has been implementing SRH/HIV/LS education initiatives for more than a decade now and is currently striving to strengthen this education in its learning institutions in Zanzibar. Amongst its efforts to achieve this objective, the integration of a number of existing training manuals focusing this education package was undertaken in order to provide a common understanding in teaching these topics at all levels of education. This was done through the support from World Bank through Zanzibar Basic Education Improvement Project (ZABEIP). …
Breaking Barriers Project (BB) is a US$ 11,500,000 program implemented over five years in Kenya, Uganda and Zambia. The Strategic Objective of the Breaking Barriers project is: To expand sustainable, effective, quality OVC programs in education, psychosocial support and community-based care for children and families affected by HIV and AIDS, using an extensive network of schools (both formal and informal) and religious institutions as a coordinated platform for rapid scale up and scale out. …
The International Symposium, "Implementing Sexuality Education", took place in New York on 27 April 2011. The Symposium was hosted by UNESCO and convened by the UNAIDS Inter-Agency Task Team (IATT) on Education. It preceded the UNAIDS IATT on Education's members meeting on 28-29 April 2011. …
Caribbean countries are increasingly implementing comprehensive responses to the HIV and AIDS epidemic in the education sector, following the Port-of-Spain and Roseau Declarations in the mid-2000s and guided by frameworks such as Health-Promoting Schools, Child-Friendly Schools, and the EDUCAIDS model. The elements of a comprehensive response differ slightly depending on the model. …
The purpose of the study is to improve our understanding of the current impact of HIV and AIDS on primary education in four Eastern and Southem African countries. The study uses Kelly's (2000) framework which identifies potential ways in which education systems are affected by HIV and AIDS. Using a selection of his categories the study is designed to assess the impact at both national and local levels through the collection of empirical data on the teaching force and the situation of orphans in each country. …
This policy applies to all learners, employees, managers and providers of education and training in all public and private, formal and non-formal and traditional learning institutions at all level of the education system in Zambia.It provides the framework for responding to concerns and needs of those infected with and affected by HIV and AIDS in the education sector.
This policy document addresses all the sectors under the Ministry of Education such as Civil Servants, Teachers, learners, school committees, non-formal education institutions, special populations such as the disabled, the out of school youth as well as the orphaned and vulnerable children. This policy shall therefore be applicable to all government and private institutions in Swaziland. The aim of this policy is to guide all activities responding to the HIV/AIDS epidemic by the Ministry of Education. …
L'analyse de la réponse du secteur de l'éducation en matière de lutte contre le VIH/SIDA dans les quatre pays du Maghreb, l'Algérie, le Maroc, la Mauritanie et la Tunisie, fournit des informations spécifiques à chaque pays en identifiant l'existant et en soulignant les besoins du secteur de l'éducation face au VIH/SIDA. L'objectif de ce projet est d'appuyer les efforts de prévention aux niveaux national et régional pour que la prise de décision, la planification et l'exécution des activités soient plus pertinentes, plus appropriées et plus efficaces.