Barbados. National HIV/AIDS Commission, 2010. 54 p.
Husbands, Arlene
Barbados. National HIV/AIDS Commission
The revised HIV Prevention Plan builds on the existing World Bank's submission of the Draft Prevention Plan of Action (November 28, 2008) and seeks to integrate programme components that are strategically relevant, based on discussions with stakeholders and review of the existing core documents. Following the World Bank Mission of June 22-26, 2009, the prevention planning process continued with the goal of producing a blueprint for a comprehensive response to HIV (for the period 2008-2013) with a focus on priority populations that practice risky behaviours. The Draft Prevention Plan was developed with the full participation, input and support of the multi-sectoral stakeholders made up of HIV service providers, planners, consumers and community and HIV Core group members of the National HIV/AIDS Commission. These persons have the responsibility for assessing needs, prioritizing interventions and evaluating service outcomes in relation to HIV prevention and care. The planning process was coordinated by Ms. Arlene Husbands, National Consultant with support from the National HIV/AIDS Commission.
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