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Papua New Guinea's National Strategic Plan on HIV/AIDS 2006-2010 (NSP) recognised that gender is a key factor shaping both the epidemic and the national response to it. To ensure that the gender dimensions of the epidemic receive sufficient attention, the National AIDS Council (NAC) commissioned this National Gender Policy and Plan on HIV and AIDS (NGP). It is based on extensive consultations and research carried out between 2004 and 2006, including a gender audit of the NSP and a gender impact evaluation of the activities of the National HIV/AIDS Support Project (NHASP). …
Children are dropping out of school in large numbers in communities affected by HIV/AIDS, despite policies and programmes that are designed to support their continued attendance. Research carried out by Save the Children in South Africa and Swaziland concludes that factors influencing drop-out are poverty related, exacerbated by HIV/AIDS. These factors also play out in gendered ways. …
The process for the formulation of this Strategic Plan against STIs/HIV/AIDS for 2000 - 2002 began in July 1998 with a seminar that involved ministerial representatives, NGOs, churches and private and public corporations. Having identified points of contact in the different sectors mentioned above, three other meetings were conducted. This meeting was the last step in this multi-sectorial and multi-disciplinary involvement. …
This report is part of a bigger international effort through which NGOs from sixteen countries have collected strategic data on sexual and reproductive health and rights based on the goals in the 2001 UNGASS Declaration. The purpose of the study was to identify gaps and progresses in the implementation of activities addressing sexual and reproductive health and rights of women and girls in the fight against HIV and AIDS.
The Regional Strategic Framework for the Protection, Care and Support of Children Affected by HIV/AIDS provides guidance to the eight member states of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) on a consistent approach across South Asia to the protection, care and support of children affected by HIV/AIDS. The regional framework promotes a universal approach to ensure children affected by HIV/AIDS have access to the same public and social support systems which are available to other children, rather than being separated or singled out. …
The downstream impacts of AIDS on individuals and households are well understood and documented. The economic impacts of AIDS are proportionately greater for poor. The economic impact at higher levels of aggregation (such as on the gross national income (GNI) is less well understood, being inferred from modelling work rather than empirical measurement, but is thought to be important in the long run, particularly in high prevalence countries, such as in southern Africa. Evidence of the upstream effects of poverty and social deprivation on HIV infection is rather mixed. …
This study addresses one of the greatest challenges of our time: the damage caused by HIV and AIDS to the well-being of children and families. With 38.6 million people affected by HIV in 2006, with HIV prevalence at antenatal clinics exceeding 40 per cent in areas of Botswana and KwaZulu-Natal (South Africa), with nationwide adult prevalence in excess of the critical threshold of 20 per cent in several countries, and with the prospect of a rapid spread of the disease in large swathes of India, China and Russian Federation, the future of child well-being is seriously threatened. …
Les jeunes burkinabè se heurtent à des difficultés majeures en termes de santé sexuelle et de reproduction. Dans un contexte où il est difficile d'accéder à des informations et à des soins adaptés, un grand nombre d'entre eux doivent faire face à des grossesses non désirées et à risques ou encore aux infections sexuellement transmissibles (IST) dont le VIH/sida. Si dans leur très grande majorité, les adolescents ont déjà entendu parler du VIH/sida et de la contraception, leur niveau d'information est très bas et peu d'entre eux disposent des aptitudes nécessaires pour se protéger. …
O presente documento, o PNCS II, vem pois responder à necessidade de assegurar a continuidade dos ciclos de planificação. O PNCS II é concebido como um Plano de médio termo e visa cobrir o horizonte temporal 2004 - 2009. Porém algumas das projecções que ele comporta estendem-se pelos próximos 10 anos. …
The paper examines the degree to which orphans and other vulnerable children is addressed in national development instruments in eastern and southern Africa, assuming that integration brings tangible benefits for orphans and vulnerable children. …
The education sector, very large cadre of government employees, faces impacts of HIV/AIDS both on supply and demand sides. On the supply side, HIV/AIDS affects education because of the loss of trained teachers and the reduced productivity of relevant personnel (teachers, administrators, management, etc.) through illness, caring for infected family members, and participation in funerals. …
This policy provides the framework for responding to the concerns and needs of orphans and other vulnerable children. …
The 2002-2006 National HIV/AIDS Strategic Plan is a follow-up to the previous 1997-2001 Medium Term Plan, and takes into account the expanded response to HIV/AIDS in the region as well as the worsening epidemic in Jamaica. It has also recognized that HIV/AIDS is not only a health issue, but also a major developmental problem. The plan is based on the analysis of the national HIV/AIDS situation, risk behaviour and factors contributing to vulnerability to the infection. …
Violence against women (VAW) and the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) represent two profound problems for development and health. Development Connections, with the support of the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM), is implementing an initiative focused on strengthening capacities to further this goal through: a) the creation of a community of practices on the integration of VAW and HIV policies and programs, and b) the design of a manual including the scientific evidence available, best practices and tools for the integration of policies and programs. …
This article looks at HIV/AIDS, poverty and gender, and focuses on young girls and old women. It starts with some basic facts about HIV/AIDS, and then provides a framework for analysing vulnerability to the infection and to its impact, in relation to gender and age. It briefly outlines institutional responses, and ends up with conclusion and recommendations for development planners to combine gender and age analysis in any development or humanitarian work.