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Le Tchad a mis en œuvre un nouveau cadre stratégique national de riposte au sida pour la période 2012-2015. Le gouvernement tchadien, avec l’appui des partenaires au développement consentit de gros efforts pour consolider les acquis de l’ancien cadre stratégique d’une part, et d’autre part, pour obtenir de nouveaux fondamentaux à la riposte au sida. Les activités du Cadre Stratégique National de 2012-1015 (bien qu’à son début) s’inscrivent dans la continuité de celui de 2007-2011 en matière de la riposte nationale au VIH et au sida. …
Moçambique mantém a sua classificação entre os dez países mais afectados pelo HIV no mundo. A epidemia ameaça o futuro económico e social do país. Em alguns lugares, mais de um quarto dos adultos estão infectados pelo HIV. Estima-se que aproximadamente um milhão e meio de moçambicanos vivem com o HIV. Cerca de 800 mil são mulheres e cerca de 200 mil são crianças. Cerca de 120 mil novas infecções ocorrem anualmente. Estas acontecem principalmente entre casais serodiscordantes, seguidos de trabalhadoras do sexo comercial, assim como dos múltiplos parceiros concomitantes (GARPR, 2014). …
O Plano Operacional de Comunicação em HIV/SIDA é relativo aos anos 2011 e 2012. Este plano e as matrizes em anexo permitem uma melhor coordenação entre os intervenientes na Resposta ao HIV/SIDA, é um instrumento para criar interligações entre os actores chave, identificar esforços e lacunas, parceiros locais, nacionais e internacionais, tendo em vista uma comunicação eficaz e com impacto. O plano foi elaborado à luz dos documentos estratégicos da Resposta Nacional ao HIV e SIDA.
Les objectives général de ce plan son d’assurer la disponibilité des informations stratégiques permettant d’apprécier les résultats du plan stratégique national de réponse aux IST, VIH et sida 2013-2017 en termes d’impacts, effets et produits. …
The current report provides results from a cross-sectional bio-behavioural study on HIV and related infections and risk behaviours among current IDUs in the capital cities of the three Baltic countries. The first section of the report provides basic information on the three Baltic countries in general, and injecting drug use, HIV and other infections’ epidemiological situations, health care and harm reduction services in more detail. …
Currently 6.4 million people in South Africa live with HIV, this figure represents a quarter of the burden of HIV infections in sub-Saharan Africa and 18 per cent of the global burden. With this view, the South African National HIV Prevalence, Incidence and Behaviour Survey, 2012 is a crucial report for government, policy makers and other stakeholders as they work towards reducing the HIV epidemic in South Africa. This 2012 HIV survey is the fourth in the series of national population-based surveys. The survey was conducted from December 2011 to November 2012. …
The goal of the Palau National HIV and other STIs Strategic Plan 2009-2013 is to reduce HIV and other STI transmission and minimize the impact of infections on individuals, families and the community. …
This article focuses on the relationship between HIV/AIDS and education in countries with different levels of HIV/AIDS prevalence. It concentrates on the sector’s response to school issues, with some attention to teacher training colleges. The survey of experience has concentrated on sub-Saharan Africa, and on Asia and the Pacific, and the lessons that have been learned from high prevalence and low prevalence countries in those regions. The current and anticipated impact of HIV/AIDS on education is analysed in order to clarify probable changes in demand for and supply of education services. …
Objective: To investigate the prevalence and sexual behavioural dynamics of HIV infection in students of institutions of higher education (IHEs) as a guide to the design of a tailor-made HIV intervention programmes. Methods: A total of 9 709 sexually matured students from five IHEs in Southeast Nigeria aged 19–24 years were recruited to obtain representative data from the institutionalised student population. HIV status was confirmed using enzyme based immuno-assay technique. Demographic and behavioural information were obtained through a structured questionnaire. …
The Third National Multi-Sectoral Strategic Framework for Mainland Tanzania 2013/14-17/18 (NMSF III) provides a common understanding for all HIV and AIDS stakeholders and reflects current normative guidance in the national response effort. Development of the NMSF III has incorporated the evaluations of the previous NMSF II (2008-2012) and recent epidemiological analyses of HIV in Tanzania. …
La mise en oeuvre de la politique nationale s’appuie sur des axes prioritaires d’intervention, d’un cadre juridique et institutionnel de la lutte contre le VIH/sida-IST, la tuberculose et le paludisme dans le monde du travail. …
The strategic plan has identified four priority areas that address the reality of sexual behaviors in Vanuatu and the evolving epidemics of HIV and STI: Reduction of community vulnerability to the spread of HIV and other STI; Improve access to proper HIV care and treatment and STI care; Create the policy and environment to support flourishing HIV intervention; Strengthen the capacity of coordination and management.
The Plan proposes a safer and more resilient Tongan population working together in the treatment, care and support of those living with HIV - and help prevent the spread of STIs, HIV and other communicable diseases so that people can live free and healthy lives in dignity and unity in a peaceful and prosperous Tonga. Its goal is to reduce the spread and impact of HIV and other STIs through a whole-of- country approach, while embracing the groups that are most at risk such as people living with and affected by HIV and Other STIs. …
The National HIV/AIDS Strategic Plan for 2006-2009 is intended as a resource to enhance the Marshall Islands response to addressing HIV/AIDS in the Republic of the Marshall Islands. This plan is a community response to HIV, and will attempt to address the decisive geographic, socio-cultural, political, economic, health and legal factors which may impact the spread of HIV using Marshallese values and beliefs as the backbone to the response.
Ce rapport fait le point sur les avancées réalisées jusqu’à la fin de l’année 2010 en vue d’élargir l’accès aux interventions du secteur de la santé destinées à la prévention, au traitement, aux soins et au soutien dans le domaine du VIH dans les pays à revenu faible ou moyen. Il est le cinquième d’une série de rapports de situation publiés chaque année depuis 2006 par l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé (OMS), le Fonds des Nations Unies pour l’Enfance (UNICEF) et le Programme commun des Nations Unies sur le VIH/sida (ONUSIDA), en collaboration avec des partenaires nationaux et internationaux. Ces rapports font le suivi des éléments clés de la riposte du secteur de la santé à l’épidémie d’infection à VIH. Ce rapport reflète l’engagement des États Membres des Nations Unies, de la société civile et des organismes des Nations Unies de rendre des comptes sur les avancées mondiales de la riposte au VIH en assurant une surveillance continue et la publication régulière de rapports. L’année 2010 était l’échéance fixée en 2005 pour atteindre l’accès universel à la prévention, au traitement, aux soins et au soutien dans le domaine du VIH. Ce rapport constitue un repère important, une occasion de faire le point, d’identifier ce qui a été réalisé et ce qui reste à faire, et de porter un regard constructif sur l’avenir de la riposte à un moment particulièrement crucial de son action vis-à-vis de l’épidémie d’infection à VIH.