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Since the early 1980s, the HIV/AIDS epidemic has spread rapidly throughout the African continent. By the end of 2001 an estimated 29 million people were living with HIV in Africa. That same year 3.5 million people became newly infected with the disease and 2.2 million individuals died from AIDS-related causes. At the end of 2001, more than 14 million children worldwide had lost one or both parents to the epidemic. By providing support to a number of projects, GTZ has been assisting African countries in their fight against the epidemic since 1987. …
This article assesses the extent to which teachers in Sub-Saharan Africa are a ‘high-risk’ group with respect to HIV infection and AIDS-related mortality. The main conclusion that is drawn from this review is that little hard evidence exists to support the contention that teachers are more vulnerable to the epidemic than other occupational groups.