Southern Sudan AIDS Commission. 22 p.
Southern Sudan AIDS Commission (SSAC)
The Southern Sudan 2007 HIV/AIDS Policy provides a framework within which HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment, care, support, and impact mitigation efforts will be undertaken over the next five years. More specifically, it is designed to: 1. Ensure GOSS commitment to addressing HIV/AIDS and underscore its preeminent role in leading Southern Sudan’s response to the epidemic. 2. Provide broad policy guidance on HIV/AIDS to all sectors and at all levels (GOSS, states, NGOs, civil society, traditional authorities, religious groups, private enterprise/business community, trade unions, external partners). 3. To ensure HIV/AIDS is mainstreamed into Southern Sudan’s peace, reconstruction, poverty reduction, and macroeconomic development processes. 4. Provide a framework for future legislation in the HIV/AIDS sector as well as other laws that have an impact on AIDS. 5. Provide a framework for mobilization of resources to support an expanded HIV multi-sectoral response
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