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The objectives of the research are: - To identify current policy in relation to homophobic incidents in Scottish schools, both from the perspectives of EAs and school staff; - To identify current practice in dealing with homophobic incidents in Scottish schools, both from the perspectives of EAs and school staff; - To determine awareness levels of homophobic incidents amongst EAs and school staff; - To determine confidence levels amongst school staff in dealing with homophobic incidents; - To determine confidence levels amongst school staff in discussing antihomophobia and LGBT issues with pup …
This study investigated the experiences of 132 LGBT and heterosexual teachers and school administrators in Ontario, Canada. Participants completed a survey that asked about their comfort addressing LGBT issues in the school setting, how safe they felt, how active they were, and their perceptions of barriers. There were few differences between the LGBT and heterosexual respondents. However, respondents whose school district had an anti-LGBT harassment policy felt more supported, comfortable, and protected. …
This research provides important information on how to create climates where all educators feel safe, protected and valued within their schools. Ultimately, students will not excel to their full potential if all of their teachers do not feel safe and fully supported by their workplace environments. LGBT educators need then to work in as supportive a school climate as heterosexual educators. It is suspected they do not, but little quantitative evidence exists in the literature to know whether this is true. This study sought to fill this gap.
This document provides guidance for the following questions: What are school districts' legal responsibilities under state and federal anti-discrimination laws? What are some examples of discrimination and harassment based on sexual orientation or gender identity? Why are these laws necessary? How to we make sure we comply with these laws? What steps does a school district need to take to ensure it has an effective anti-harassment policy? Is it necessary to include enumerated categories in the anti-harassment policy? …
This guide focuses predominantly on issues of sexual orientation and homophobia. These lessons are designed for use at Key Stage 3. They can be adapted and used to suit different year groups and abilities. Some lessons already provide ideas and resources for differentiation within the class. The majority of the lessons focus on sexual orientation or an investigation of homophobia; the same activities can be adapted and applied to other causes such as sectarianism/racism. There are also lessons however, which bring in LGBT issues and people as one of many other issues. …
The publication serves as a guide for school administrators who confront sensitive issues involving gay, lesbian and bisexual students. It is intended to help these professionals foster safe and healthy school environments, in which all students can achieve to the best of their ability. Just the Facts includes the most recent information from professional health organizations, as well as up-to-date information on the legal responsibility of school officials to protect students from anti-gay harassment.
This toolkit has been developed as one of a number of equality projects covering a range of issues. It follows research to identify policy, practice, awareness and confidence around dealing with homophobic incidents. The research suggested that in relation to bullying and discrimination, the issue of sexual orientation is less embedded compared to other equality strands such as gender, disability and race, and teachers were less confident in dealing consistently and effectively with homophobia. …
Every child in every school has the right to learn free from the fear of bullying, whatever form that bullying may take. Everyone involved in a child's education needs to work together to ensure that this is the case. Schools need to take an active approach to tackling all forms of bullying, including homophobic bullying. Schools should be taking action to prevent bullying behaviour, as well as responding to incidents when they occur. A preventative approach to bullying means that schools safeguard thewelfare of their pupils. …
Stonewall's Education Guide on including different families provides essential information for secondary, and especially primary school staff. Advances in gay equality over the last decade mean that there are increasing numbers of children with same-sex parents in British schools.This guide provides advice on how to include same-sex parents in the school community, how to address lesbian and gay issues in the classroom, and how to ensure that your teaching reflects the reality of life in the 21st century. …
The document provides a list of steps to take to ensure that your classroom or school is a safe and inclusive space for all students, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression.
The introduction of LGBT issues in schools is not the most obvious theme for schools. In most schools, sexuality in general and LGBT issues specifically are taboo and in many cases even forbidden. This kit aims to provide tools to help schools, school support institutions and LGBT activist organizations to deal with this subject. GALE and its partners have a great interest in working with schools. This is in the first place to make the school more accessible for all students and a better learning environment for LGBT students. …
This resource has been developed to provide information and practical strategies on why and how to tackle homophobia. How can you help make sure your school is a safe school, where every family can belong, every teacher can teach and every student can learn?
The aim of this policy is to guide and direct the process of dealing with HIV and AIDS issues in the workplace at all levels in the Ministry of Higher and Tertiary Education. The Policy provides the framework in which the MHTE as the leader, staff association representatives and members should design, implement, monitor and evaluate practical and effective HIV and AIDS programmes at the workplace in each institution. The policy conveys a culture of caring and compassion necessary to encourage openness, consistency and equity in dealing with the HIV and AIDS epidemic in the MHTE. …
This implementation plan is based on the four components of the education sector workplace policy in Namibia namely, awareness rasing and empowerment; mainstreaming HIV and AIDS; strengthening regulatory frameworks; and managing the HIV and AIDS response. The plan sets out objectives and indicators of success for each of the four components and shows a matrix of activities to achieve objectives, outputs or targets, outcomes or results, time frame, lead agency and implementing partners.
The Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) has been implementing a successful programme - the EFAIDS, as a contribution to the achievement of the Education For All (EFA) in the era of HIV and AIDS pandemic. The programme is co-sponsored by Education International (EI). The manual is intended to equip the trainers with skills and knowledge to facilitate their ability to train their colleague teachers at the school level who will in turn reach out to the learners and the surrounding communities. Specifically the trainers will: 1. Acquire information about KNUT EI/EFAIDS; 2. …