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À partir de 22 entretiens et de 243 questionnaires d’enquête complétés par des enseignants du secondaire du Québec (Canada), cet article interroge l’existence de normes relatives au genre et à l’orientation sexuelle en milieu scolaire. Les résultats suggèrent que les pratiques professionnelles des enseignant(e)s, tant lesbiennes, gais et bisexuels (LGB) qu’hétérosexuel(le)s concernant l’homophobie et la diversité sexuelle sont influencées par ces normes. …
Cet outil pédagogique s’adresse aux enseignant-e-s du degré primaire qui prennent en charge des classes d’enfants âgés de 10 à 12 ans. Si la mission principale de l’école est de transmettre des savoirs, celle-ci est également consciente qu’il existe un lien étroit entre la santé et l’acquisition de connaissances. L’école est donc attentive à renforcer les compétences telles que l’estime de soi, l’analyse critique, la résistance à la pression du groupe; le climat de l’établissement scolaire et la réussite des élèves en bénéficieront. …
UNESCO Office in Bangkok developed this Training of Teachers Manual with Southeast Asian Ministers of ‘Education Organisation, Regional Network in Tropical Medicine and Public Health (SEAMEO TROPMED) under the project on “Quality Improvement of the Curriculum and Teaching-Learning Materials on Prevention of HIV/AIDS and Drug Abuse in Asia and the Pacific” funded by UNESCO and Trust Fund from Japan. …
Ce guide est donc un outil pédagogique destiné à accompagner les formateurs d’enseignants ainsi que les enseignants du primaire et du secondaire dans la mise en œuvre d’un enseignement contribuant au développement des compétences chez les élèves de 5 à 18 ans. Il a pour vocation d’être éminemment pratique et recourt à des mises en situation et exemples précis pour répondre à la question de savoir comment s’y prendre, en classe, pour contribuer au développement des compétences en éducation à la santé reproductive et au VIH et au SIDA chez les élèves. …
Teaching HIV/AIDS related issues are a big challenge to all teachers. Sometimes it is easy, but then there are days when you feel that you do not know what to do next. This book will give you some ideas on how to teach HIV/AIDS related issues. It will not focus on the basic facts only. The aim is to go a little bit deeper with a few HIV/AIDS related issues. For example exploring the issues around having someone in your neighbourhood with HIV/AIDS. If you feel that you would like to have more information about teaching the basic facts of HIV/AIDS, there are lots of books available, e.g. …
Life Orientation teachers play a critical role in the teaching and learning of sexuality education in South African schools. Using an experiential participatory approach with 125 teachers in the Motheo district, Free State, I explored three questions: What messages did the teachers learn about sex and sexuality? How do these messages inform the teachers’ values? How do the teachers teach sexuality education? Despite its own problems and limitations, the participatory approach exploits and reinforces the life-space model proposed by Kurt Lewin. …
In May 2007, Beijing Normal University launched a programme of school-based sexuality education for migrant children in Xingzhi Primary School in Beijing. Over the past seven years, the project team has developed a school-based sexuality education curriculum using the International Technical Guidance on Sexuality Education published by UNESCO. The team has developed 12 volumes of textbooks for grades 1–6; trained teachers to deliver sexuality education using participatory teaching methods; and involved parents in the sexuality education process. …
Background: Considering the significant impact of school-based HIV/AIDS education, in 2007, a curriulum on HIV/AIDS was incorporated in the national curriculum for high school students of Bangladesh through the Government’s HIV-prevention program. Based on the curriculum, an intervention was designed to train teachers responsible for teaching HIV/AIDS in classes. Methods: In-depth interviews were conducted with teachers to understand their ability, skills, and confidence in conducting HIV/AIDS classes. …
Curriculum management can only be effective when the curriculum content and expected learning outcomes are clearly stated for the actual implementers. The implementers on their side especially the teachers and the school administration must ensure that the stated contents, instructional methodologies and the time lines are followed appropriately. This paper examines the extent at which the HIV/AIDS curriculum is being implemented at the Secondary School level in Kenya. …
The ubiquity of cellphones in South Africa, a country ravaged by HIV and AIDS, makes cellphones an easily accessible tool to use in participatory approaches to addressing HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) and AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) issues, particularly in school contexts. In this article we explore a participatory visual approach undertaken with a group of rural teachers, to uncover and address HIV and AIDS related issues. Drawing on our experience in using participatory video, we used cellphones to produce cellphilms about youth and risk in the context of HIV and AIDS. …
This handbook is the result of an information repackaging programme of the Regional Clearing House on Population Education. It is developed for educators, information providers, counsellors, service providers and peer educators. It will serve as a reference tool, which will provide guidelines, teaching/training strategies and actual sample lessons or activities to be used in counselling and educating adolescents in various aspects of reproductive and sexual health. …
Ce guide de facilitation a été préparé par l’Alliance Internationale contre le VIH/SIDA (l’Alliance) à l’attention des facilitateurs de séances participatives en matière de prévention des IST curables et du VIH/SIDA. Il comprend deux séries d’outils : Des exercices de groupe pour démarrer, organiser, animer et évaluer une séance de discussion participative; Des exercices pour initier et faciliter une discussion et un apprentissage participatif concernant les IST curables et le VIH/SIDA.
Is HIV education based on the principles of gender equality possible in practice? If so, can it make a difference to gender relations in a society? This chapter considers these questions through reflection on two gender-based HIV education interventions in South Africa and Mozambique, which took place between 2001 and 2003.
The purpose of the research was to evaluate the effectiveness of peer education when compared to teacher-led curricula in AIDS prevention programs conducted in schools in Rome, Italy. The only apparent benefit of the peer-led intervention, compared to that led by teachers, was a greater improvement in knowledge of HIV. Neither of the interventions induced changes in sexual behavior. However, the role of possible biases and methodological problems must be considered when interpreting these results.
Purpose: To assess the feasibility and effectiveness of sex education conducted through the Internet. Conclusions: Providing sex education to students in Shanghai through the Internet was found feasible and effective. The Internet-based sex education program increased students’ reproductive health knowledge effectively and changed their attitudes toward sex-related issues in terms of being less liberal toward sex and more favorable to providing services to unmarried young people. …