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Practical guide to teach six health topics (Hygiene and Disease Prevention, Environmental and Community Health, Family and Social Health) to children in class one. The manual is divided into 4 to 6 lessons.
CHANGES worked with the Zambian Ministries of Education, Health (MOH), and Community Development and Social Services (MCDSS) to develop the School Health and Nutrition (SHN) component, a first step in the development of a national school health and nutrition policy and the integration of health interventions and education in Zambian schools. …
Since 2007 all pre-service teachers have had a compulsory and comprehensive training course in HIV&AIDS; and sexual reproductive health. HIV&AIDS; is also a compulsory part of all school and cluster TIPs and every School Learning Improvement Plan (SLIP). This Facilitator's Manual is designed to help school inservice coordinators, cluster facilitators and interested teachers to run participatory training sessions for their colleagues. …
On 15 June 2009 the UNAIDS Inter-Agency Task Team (IATT) on Education convened a Symposium on "Teachers and HIV & AIDS: Reviewing achievements, identifying challenges" in Limerick, Ireland. The Symposium aimed to review progress in involving teachers in the HIV and AIDS response and to consider how this review can improve efforts to achieve Education for All (EFA) and the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) to "halt and reverse the spread of HIV" by 2015. …
This guidance on sex and relationship education in schools replaces Circular 5/94. It has been written to take account of the revised National Curriculum, published in September 1999, the need for guidance arising out of the new Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) framework and the Social Exclusion Unit report on teenage pregnancy. …
Ponencias, paneles y mesas redondas del seminario taller Incorporación formal de la educación sexual al sistema educativo público uruguayo (julio de 2007) y el Seminario de Educación Sexual (noviembre de 2007) efectuado en Montevideo, Uruguay. Se abordan temas de educación sexual, sexología, experiencias educativas formales y no formales, formación docente, visión histórica, género y prevención del VIH/SIDA.
The purpose of these Guidelines is to provide a guide for planning, conducting and evaluating TOT workshops to orient Technical Services Organizations (TSOs) to utilize key policies, manuals/guides, guidelines and tools/toolkits to support service delivery for OVC at the zonal level to meet the national quality standards for OVC. These Guidelines provide session guidance covering two major themes: Facilitation skills; Overview of technical content/subject matter. …
This report represents the views of all members of the external steering group that was established to take forward the commitment in the Children's Plan to: 'Review the delivery of Sex and Relationships Education (SRE) in schools'. It summarises how the review was organised, what evidence we considered to inform our decisions, the key challenges that we identified and the recommendations that we are making to improve SRE delivery. Chapter 1 sets out the measures that we recommend should be introduced, to improve the quality and consistency of SRE delivered by schools. …
This study which represents the first activity of an initiative under the small grants from UNESCO-UNEVOC has provided a platform for Botswana and Zambia to share experiences in mainstreaming HIV and AIDS into the TVET sector. The purpose of the study was to document the experiences, lessons learnt and challenges faced in mainstreaming HIV and AIDS in TVET in Botswana and Zambia. …
In the course of UNICEF's work during the past decade, the child-friendly school (CFS) model has emerged as the organization's signature means to advocate for and promote quality education for every girl and boy. The model can be viewed as a package solution and a holistic instrument for pulling together a comprehensive range of interventions in quality education. …
Ce guide a été élaboré par Family Health International et l'agence des États-Unis pour le développement international. Ce guide contribue au suivi des programmes de prévention des services de santé fournis dans le cadre de la lutte contre le VIH et sida. Il peut être utile à de nombreuses personnes travaillant dans la lutte contre le VIH et sida, en particulier pour ceux qui travaillent sur le suivi et l'évaluation des programmes et l'élaboration et la mise en ouvre des plans d'action. Ce guide se divise en trois chapitres: 1) Chapitre1 : Vue d'ensemble de suivi et d'évaluation; 2) Chapitre 2: Suivi et évaluation des programmes de conseil et de dépistage volontaire; 3) Chapitre3 : Suivi et évaluation des programmes de soins cliniques. L'élaboration de ce manuel est faite pour être adapté aux programmes VIH et sida en Egypte. Il fournit également des conseils pour ceux qui s'intéressent à l'amélioration de la qualité des services présentés dans le domaine de VIH et sida notamment le développement et la sélection d'indicateurs appropriés permettant de mesurer les résultats des programmes ainsi que l'analyse et l'interprétation des données et la manière dont ces résultats doivent être utilisés pour prendre les bonnes décisions.
This document was developed in the framework of the programme "We can do it" (My sami), which aims at developing positive values, skills and attitudes among orphans and vulnerable children, in order to prevent them from HIV & AIDS and drug use. It is intended for psychologists, teachers, educators and social workers of orphanages and boarding schools. The aim of the present document is to provide information on HIV & AIDS and drug use. It aims also at providing information on different forms and methods of prevention among teenagers. …
Ce guide est destiné à l'enseignant de secondaire au Cameroun et fut publié par les ministères de l'Education de base, des Enseignements secondaires et de la santé en 2006. Il intègre, selon une optique transversale, l'enseignement d'EVF/EMP/VIH et sida dans certaines disciplines d'accueil que sont les langues, l'éducation à la citoyenneté et à la morale, l'histoire et la géographie, l'économie sociale et familiale, l'éducation physique et sportive, les sciences et vie de la terre. …
Ce guide de l'enseignant de primaire au Cameroun, publié par le ministère de l'Education Nationale en 2006, relève du souci de contribuer par le développement de l'éducation préventive à l'amélioration qualitative de la citoyenneté et au renforcement des capacités nationales. Il s'agit pour l'enseignant, par le biais de cet outil didactique de stimuler la réflexion et l'action de l'apprenant afin de lui faire acquérir un sentiment d'auto-efficacité et des compétences lui permettant à la fois de faire face aux risques liés au VIH/sida et de prendre conscience de ses responsabilités de citoyen. …
Compilation of Health and Family Life Education Resource Materials for Teachers is a manual edited by the Ministry of Education in Guyana in 2005. …