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This document is a toolkit developed by the International HIV/AIDS Alliance in 2008. It is a result of teamwork between sexual and reproductive health practioners working with young people in Zambia, Malawi, Zimbabwe and Uganda. It is written for anyone who wants to facilitate participatory learning activities with young people to equip them with the knowledge, positive attitudes and skills to grow up and enjoy sexual and reproductive health and well-being. This includes peer-educators and leaders, outreach workers, teachers, community workers and others. …
This document is a manual designed to address the needs of faith-based organizations to reach youth with effective reproductive health and HIV & AIDS training materials published in 2006 by the FHI. This manual has two purposes: to educate youth about reproductive health and HIV & AIDS issues and to provide adult facilitator with an evidence-based training resource that helps them to communicate more effectively with youth about these issues, within the context of shared faith. …
Ce document a été élaboré par l'INRAP (Institut National de Recherche et d'Action Pédagogiques) en collaboration avec le CNLS (Conseil National de Lutte Contre le Sida). Il s'agit d'un guide pédagogique destiné à l'enseignant du primaire qui présente comment introduire une éducation VIH et IST de manière transdisciplinaire dans l'enseignement primaire. Pour chaque niveau (CP, CE, CM) il existe plusieurs thèmes liés au VIH et aux IST qui sont introduit dans une ou plusieurs disciplines d'accueils. …
Ce document a été élaboré par l'INRAP (Institut National de Recherche et d'Action Pédagogiques) en collaboration avec le CNLS (Conseil National de Lutte Contre le Sida) du Congo en 2007. Il s'agit d'un guide pédagogique destiné à l'enseignant du primaire qui présente comment introduire une éducation VIH et IST de manière transdisciplinaire dans l'enseignement primaire. Pour chaque niveau (CP, CE, CM) il existe plusieurs thèmes liés au VIH et aux IST qui sont introduit dans une ou plusieurs disciplines d'accueils. …
Sex and HIV Education Programs for Youth: Their Impact and Important Characteristics is a review document developed by D. Kirby, B. A Laris and L. Rolleri from ETR Associates (Education, Training and Research Associates) with the support of USAID (United States Agency for International Development) through FHI (Family Health International)/YouthNet Project, in 2006. This current review report reviews the existing literature on the effects of these curriculum-and group-based sex and HIV education programs on sexual risk behavior among young people in both developed and developing countries. …
This tool is an organized set of questions designed to help practitioners to select, adapt, develop and implement more effective pregnancy, STI and HIV prevention programmes in their communities. It is based on the report, "Sex and HIV Education Programs for Youth: Their Impact and Important Characteristics", which identified 17 common characteristics of programmes found to be effective in changing behaviour that leads to STI, HIV and unplanned pregnancy among young people. …
The Study of the Education Sector Response to HIV and AIDS in Ghana provides a case study of how the challenges of the HIV and AIDS epidemic are being met by the Government of Ghana, through the Education Strategic Plan, which seeks to promote and apply multiple interventions in the formal education system in response to the epidemic and it's impact. The study shows best practices in gathering information and assessing it in order to "know your epidemic". …
The study examined the implementation of Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) in Irish postprimary schools. This research is the most comprehensive study of relationships and sexuality education conducted in Ireland to date. This study sought to capture the factors that have helped and hindered the implementation of RSE since the programme was first introduced to post-primary schools in 1995. The findings of this study are vital to informing future educational policy with regard to the teaching and resourcing of RSE in second-level schools. …
The HIV Preventive Education Information Kit for School Teachers is an attempt to provide teachers and teacher trainees with the basic information that they should know when teaching young people about HIV and AIDS. With HIV expanding across Asia, there is an urgent need to equip teachers with the knowledge and skills to play an effective role in HIV preventive education.
This report displays the positions of the National examinations council of Kenya in the quality assurance in basic education; it explains the process of quality assurance in education.
This report displays the positions of the ministry of education in Burundi, on the quality of education. It aims at presenting quality assurance achievements in basic education in Burundi that can be observed not only through institutions responsible for educational monitoring, but also through components such as teachers' qualifications and motivation, quality of curricula, availability of textbooks and other educational resources.
Recruiting, retaining and retraining secondary school teachers and principals in Sub-Saharan Africa is based on country studies in Ethiopia, Ghana, Guinea, Madagascar, Tanzania and Uganda and an extensive literature review. In many parts of Africa, the demand for secondary teachers substantially exceeds the supply due to factors such as secondary teacher attrition, bottlenecks in the teacher preparation system, and perceived unattractive conditions of service. Few countries have strong policies, strategies, and programs for recruiting able secondary leavers to secondary teaching. …
Wars and natural disasters deny generations the knowledge and opportunities that an education can provide. In order to develop a tool to help achieve a minimum level of educational access and quality in emergencies and early reconstruction as well as to ensure the accountability of the workers who provide these services, INEE writes this handbook. The standards defined here, are meant to be used as a capacity-building and training tool.
According to this brief, youth infected with HIV need medical, psychological, and social support, but programs rarely address their specific needs, even as antiretroviral drugs and HIV testing become more available. This document was produced as a part of YouthLens series of research briefs that summarize the latest information on key issues regarding reproductive health and HIV prevention among youth ages 10 to 24.
This brief is a summary of the common themes from the assessments including steps for conducting a youth assessment. Produced by YouthNet/Family Health International, the YouthNet Briefs are a new series of two-page summaries highlighting research findings, country projects, and technical leadership.