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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Jamaica national HIV/AIDS monitoring and evaluation system. Monitoring and evaluation plan. Document A

    The Mand E system to collect data and produce information and evidence for the Jamaica National HIV/AIDS/STI Programme is described in two documents: the Mand E Plan (Document A) and the M and E Operations Manual (Document B). The M and E Plan is the fundamental document following the National Strategic Plan (NSP). It explains how a programme will measure its achievements and provide for accountability to the stakeholder and donor communities. …

  2. Plan national d'intensification de la prévention du VIH/SIDA en Côte d'Ivoire 2007-2008

    Le plan national d'intensification de la prévention du VIH/SIDA en Côte d'Ivoire s'inscrit dans le cadre unique d'action pour la lutte contre le VIH/SIDA: le Plan national 2006-2010 qui a retenu la prévention comme axe d'intervention prioritaire pour les cinq prochaines années. Le plan national d'intensification de la prévention du VIH/SIDA en Côte d'Ivoire 2007-2008 fait un bref rappel de la revue du plan stratégique 2002-2004 et du plan intérimaire 2005, en matière de prévention, puis dégage les objectifs visés et les stratégies et activités à mettre en oeuvre.

  3. Stratégie nationale de communication pour le changement de comportement face au VIH/SIDA, 2005-2008

    Afin de faire face à ces défis liés à sa mission de coordonnateur principal de la politique de décentralisation des programmes multisectoriels en matière de VIH/SIDA, le MLS de la Côte d'Ivoire a élaboré une stratégie de Communication pour le Changement de Comportement (CCC) face au VIH/SIDA. …

  4. Plan estratégico multisectorial de la respuesta nacional al VIH/SIDA 2007-2015

    Primera parte: caracterización del país que determina los rasgos geográficos, étnicos y demográficos de la epidemia; condiciones socio-culturales, económicas y políticas que contextualizan la respuesta nacional y justifican la selección de los sectores prioritarios para la acción; marco jurídico sobre el que se ampara la respuesta al VIHSIDA; características y la evolución tanto de la epidemia como de la respuesta y su impacto macro y micro económico. …

  5. Lesotho HIV Prevention Response and Modes of Transmission Analysis

    This is an evidence-based review of Lesotho's epidemiological situation (Know your epidemic, KYE) and national HIV prevention response (Know your response, KYR). The purpose of this modes of transmission (MoT) study is to contribute to the ongoing efforts to understand the epidemic and response in Lesotho and thus help the country improve the scope (doing the right kind of activities), relevance (with the right populations) and comprehensiveness (reaching all members of target populations) of HIV prevention efforts. …

  6. The HIV and AIDS prevention and control Act, 2008

    This HIV and AIDS prevention and control act provides for prevention, treatment, care, support and control of HIV and AIDS; for promotion of public health in relation to HIV and AIDS; for appropriate treatment, care and support using available resources to people living with or at risk of HIV and AIDS and for related matters.

  7. Reproductive Health Outlook

    Sitio sobre salud reproductiva es producido originalmente en inglés por el Programa para una Tecnología Apropiada en salud (PATH). RHO está diseñado especialmente para quienes administran programas de salud reproductiva y para los responsables de la toma de decisiones que trabajan en los países en desarrollo y en las comunidades de escasos recursos. …

  8. Guía para la prevención de la transmisión materno-infantil del VIH

    El presente documento ha sido elaborado para el personal de salud involucrado en la atención de personas viviendo con VIH/SIDA, en su grupo familiar, con énfasis en las mujeres embarazadas quienes necesitan de un abordaje especial ante las diferentes situaciones generadas por esa enfermedad. …

  9. It's Time to Talk About Sex: Sexual Rights are Essential to Achieving the MDGs

    Share-Net recently hosted a meeting encouraging participants to talk about sex. Specifically, it examined the connections between sexual rights and each of the MDGs. The meeting involved Share-Net's members (experts in SRHR and HIV/AIDS) but also experts from other MDG areas who shared insights from their own fields. This document is the result of an afternoon of discussion in eight groups, each focusing on a different MDG.

  10. Zambia HIV/AIDS Service Provision Assessment Survey 2005

    The 2005 Zambia HIV/AIDS Service Provision Assessment (ZHSPA) survey was designed to collect baseline information on the availability and quality of HIV/AIDS and related services in the formal health sector in Zambia. The survey collected information on the preparedness of health facilities to provide high-quality preventive services as well as care and support to people living with HIV/AIDS. …

  11. National HIV/AIDS/STI/TB Monitoring and Evaluation Plan

    This second edition of the National HIV/AIDS/STI/TB Monitoring and Evaluation Plan is aimed at providing and further improving the means for NAC to monitor the national response and provide effective leadership in the fight against the pandemic. For the current period, 2006 to 2010, the National HIV/AIDS Strategic Framework (NSF) was developed to prevent, halt and begin to reverse the spread of HIV and AIDS by 2010. …

  12. National HIV Prevention Strategy: 2009-2013

    The National HIV Prevention Strategy (2009-2013) is a guiding tool for planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluating and resource mobilization for HIV prevention interventions. The strategy will provide practical guidance for improving current HIV prevention programming for maximum impact. The goal of the strategy is to reduce new HIV infections in order to further mitigate the burden and impact of HIV and AIDS in Malawi. …

  13. Monitoring the Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS. Guidelines on construction of core indicators. 2010 Reporting

    To assist Member States in preparing and submitting their 2010 Country Progress reports, UNAIDS has released the new UNGASS Guidelines on Construction of Core Indicators for 2010 reporting. The new guidelines provide essential information on the composition of core indicators for reporting including the purpose of the indicator, methods of measurement and a summary interpretation of the indicator. The guidelines are also intended to ensure consistency of information across countries for accurate global progress analysis.

  14. HIV, sexual and reproductive health: Understanding and claiming rights. Skills-building workshop. Basic curriculum

    Ipas developed a monitoring tool with simple benchmarks that NGOs can use to assess progress toward meeting MDGs 3 (promoting gender equality and women's empowerment), 5 (improving maternal health) and 6 (combating HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria) in relation to HIV and reproductive health and rights. The purpose of workshops based on this curriculum is to ensure that participants have a basic understanding of sexual and reproductive rights and to enable them to identify rights violations in relation to reproductive health care. …

  15. Prevención del sida en los niños y los adolescentes. Guía para los padres

    Este documento se dedica en proporcionar la información fundamental sobre la infección por el VIH y el sida a todos los padres que quieren obtener este tipo de conocimiento. Los adolescentes constituyen un grupo especialmente predispuesto en realizar prácticas de riesgo de infección por el VIH, por tanto es fundamental que conozcan adecuadamente las vías de transmisión del virus y sus consecuencias. …


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