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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Mon bouclier contre le SIDA. Manuel d'information, d'éducation et de communication pour la lutte contre le VIH et SIDA. CE2. (Synthèse du BIE)

    Ce document est une synthèse d'évaluation faite par le BIE. « Mon bouclier contre le sida au CE2 » est un manuel destiné à l'élève du CE2 au Tchad. Il a été élaboré par le Ministère de l'Education nationale du Tchad et la coopération allemande par l'entremise de la GTZ, en partenariat avec les services de santé, de l'administration scolaire et des Associations de parents d'élèves. Il fait partie d'un ensemble plus large de manuels intitulés "Mon bouclier contre le sida" destinés aux élèves du cours élémentaire deuxième année, et ceux des cours moyens 1ère et 2ème années. …

  2. HIV/AIDS and human rights in Southern Africa

    This report is a guide to HIV/AIDS and human rights in the Southern African region. It seeks to describe the extent to which SADC countries have used and implemented selected guidelines from the International Guidelines on HIV/AIDS and Human Rights; describe good legal, policy and human rights practices in relation to HIV and AIDS and outline key human rights challenges facing People Living with HIV/AIDS in the SADC region. The first chapter describes the context for the report, including the most current statistics on HIV prevalence in the region. …

  3. Levels and spread of HIV seroprevalence and associated factors: evidence from national household surveys

    This report summarizes HIV prevalence and the associations between HIV serostatus and key characteristics and behaviors of adult women and men in 22 developing countries, primarily in sub- Saharan Africa. Data come from Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) and AIDS Indicator Surveys (AIS) conducted between 2001 and 2006. In most of these surveys, nationally representative samples of women age 15-49 and men age 15-59 were tested for HIV. …

  4. HIV/AIDS strategic plan 2004 - 2008. Cyprus. Draft proposal.

    The National AIDS Programme (NAP) has been implemented since 1986 through a series of strategic plans that had been prepared by the Ministry of Health (MoH) with the assistance of the World Health Organization (WHO). The situation and response analysis for this strategic plan, which covers the period between 2004-2008, draws on an analysis of official reports and data on the HIV/AIDS situation and in Cyprus on related factors. …

  5. St. Vincent and the Grenadines HIV/AIDS/STI national strategic plan 2004-2009

    The HIV epidemic is driven by a number of factors including cultural, behavioural and socio-economic. A strategic plan is a necessary tool to guide all stakeholders and create a synergistic approach instead of duplicated efforts. A significant progress indicator was the development of this strategic plan which was launched in December 2001. The plan then outlined the following six priority areas: I. Strengthen intersectoral management, organizational structures and institutional capacity; II. Design and implement care, support and treatment programmes for PLWHA and their families; III. …

  6. 2007 Zambia human development report. Enhancing household capacity to respond to HIV and AIDS

    Currently, most effective responses to HIV/AIDS have been community and national driven. Now it has become apparent that people play a key role as individuals and as members of social systems such as families in effectively responding to the HIV/AIDS pandemic. As such the Report will focus on enhancing the capacity of households to fight HIV/AIDS at the household level. …

  7. Revue du cadre stratégique national 2003-2007

    La revue participative du Cadre Stratégique National 2003-2007 et du Cadre Institutionnel et de Gouvernance de la riposte nationale au VIH en République de Guinée marque le début du processus de planification stratégique pour la période 2008-2012. Première phase du processus de planification stratégique, elle s'est déroulée dans la période du 25 juillet au 30 septembre 2007. Le bilan des réalisations de la période 2003-2007 est largement positif en matière de lutte contre le VIH en Guinée, malgré un contexte sociopolitique difficile. La présente revue s'est voulue exhaustive. …

  8. Stratégie et plan d'action en matière de lutte contre le HIV/SIDA 2006-2010

    Le Luxembourg n'a pas de coordinateur national pour le HIV/SIDA. Le comité de surveillance du Sida assure ce rôle et suit ce qui se passe en matière de HIV/SIDA au niveau des différents ministères et de la société civile. Le Ministère de la santé à chargé le Comité de surveillance du SIDA d'élaborer un nouveau plan d'action de lutte contre le HIV/SIDA, axé en premier lieu sur la prévention. …

  9. Independent review group on HIV/AIDS. Report from an assessment visit 27 August - 9 September 2008

    The Government of Papua New Guinea (GoPNG) has endorsed a National Strategic Plan (NSP) for HIV and AIDS 2006 to 2010. An annual planning exercise for the implementation of the NSP is undertaken each year which aims to bring stakeholders together into one planning cycle. The outcome of the process is intended to be an approved GoPNG HIV Development Budget and Plan for the coming year containing details of funded activities to support NSP implementation. …

  10. Decreto ejecutivo n°119 (de 29 de mayo de 2001) que reglamenta la ley 3 de 2000, general sobre las infecciones de transmisión sexual, el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana y el SIDA

    Decreto ejecutivo n°119 (de 29 de mayo de 2001) que reglamenta la ley 3 de 2000, general sobre las infecciones de transmisión sexual, el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana y el SIDA

  11. Sudan national strategic plan and sectoral plans on HIV and AIDS 2004-2009

    The objectives of this plan are: To maintain the current level of HIV/AIDS prevalence at less than 2% by 2009. 2. To reduce AIDS morbidity, mortality and improve the quality of life of people living with HIV/AIDS. 3. To build the capacity of the different partners involved in the prevention and control of HIV/AIDS and to enable them to participate effectively in the national response. 4. To mobilize political and community leaders to ensure their commitment, coordinate national (government and private sector) and international resources for HIV/AIDS prevention and control activities.

  12. Projet de loi sur la lutte contre le VIH/SIDA et la protection des droits des personnes vivant avec le VIH/SIDA

    Cette loi a pour objet : de lutter contre la propagation de l'affection causée par le VIH entraînant la diminution et la perte de défenses immunitaires de l'organisme, se traduisant par le SIDA ; de protéger les personnes vivant avec le VIH/SIDA contre toutes formes de discrimination ou de stigmatisation ; de réaffirmer leurs droits et libertés fondamentaux conformément aux instruments internationaux relatifs aux droits de l'homme. …

  13. Review of progress and expenditure on the comprehensive plan for HIV and AIDS for South Africa

    In light of the HIV and AIDS situation in the Sub-Saharan Africa, and South Africa in particular, there is an urgent need for governments to roll out the anti-retroviral (ARV) drugs to people living with HIV and AIDS. The South African government is obliged to strengthen its HIV and AIDS interventions for the majority of citizens accessing health services in the public sector. The South African government must as a matter of urgency develop and utilise effective monitoring and evaluating systems to validate the effectiveness and efficiency of its responses to the epidemic. …

  14. Sexual and reproductive health and HIV. Linkages: evidence review and recommendations

    Cuadro sinóptico de estudios realizados que indagan en la relación entre los servicios de salud reproductiva y su impacto en la respuesta al VIH/sida.

  15. Recommended HIV/AIDS strategies for Hong Kong 2007-2011

    The Hong Kong Advisory Council on AIDS, in its mandate to advise the government on policies relating to the prevention, care and control of HIV infection and AIDS in Hong Kong, developed this new strategy for year 2007-2011. The document serves as the blueprint for the collective AIDS effort in the next five years, in response to the changing local epidemic. This recommended strategy is divided into 3 parts. The first part comprises a brief overview of the current HIV/AIDS situation and programme response. The second part depicts the Strategies framework and identifies current priority areas. …


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