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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Évaluation du dispositif expérimental « ABCD de l’égalité »

    L’inspection générale de l’éducation nationale a été chargée de l’évaluation du dispositif expérimental "ABCD de l’égalité". Copilotée par les ministères de l’éducation nationale et des droits des femmes, cette opération visait à "susciter une évolution positive des attitudes des enseignants et des élèves des deux sexes" conformément aux engagements arrêtés par la "convention interministérielle pour l’égalité entre les filles et les garçons, les femmes et les hommes dans le système éducatif" valant pour la période 2013-2018. …

  2. Education sector policy for the prevention and management of learner pregnancy

    The goal of this policy is to improve the prevention and management of learner pregnancy in Namibia, with the ultimate aim of decreasing the number of learner pregnancies and increasing the number of learner-parents who complete their education. Education is both a human right in itself and an indispensable means of realising other human rights. In order to meet Vision 2030, it is essential that a policy is put in place to address learner pregnancy that will make a real and sustainable difference in the lives of children and their children. …

  3. Achieving health promoting schools: Guidelines for promoting health in schools

    A considerable body of evidence has emerged in the last twenty years to inform governments, schools, non-government organisations (NGO’s), teachers, parents and students about effective school health programmes. School programmes that are integrated, holistic and strategic are more likely to produce better health and education outcomes than those which are mainly information-based and implemented only in the classroom. These Guidelines for Promoting Health in Schools identify the basic principles and components of this approach. …

  4. Books and babies. Pregnancy and young parents in schools

    Being pregnant and a young parent in South African schools is not easy. Books and Babies examines why this is the case. Drawing on both quantitative and qualitative research conducted in secondary schools in Durban and Cape Town, the book explores how teachers and principals respond to the presence of pregnant learners and young parents in school, and surveys the attitudes of fellow learners towards them. …

  5. Scaling Up the Continuum of Care for People Living with HIV in Asia and the Pacific: A Toolkit for Implementers

    The Continuum of Care (CoC) Toolkit offers guidance based on experiences with the CoC in diverse settings across the Asia-Pacific Region that will assist planners and managers to establish or strengthen their own CoCs. This Toolkit, which is structured in seven sections, provides ideas, strategies, procedures and tools for CoC managers to create networks that link care, treatment and support services for HIV in their own localities according to their own unique needs. …

  6. HIV prevention through extended education encompassing students, parents, and teachers in Japan

    The article developed an extended HIV prevention program for students, parents, and school teachers, and then evaluated its effectiveness. The findings suggest that effective prevention of HIV might be achieved by an expanded education program for students and teachers such as that described, and individual counseling that takes into consideration the sexual differences of Japanese adolescents.

  7. Gender, sex and HIV: How to adress issues that no-one want to hear about

    This paper discusses the limitations of conventional Information, Education and Communication (IEC) approaches to HIV prevention and describes Stepping Stones, one approach which 1) is more holistic in recognising the location of HIV in a broader sexual and reproductive health (SRH) context; 2) emphasises the importance of a gendered perspective throughout; and 3) works on the basis that, with good facilitation, ordinary community members are those most able to develop the best solutions for their own sexual health needs.

  8. Gender Dynamics and Sexual Norms among Youth in Mali in the Context of HIV/AIDS Prevention

    Socially constructed ideas of gender norms and values attached to sexuality need to be considered when aiming to build the young people’s capacity to adopt HIV preventive behaviours. We conducted ten focus groups and sixteen individual interviews to explore sexual norms among youth in Bamako. Premarital sex, multiple partnering, condom use and transactional sex were discussed. The findings suggest that young people’s sexual norms are shaped by kin or authoritative elders as well as by external influences coming from Western culture. …

  9. Building Protection and Resilience: Synergies for child protection systems and children affected by HIV and AIDS

    This paper seeks to identify which HIV-specific issues are of relevance to child protection programming, and vice versa. …

  10. Education Sector HIV and AIDS Global Progress Survey: Mauritius Summary Report

    Mauritius Country Report for the 2011-2012 Education Sector HIV and AIDS Global Progress Survey.

  11. Parent-child communication about sexual and reproductive health in rural Tanzania: Implications for young people's sexual health interventions

    Background: Many programmes on young people and HIV/AIDS prevention have focused on the in-school and channeled sexual and reproductive health messages through schools with limited activities for the young people's families. The assumption has been that parents in African families do not talk about sexual and reproductive health (SRH) with their children. These approach has had limited success because of failure to factor in the young person's family context, and the influence of parents. …

  12. Child consent in South African law: Implications for researchers, service providers and policy-makers

    Children under 18 are legal minors who, in South African law, are not fully capable of acting independently without assistance from parents/legal guardians. However, in recognition of the evolving capacity of children, there are exceptional circumstances where the law has granted minors the capacity to act independently. …

  13. Aprendemos sobre sexualidad para orientar a nuestras hijas e hijos. Propuesta para trabajar con madres y padres de familia

    Este material educativo elaborado por la Dirección de Tutoría y Orientación Educativa (DITOE) del Ministerio de Educación para trabajar con madres y padres de familia, se enmarca en los Lineamientos Educativos y Orientaciones Pedagógicas para la Educación Sexual Integral (DITOE, 2008a). En dichos Lineamientos se identifican algunas dificultades que tienen madres y padres de familia para brindar información y orientación a sus hijas e hijos en temas de sexualidad, entre ellas puede mencionarse las siguientes: - No se sienten preparados para orientar en temas de sexualidad a sus hijas e hijos. …

  14. Teaching and the HIV/AIDS Pandemic: A School Case Study

    Background: This paper reports case study findings on how a school in Tanzania is attempting to integrate HIV/AIDS education. Methods: Interviews were held with the principal, 8 teachers, 8 pupils, the school nurse and 4 parents; observation of school environment and document analysis of posters, text books and school calendar was carried out to see evidence of HIV/AIDS activities in the school. Results: HIV/AIDS is integrated in the school curricula and some teachers have incorporated participatory pedagogy. However teachers lack support and teaching materials. …

  15. How to reach young adolescents: A toolkit for educating 10 - 14 year olds on sexual and reproductive health

    This toolkit was designed to be used by implementors such as experienced programme staff from NGOs, government offices or private industries who want to implement an SRH project for 10-14 year olds enrolled in primary school. The project activities within the toolkit rely on the implementor creating a strong partnership with local schools and community leaders. The toolkit presents several overlapping approaches to increase young adolescents’ sexual and reproductive health knowledge and improve their sexual behaviours.


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