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This publication by JCIE focuses on how governments, civil societies, corporations, and media in Cambodia are responding to the rising tide of HIV/AIDS infection that is afflicting the region The varied responses by each society to the rising threat offer critical and practical lessons. Equally important is the increasing recognition that many problems contributing to the spread of HIV/AIDS are cross-border issues that must be addressed collaboratively.
This multilingual directory contains information about 21 young media producers (17-25 years-old), who answered the project Launching the basis of a Network of Young Brazilian Media Producers for HIV/AIDS Prevention. UNESCO's initiatives on prevention of HIV/AIDS are mainly addressed to young people, considered as "the key agents of the fight against AIDS" by the United Nations. UNESCO attaches great importance to the use of the new Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in the dissemination of preventive information on STDs/HIV/AIDS among young people.
"Entre jóvenes. Comunicación y VIH" es un proyecto con diferentes líneas de acción, parte de un trabajo integral de la Red Regional Entre Jóvenes, que nuclea a cerca de cien organizaciones juveniles de base, urbanas y rurales, del MERCOSUR (Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay), de países andinos (Ecuador y Perú) y de Cuba. Desarrolla estrategias para jóvenes preocupados por dos derechos que les son propios: el derecho a la comunicación y el derecho a la salud. …
Messages conveyed both explicitly and implicitly in the media play an important role in the shaping of public understanding of issues, as well as associated policy, programme and popular responses to these issues. This paper applies discourse analysis to a series of articles on children affected by HIV/AIDS published in 2002/2003 in the English-medium South African press. …
The mission of the National AIDS Council (NAC) is to coordinate all HIV/AIDS activities in Zambia. Its mission is to provide national leadership for a co-ordinated multisectoral fight against HIV/AIDS. The need for effective communication cuts across all the objectives in the National Intervention Strategic Plan 2002-2005, NAISP. This communication strategy gives guidance to all stakeholders who wish to carry out communication activities in the area of HIV/AIDS. A key problem in the response to HIV/AIDS to date has been the lack of appropriate information available to the public. …
This analysis has been carried out in preparation for a conference of the Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA). The purpose of the analysis is to provide a coherent and comprehensive picture of the outcomes of meetings on HIV/AIDS and education in Africa held over the period December 1999 - June 2001. A total of 171 such meetings were identified for analytical purposes and have been analyzed in this document.
Los jóvenes y el VIH/sida en América Latina. Descripción general de su situación y las políticas que sugiere la International Planned Parenthood Federation para, junto a ellos, responder a la epidemia de VIH/sida. Se describen también enfoques y acciones realizadas por esta organización.
The HIV/AIDS training workshop for the Media was conducted from 2 - 4 November 2008. Its main objective is to educate and create awareness regarding HIV/AIDS to media professionals so they become change agents in delivering anti-stigma messages to millions of audiences in the UAE and the region. …
Panos Eastern Africa in collaboration with Panos Ethiopia conducted a rapid review on media coverage of HIV and AIDS-TB co-infections in Ethiopia with the aim of identifying challenges and opportunities in improving reporting on these issues. The objective of the research is to conduct a rapid review on media coverage of HIV and AIDS-TB co-infections based on qualitative and quantitative research with the aim of identifying the challenges and opportunities through critical analysis of the media coverage of HIV and AIDS and TB. …
La presente guía está diseñada para orientar y potenciar el trabajo de las organizaciones civiles con los medios de comunicación, el rol de los medios, como funcionan y como hacer que éstos pongan su atención en la problemática del VIH/sida. También entrega herramientas prácticas sobre como elaborar boletines de prensa, organizar conferencias de prensa, como hablar en entrevistas y debates, redacción de cartas al director, y otras estrategias de acceso.
Análisis desde la perspectiva de género de diezácuñas informativas emitidas en televisión en Barbados, Brasil, Canadá, Jamaica y Nicaragua. Se describen los roles tradicionales y no tradicionales asignados en cada caso y el contenido del mensaje. Se dividen en tres grupos: cuñas desiguales, cuñas sensibles y cuñas transformadoras. Finalmente se entregan elementos para la reflexión y sugerencias. Se incluye el enlace para ver las cuñas en YouTube.
Breve listado de recomendaciones para el tratamiento periodístico del VIH/sida. Entrega sugerencias en cuanto a estilo y lenguaje.
In response to the growing numbers of young people affected by HIV around the world, MTV (Music TV), the world's largest television network, has aired a global HIV prevention campaign since 1999, expanding it into a multicomponent campaign in 2002. Questions have been raised, however, about whether MTV is an appropriate channel for these messages, given its provocative content and its reach to those at the upper end of the socioeconomic scale. …
Guía con información práctica para ser utilizada por periodistas que cubran el mundial de fútbol de Sudáfrica 2010. Incluye información sobre el VIH/sida a nivel mundialá y específica en el caso del continente africano y Sudáfrica. Además contiene un listado de organizaciones con trabajo en VIH en Sudáfrica y pautas para evitar el uso de lenguaje sensible respecto al tema.
Processus de formulation du nouveau cadre stratégique 2009-2013. Belle illustration de l'approche participative des acteurs de lutte contre le sida dans la validation du rapport d'analyse de la situation nationale de l'épidémie et de la revue du CSN 2003-2007 est un numéro du bulletin trimestriel d'information, Info-SIDA, développé par le Secrétariat Exécutif Permanent du conseil National de Lutte contre le SIDA & les IST. Ce document se présente sous la forme d'un petit journal, dans lequel l'actualité relative au VIH et sida en République du Congo est présentée. …