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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Siyam'kela: Measuring HIV/AIDS-related stigma, A literature review

    Stigma has been identified as a complex, diverse and deeply rooted phenomenon that is dynamic in different cultural settings. As a collective social process rather than a mere reflection of an individual's subjective behaviour, it operates by producing and reproducing social structures of power, hierarchy, class and exclusion and by transforming difference (class, race, ethnicity, health status, sexual orientation and gender) into inequality. This document is a literature review about stigma in every sense of the word.

  2. Siyam'kela: Measuring HIV/AIDS related stigma. Examining HIV/AIDS stigma in selected South African media: January - March 2003. A summary

    The aim of the media scan - which is the focus of this report - is to provide a context for the Siyam'kela fieldwork, so that the reader has a snapshot view of how HIV/AIDS was portrayed in the popular television, radio and print media in South Africa at the time that the field research was undertaken. This report provides an executive summary of the process and findings of the media scan conducted between January and March 2003.

  3. Siyam'kela measuring HIV/AIDS related stigma. Tackling HIV/AIDS stigma: Guidelines for people living with HIV/AIDS who interact with the media

    It is very important to address HIV/AIDS stigma in order to improve the quality of the lives of people living with HIV/AIDS and to address prevention effectively. Powerful negative metaphors related to HIV/AIDS reinforce stigma and create a sense of otherness. Othering occurs when blame and shame are assigned to people living with HIV/AIDS. This sets a moral tone that contributes towards people conceptualising PLHAs as different, and guides thinking toward a "them" and "us" division. …

  4. Communications framework for HIV/AIDS. A new direction

    The Joint United NAtions Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) responded to the increasing epidemic of HIV/AIDS by initiating a participatory research process conducted through five consultative workshops to examine the global use of communications for HIV/AIDS prevention, care and support. This document describes the findings and recommendations of consultations on ways to make HIV/AIDS communication considerably more effective in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Carribean. …

  5. Respect and responsibility: strategy and action plan for improving sexual health

    Scotland-wide indicators published by NHS Quality Improvement Scotland show that teenagers in the most deprived areas are three times more likely to become pregnant than their counterparts in the most affluent parts of the country. Promoting positive sexual health is thus a key public health challenge for the Scottish Executive. Sexual health is not just the absence of disease but includes an intricate range of ethical, moral, cultural and social issues. …

  6. Youth's voices: report on sexual and reproductive rights in Central and Eastern Europe and Balkan countries

    In May 2006, ASTRA-Youth concluded a research done in 11 countries from Central and Eastern Europe and the Balkans. In average, 50 young people (between 16 and 30 years old) were interviewed in each country. The research focussed on the knowledge and attitudes of Youth towards Sexual and Reproductive Health issues in their countries. In addition, a cross cultural analysis of the data provided a clear picture of the commonalities and differences in attitudes and needs, giving the opportunity to share best practices and materials amongst participating countries. …

  7. Cadre stratégique national de lutte contre le VIH/SIDA et les IST 2009-2013

    Le Cadre Stratégique National de Lutte contre le VIH/SIDA 2009-2013 (CSN 2009-2013) constitue le document d'orientation de la réponse du Congo à l'épidémie du VIH/SIDA pendant les cinq prochaines années. Le CSN 2009-2013 s'inscrit dans la perspective de consolidation, capitalisation des acquis de la réponse nationale au VIH/SIDA, et de l'élargissement de la réponse en vue de l'accès universel aux services de prévention, de soins et de traitement et d'appui, en cohérence avec la stratégie nationale de réduction de la pauvreté. …

  8. Model Law on HIV and AIDS in Southern Africa

    This is a model Law on HIV in Southern Africa, made by members of SADC Parliamentary Forum. It is a guide to legislative efforts on HIV-related issues in Southern Africa. It aims to provide a legal framework for the review and reform of national legislation related to HIV in conformity with international human rights law standards; and to promote the implementation of effective prevention, treatment, care and research strategies and programmes on HIV and AIDS.

  9. Getting the Story and Telling it Right, HIV on TV: A Handbook for Television Producers and Trainers

    Telling the HIV story can be done with respect, dignity and sensitivity. It needs exposure to priority issues so that a wide range of stakeholders including individuals, households, communities and policy-makers can be involved in preventive action. Recognizing the need to accelerate non-formal preventive education, UNESCO's Network of Young TV Producers on HIV and AIDS facilitates workshops through which 200 TV producers have been able to create more than 100 TV items for free transmission in more than 70 countries. …

  10. Atelier régional sur le rôle des médias

    Ce document concerne la préparation de l'atelier régional organisé par le Bureau régional de l'éducation de l'UNESCO dans les États arabes à Beyrouth, en collaboration avec le Ministère de l'information de la République du Liban. Le thème principal de cet atelier était le rôle des médias dans la sensibilisation aux dangers du VIH et sida. Cet atelier a eu lieu entre le 21 et le 23 septembre 2004. Cette action s'inscrit dans le cadre des efforts déployés par l'UNESCO pour la lutte contre le VIH et le sida et le renforcement du rôle des médias en faveur de la prévention dans les pays arabes. …

  11. Bate Papo - Dicas de prevenção á DST/AIDS

    Esta banda desenhada faz parte de uma colecçao que foi elaborada pelo Programa Municipal de DST/AIDS de Cubatao no Brasil. O material que é totalmente colorido e destinado a crianças e adolescentes, mete em cena sete jovens à procura de informaçoes sobre o HIV/SIDA. Neste numero, os jovens fazem perguntas a um médico por intermédio da internet. As perguntas sao acerca das doenças sexualmente transmissíveis, os meios de transmissao e o exame do HIV/SIDA.

  12. Guía para la cobertura del VIH/SIDA

    El manual está diseñado tanto para aquellos periodistas que se dedican por primera vez a informar acerca de la epidemia mundial como para los que ya lo hicieron con anterioridad.

  13. TV soap operas in HIV education: reaching out with popular entertainment

    This publication focuses on the potential of a particular genre of television drama, soap opera, to make significant contributions to national and regional programmes that aim to accelerate progress towards universal access to HIV prevention, treatment and care. …

  14. VIH/SIDA: guía para la cobertura periodística: América Latina;debates para la reflexión

    Seáproponen acciones más comprometidas del periodismo, donde la propia identidad deberá responder en todo tiempo a las abstracciones necesarias para el cumplimiento de la tarea. El periodista es parte fundamental en la construcción de democracia, en la redefinición de ciudadanía, en la formación de opinión, en la protección cultural, en la deliberación permanente para la constitución del bien público.

  15. Law on prevention of human immunodeficiency virus infection, and acquired immune deficiency syndrome

    The purpose of this Law shall be to define the powers of the state bodies and local self-administrative organisations, responsibilities of the health organisations, medical doctors and health workers, rights and responsibilities of citizens, and people infected by the human immunodeficiency virus infection and acquired immune deficiency syndrome, regarding the prevention of and the fight against the human immunodeficiency virus Infection and acquired immune deficiency syndrome; and to regulate the relations with regard to the implementation of the above mentioned powers, responsibilities and r …


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