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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. First Principles: Designing Effective Education Programs for School Health in Developing Countries Compendium

    This compendium is intended for USAID education officers as a practical guide to support governments in developing countries that desire to establish or strengthen school health programs, sometimes also called schools-based health promotion programs. The most important factor for the success of robust school health programs in developing countries has been the creation of strong partnerships between ministries of education and ministries of health. …

  2. The health promoting school: international advances in theory, evaluation and practice

    In the 1990s, the European Network of Health Promoting Schools was founded by the European Commission and WHO's Regional Office for Europe after a number of conferences and workshops on the settings-based approach to health. …

  3. Evaluation of school health promotion HIV/AIDS in Manus Province: is it effective or not effective

    Information, education and communication are the avenues that can be used to inform people about the spread, impact and prevention of HIV/AIDS. Through the assistance of the NAC, Manus has been fortunate in the delivery of health promotion on HIV/AIDS via these different avenues and by targeting different audiences. For instance, every year the town schools participate in celebrating the World AIDS day and theatre groups perform in schools with funds allocated for by the Provincial AIDS office. …

  4. Rethinking school health: a key component of Education for All

    For the goals of Education for All (EFA) to be achieved, children must be healthy enough not only to attend school but also to learn while there. Because school health and nutrition programs specifically benefit poor, sick, and hungry children, they can make a key contribution to achieving EFA's goals. However, children can benefit only if the programs reach them. …

  5. School Health Education Guidebook, Pakistan

    As part of capacity building for school health programmes, UNESCO and the National Commission for Human Development, Pakistan have developed and produced training materials for teachers and health workers on School Health Education in Urdu and Sindhi languages. The Guidebook includes two sections: Section I focuses on major areas such as the importance of health education in schools, characteristics of school health, preparation for health education sessions and different approaches for health education. …

  6. School health and nutrition manual: a guide on how to implement programs in Malawi

    The purpose of this manual is to guide Save the Children staff and its implementing partners in Malawi on how to implement a SHN program in primary schools at district level. The guidance comes from Save the Children's program experience in Mangochi district and is mainly aimed at helping staff involved with the new SHN program in Zomba. In particular, the target audience for this manual is the SHN program manager (at the Save the Children national office) and SHN program officers and assistants at both field and national levels. …

  7. The hidden work of caring: teachers and the maturing AIDS epidemic in diverse secondary schools in Durban

    In this article, authors argue that teachers are dealing with the consequences of HIV/AIDS in their schools and classrooms. By focusing on the pastoral care of teachers work with learners, authors explore the ways that teachers understand the care component of their school work, and describe what they actually do for learners who are either infected or affected by AIDS. Many teachers are in some or other way involved in care work, but the conditions of schools determine the nature and extent of the care work that teachers are called to deliver. …

  8. Roseau Declaration on the Education Sector's Response to HIV and AIDS

    This declaration is the conclusion of the special session on the response of the education sector to HIV & AIDS. It was written at the meeting of Ministers of Education of the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States, participating in a meeting in Roseau (Dominica), the 27th January 2007. The objectif is to establish harmonised comprehensive policies and to ensure access for all HIV infected and affected children to educational opportunities and healthcare.

  9. Creating a caring school: a guide for school management teams with accompanying toolkit

    Creating a Caring School: A Guide for School Management Teams is intended to assist school leadership and management to better understand and address the socio-economic context of schooling and the barriers to education, in particular HIV and AIDS and poverty, that the majority of South Africa's learners face daily. Addressing these barriers is a prerequisite for teaching and learning to take place. …

  10. Creating a caring school: a toolkit for school management teams with accompanying guide

    Creating a Caring School: A Guide for School Management Teams is intended to assist school leadership and management to better understand and address the socio-economic context of schooling and the barriers to education, in particular HIV and AIDS and poverty, that the majority of South Africa's learners face daily. Addressing these barriers is a prerequisite for teaching and learning to take place. …

  11. National School Health and Nutrition Strategy, Nepal

    Focusing on school children, this strategy entails a description of the global initiatives and national response related to school health and nutrition. The strategy describes four strategic objectives aimed to develop physical, mental, emotional and educational status of school children. These objectives include improving the use of school health and nutrition services by school children; improving healthy school environment; improving health and nutrition behaviours and habits; and strengthening community support system and policy environment. …

  12. Directory of support to school-based health and nutrion programmes

    Building on information gathered during a previous survey (2000), this survey provides an update and overview of support to school health and nutrition (SHN) programmes in low income countries. The survey provides an analysis of the information gathered from 38 organizations and serves to highlight areas of ongoing concern and emerging trends and issues since 2000.

  13. Health promotion, schools and community: the labyrinth of implementation. Observations and lessons from the Ibero-American experience

    This publication focuses on how to successfully promote health through schools in Latin American countries and the typical stages involved in transforming practices and policies. Schools and communities in the region have learned a great deal about how to work in situations of complexity, crisis and emergencies, often with limited resources and in uncertain politico-institutional contexts. These examples from Latin America show what every day people in schools and communities can do to improve the human condition. …

  14. Health-promoting schools: a resource for developing indicators

    This book emerged from a series of workshops the Technical Secretariat of the European Network of Health Promoting Schools (ENHPS) initiated on practice and evaluation of the health-promoting schools approach. Chapter 1 presents a brief historical overview of the ENHPS by addressing some of the most important events and conferences. Chapter 2 discusses the stakeholders - students, teachers, parents, communities and researchers - and their potential roles in collaborating to develop health-promoting schools. …

  15. Health Advisory Committee toolkit

    To implement the education sector's comprehensive response to HIV, the Ministry of Education Jamaica, in its National Policy for the Management of HIV/AIDS in Schools, recommends that every school in Jamaica establish a Health Advisory Committee. This toolkit provides practical tips and tools to support schools and education administrators in planning and managing a workplan of HIV and AIDS prevention education activities for the entire school community.


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