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The ‘Bridging the Gap: IEC 4 LGBTI’ Handbook has been developed to support organisations working with lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people in southern Africa to develop effective IEC materials. Recognising and addressing the needs of LGBTI in southern Africa is a relatively new field for many organisations. …
The main objective of NACP IV is to: i. Reduce new infections by 50 percent (2007 Baseline of NACP III); ii. Provide comprehensive care and support to all persons living with HIV/AIDS and treatment services for all those who require it. This will be achieved through the following strategies: i. Intensifying and consolidating prevention services with a focus on (a) high-risk groups and vulnerable population and (b) general population; ii. …
This report presents the key findings and recommendations of the review of Myanmar's legal framework and its effect on access to health and HIV prevention and treatment services for people living with HIV and key affected populations.The review was conducted through a partnership of UNAIDS, UNDP and Pyoe Pin in the period August - December 2013, in consultation with the National AIDS Programme. …
Objective: This qualitative study explored the views and experiences of adolescents with perinatally acquired HIV in Kigali, Rwanda, regarding sex, love, marriage, children and hope for the future. Design: The study enrolled 42 adolescents who had received combination antiretroviral therapy for at least 12 months, and a selection of their primary caregivers. Study methods included 3 multiple day workshops consisting of role-playing and focus group discussions (FGDs) with adolescents, 8 in-depth interviews with adolescents, and one FGD with caregivers. …
In this Review – Off label – the experience of participants in a microcode trial is analysed, operating from the idea that “as condoms and gels are employed (or not employed) in people’s everyday lives, these technologies acquire their own unique signification. In some cases, these meanings could be quite different to those intended by health care professionals”. …
(June 2014) Around 270,000 people were living with HIV in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) as of the end of 2012, according to the Joint United Nations Programme on AIDS (UNAIDS). This translates to an overall HIV prevalence of 0.1 percent among adults ages 15 to 49, one of the lowest rates in the world. But other statistics tell a different story. Between 2001 and 2012, the number of new infections in MENA grew by 52 percent—the most rapid increase in HIV among world regions. …
Recent scientific advances centred on the use of anti-retrovirals (ARVs) – both prophylactically to prevent HIV acquisition (pre-exposure prophylaxis, or PrEP) and for treatment to minimize onward transmission (treatment as prevention, or TasP) – have led to a new-found optimism for control of the HIV/AIDS epidemic and the possibility of creating an “AIDS-free generation”. In order to translate this optimism into reality, large and sustained reductions in incident HIV infections are required. …
The Global AIDS Response Progress Report 2014 provides an appraisal of progress towards achieving High Level Meeting (HLMs) targets set in 2001. Zimbabwe participated in the high level meeting during the 65th Session of the United Nations General Assembly held in June 2011 to review progress made in the HIV and AIDS response since 2001. Goals were set in the National HIV and AIDS Strategic Plan (ZNASP 2011 ‐ 2015) in order to achieve the HLMs targets. …
The World AIDS Day (WAD) has been observed each year since 1988 worldwide. Every year, on the first of December, World AIDS Day comes as an opportunity to look back at our commitments, achievements and shortfalls in HIV prevention, treatment and care. It is an opportunity for awareness-raising and advocacy to gain the commitment of the leadership and policy- makers in response to HIV and AIDS and to draw the attention of the general population and the key affected populations and vulnerable groups to adhere to safety precautions and prevent HIV and AIDS. …
The second National HIV and AIDS Advocacy and Communication Strategy (NHACAS) for Tanzania has been developed to enhance cross-cutting communication support to the priority strategies identified in the National Multisectoral Framework for HIV response in Tanzania. The first chapter of NHACAS provides an overview of situation analysis and HIV response in Tanzania. The Strategic Objective section illustrates a framework and recommends approaches for addressing the context of HIV response highlighting lessons learnt and successful global interventions. …
Conformément à la déclaration de l’Assemblée Spéciale de Nations Unies sur le VIH, en 2001, ayant refléter le consensus sur le cadre global visant à atteindre l’Objectif 6 du Millénaire pour le Développement (stopper la propagation du VIH et amorcer l’inversion de la tendance actuelle de l’épidémie d’ici 2015), les Etats membres ont pris l’engagement de rendre compte à échéance de deux ans sur l’état de la réponse dans leurs Pays respectifs. …
Moçambique mantém a sua classificação entre os dez países mais afectados pelo HIV no mundo. A epidemia ameaça o futuro económico e social do país. Em alguns lugares, mais de um quarto dos adultos estão infectados pelo HIV. Estima-se que aproximadamente um milhão e meio de moçambicanos vivem com o HIV. Cerca de 800 mil são mulheres e cerca de 200 mil são crianças. Cerca de 120 mil novas infecções ocorrem anualmente. Estas acontecem principalmente entre casais serodiscordantes, seguidos de trabalhadoras do sexo comercial, assim como dos múltiplos parceiros concomitantes (GARPR, 2014). …
O Plano Operacional de Comunicação em HIV/SIDA é relativo aos anos 2011 e 2012. Este plano e as matrizes em anexo permitem uma melhor coordenação entre os intervenientes na Resposta ao HIV/SIDA, é um instrumento para criar interligações entre os actores chave, identificar esforços e lacunas, parceiros locais, nacionais e internacionais, tendo em vista uma comunicação eficaz e com impacto. O plano foi elaborado à luz dos documentos estratégicos da Resposta Nacional ao HIV e SIDA.
This 73-page report documents how government inaction and misinformation from high-level officials have undermined the effectiveness of South Africa’s program to provide rape survivors with post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) — antiretroviral drugs that can reduce the risk of contracting HIV from an HIV-positive attacker.
More than 7,200 Romanian children and youth age fifteen to nineteen are living with HIV—the largest such group in any European country. The vast majority were infected with HIV between 1986 and 1991 as a direct result of government policies that exposed them to contaminated needles and “microtransfusions” of unscreened blood. Despite Romania’s progressive expansion of access to antiretroviral drugs, these children and youth face pervasive stigma and discrimination that often impedes their enjoyment of basic rights and services. …