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Each day 300 - 500 people in Zambia become infected with HIV. About 900,000 people are living with HIV/AIDS, and of these 200,000 people need ARV treatment. The scale up of ARV treatment is based on the National HIV/AIDS/STI/TB Framework for 2003 - 2008. …
The Southern African HIV/AIDS Information Dissemination Service (SAfAIDS), with support from the Knowledge for Health (K4Health) project, has conducted a series of national HIV information needs assessments in southern Africa to support the planning and development of a knowledge management program. This program aims to increase the dissemination and use of accurate, evidence-based, and up-to-date information in order to improve HIV prevention in the region. …
To contribute to the achievement of RH and HIV integration, SAfAIDS and Youth Vision Zambia in partnership with Population Action International commissioned a 15 days rapid situation analysis to establish the current national baseline of existing national policies, HIV and RH integration programmes and opportunities for advocacy for increased integration. …
La présente politique nationale vise à garantir aux travailleurs un développement socio économique durable par une approche cohérente et équitable de la lutte contre le VIH/sida sur le lieu de travail et la gestion des conséquences de l'infection notamment en termes de traitement, de soins et de soutien aux travailleurs vivant avec le VIH/sida. Elle s'adresse au gouvernement, aux employeurs publics et privés, aux travailleurs de l'économie formelle et informelle et à leurs représentants, aux associations professionnelles, aux acteurs et institutions intervenant dans le monde du travail.
Le Togo comme les autres pays d'Afrique subsaharienne est touché durement par la pandémie du VIH. Avec une prévalence de 3.2%, le Togo compte en 2008 en moyenne 130.000 personnes vivant avec le VIH (PVVIH) dont 69% de femmes. Sur le plan national la riposte nationale est organisée par le Conseil National de Lutte contre le SIDA et les IST (CNLS/IST). Ainsi après la mise en oeuvre du premier plan stratégique 2001-2005, le Togo a élaboré son deuxième plan stratégique national (PSN) 2007-2010. Dans la mise en oeuvre de ces plans le ministère de la santé joue un rôle central au niveau national. …
This publication, the Polish Policy on HIV/AIDS Prevention in 1985-2005 is the fruit of efforts of all groups which have been directly involved in the HIV/AIDS actions since the beginning of the epidemics. The authors are researchers, people working on social issues as well as representatives of non governmental organizations. The Policy gathers those, who day after day put their efforts in common to counteract HIV/ AIDS, which is not only a medical issue, but also a social, economical and for some countries a political challenge. …
La Política Nacional de Prevención y Control de ITS, VIH y Sida es un conjunto de acciones, directrices, lineamientos, disposiciones y procedimientos lógicos y objetivos definidos por consenso y revestidos de legalidad, emanados por el Estado nicaragüense para la conducción de la respuesta nacional a la epidemia de VIH y Sida, afrontándola de forma integral como un problema de desarrollo de grave impacto social y económico. …
El Programa Nacional de Control de SIDA/ITS en coordinación con el ONUSIDA impulsó una convocatoria a varios sectores gubernamentales y de la sociedad civil organizada, así como organizaciones de personas viviendo con VIH y SIDA para participar en la elaboración del plan estratégico de respuesta nacional a ITS/VIH y SIDA, obteniendo una execelte respuesta a la convocatoria y alto nivel de compromiso de los representantes de las instituciones convocadas.En base a un análisis de las diferentes problemáticas planteadas se identificaron y definieron cuatro problemas para ser abordados e investigad …
As Barbados responds to the changing face of the HIV and AIDS epidemic, the NHAC has designed fresh approaches for improved results in the National Strategic Plan for HIV Prevention and Control 2008-2013. The NSP will therefore build and improve on the achievements of the NAP to date. Guided by Goal three of The National Strategic Plan of Barbados 2005-2025, the current Strategic Plan is framed within the context of other national, regional and global priority development goals. …
The Government of Malawi, in collaboration with partners, developed the National HIV Prevention Strategy that will guide HIV prevention interventions for the period September 2009 to December 2013. The national strategy addresses key gaps in prevention programming in Malawi's national HIV response. It calls for a strategic focus on the main drivers of the HIV epidemic to reduce sexual transmission of the virus. This includes a concerted effort to reduce concurrent and multiple sexual partnerships and identifying discordant couples and reducing HIV transmission between them. …
The Philippines has maintained a low prevalence rate in HIV and AIDS. With the current spike in the number of reported cases, however, the country may not be able to keep it at the present level. There is growing evidence that the next Country Response to HIV and AIDS must catch up with, if not overtake, the spread of the epidemic at its present rate. …
In this qualitative study, members of the HIV and AIDS community were recruited through AIDS service organizations to test whether web environments could serve as educational platforms on treatment-related topics. The research team collected demographic characteristics andádata on Internet use. Group interviews were used to gather data on usability of the study environment, preferences for information formats, use of the message forum, and other sources for learning on treatment information. …
This advocacy poster containing key messages and briefing paper were developed by GNP+ and the World AIDS Campaign by and for youth. They emerged from a literature review, key informant interviews and an online survey of 168 youth livign with HIV from 55 countries. The messages are also available in French, Spanish, and Russian.
This toolkit, created by USAID, AED, and collaborating organizations, provides resources relevant to the treatment, care, and support of adolescents living with HIV worldwide (ALHIV), namely training; treatment literacy and adherence; counseling and disclosure; life skills; prevention and reproductive health; psychosocial support; human rights and advocacy; peer education; adolescent transitioning and research, policy, and promising practices.
There is a substantial burden of HIV infection in adolescents in southern Africa who acquired HIV perinatally. It is evident that they contribute substantially to hospital admissions and in-hospital deaths. There is an urgent need for services that will be able to provide accessible and appropriate HIV testing, counseling, and support, as well as facilitate access to ART and appropriate sexual risk-reduction interventions. …