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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Survival of HIV-infected adolescents on antiretroviral therapy in Uganda: findings from a nationally representative cohort in Uganda

    Adolescents have been identified as a high-risk group for poor adherence to and defaulting from combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) care. However, data on outcomes for adolescents on cART in resource-limited settings remain scarce. The authors developed an observational study of patients who started cART at The AIDS Service Organization (TASO) in Uganda between 2004 and 2009. Age was stratified into three groups: children (less than or equal to 10 years), adolescents (11-19 years), and adults (greater than or equal to 20 years). …

  2. PMTCT (Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission) Trainers Manual

    The Fiji, Vanuatu, Kiribati and Solomon Islands PMTCT Training Package is based largely on the 2007 update of the PMTCT Generic Training Package (GTP) that was developed under the direction of the World Health Organization and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for adaptation by countries and regions across the globe. This PMTCT Training Package is expected to play a key role in accelerating the scale up of PMTCT services in the Pacific region through training of healthcare workers to implement appropriate, quality services for PMTCT.

  3. PMTCT (Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission) Participant Manual

    The Fiji, Vanuatu, Kiribati and Solomon Islands PMTCT Training Package is based largely on the 2007 update of the PMTCT Generic Training Package (GTP) that was developed under the direction of the World Health Organization and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for adaptation by countries and regions across the globe. This PMTCT Training Package is expected to play a key role in accelerating the scale up of PMTCT services in the Pacific region through training of healthcare workers to implement appropriate, quality services for PMTCT.

  4. Towards Universal Access. Scaling up priority HIV/AIDS interventions in the health sector. 2010 Progress Report

    This report reviews the progress made in 2009 in scaling up access to selected health sector interventions for HIV prevention, treatment and care in low- and middle income countries. It is the fourth in a series of annual progress reports published since 2006 by the World Health Organization (WHO), United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) and the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/ AIDS (UNAIDS) in collaboration with international and national partners to monitor key components of the health sector response to the HIV epidemic worldwide.

  5. HIV Counselling Handbook for the Asia-Pacific

    This handbook was developed for trainers, counsellors in training, and working counsellors to assist them in delivering high-quality HIV testing and counselling services. It highlights the important contribution of counsellors to HIV prevention, care, and support activities and forms one of three parts of the HIV Counselling Resource Package, which also includes trainer's session plans, participatory learning activities, and an HIV counsellor's toolkit.

  6. Our Health Our Right: The Roles and Experiences of PLHIV Network in Securing Access to Generic ARV Medicines in Asia

    This book aims to inform networks of People Living with HIV (PLHIV) and concerned civil society organizations about how patents can make their medicines more expensive and what they can do about it. It provides a step-by-step basic guide to enable these stakeholders to minimise the number of medicines that are patented in their country, and still ensure that medicines are affordable even if they are patented. The book also explains how some free trade agreements and other treaties can make medicines even more expensive. …

  7. Needs, challenges and opportunities: adolescents and young people living with HIV in Zambia

    The aims of this qualitative study, carried out in 2010, were twofold. The first was to explore and document the psychosocial, sexual and reproductive health (SRH) needs of adolescents (10-19) living with HIV in Zambia. The second aim was to identify gaps between these needs and existing SRH and HIV-related initiatives and services currently available to young people.

  8. Need and Significance of HIV/AIDS Preventive Education in Pakistan

    This book gives a comprehensive view about threats of HIV/AIDS. The global, regional and national scenario as well we the impact of this disease, on socio economic development is explained in detail. It also throws light on the important role and the challenges being faced by education sector for prevention from the epidemic.

  9. A gender-based analysis of HIV/AIDS in Belize

    In this report, we present a Gender-Based Analysis (GBA) of HIV/AIDS in Belize. Added analysis of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and gender-based violence (GBV) is provided, as they affect biological risks and social vulnerabilities and help inform the GBA of HIV/AIDS. The objective is to explore current epidemiological patterns and trends, access to testing and treatment, health-related outcomes, and various risk factors associated with contracting HIV/AIDS among men, women, boys and girls living in Belize.

  10. Les femmes à l'épreuve du VIH dans les pays du sud: genre et accès universel à la prise en charge

    Alors que les programmes de prévention et de traitement ont permis des avancées majeures dans les pays du Sud, les femmes vivant avec le VIH, majoritaires en Afrique, bénéficient-elles de ces progrès à égalité avec les hommes ? Mères et futures mères d'enfants exposés, quelle expérience ont-elles des systèmes de soins ? Les responsabilités qui leur incombent en matière de prévention et de charge des soins au sein des couples et des familles, associées aux exigences des programmes sanitaires sont-elles, pour elles, sources de difficultés supplémentaires ? …

  11. Guia de Tratamento Clínico da Infecção pelo HIV em pediatria

    A necessidade de rever e sistematizar questões complexas e controversas no âmbito da terapêutica anti-retroviral - TARV - em crianças levou o Programa Nacional de Doenças Sexualmente Transmissíveis e Aids, do Ministério da Saúde, a constituir grupos de trabalho para discussão e elaboração de documentos que refletissem o Consenso Nacional a propósito do tema. O primeiro Consenso sobre Terapia Anti-retroviral em Crianças foi publicado em 1997. …

  12. Prevenção e atenção às IST/AIDS na saúde mental no Brasil : análises, desafios e perspectivas

    Este livro descreve os resultados de um excelente e pioneiro projeto multicêntrico de pesquisa de âmbito nacional, o projeto PESSOAS, que examinou as condições clínicas, sociais e comportamentais de vulnerabilidade dos indivíduos com transtornos mentais às infecções e doenças sexualmente transmissíveis, entre as quais o HIV, a sífilis e as hepatites B e C. Este esforço resultou de uma colaboração profícua entre os dois Programas Nacionais do Ministério da Saúde diretamente envolvidos no projeto: o Programa Nacional de DST e Aids e a Coordenação Geral de Saúde Mental. …

  13. Plano Brasileiro de Vacinas Anti-HIV 2008-2012: Pesquisa, Desenvolvimento e Inovação

    O Brasil se tornou referência no combate à aids a partir de sua política de acesso universal ao tratamento anti-retroviral, organizada por um Programa eficiente, baseado na visão de política pública de seu Ministério da Saúde. Entretanto, os avanços no conhecimento da infecção pelo HIV que ocorrem no cenário internacional evidenciam a necessidade de esforços governamentais mais abrangentes para ampliar o desenvolvimento de novos processos e produtos que viabilizem a profilaxia da infecção pelo HIV no País. …

  14. Protocolo para a prevenção de transmissão vertical de HIV e sífilis

    Diante do desafio ainda representado pela transmissão vertical do HIV e da sífilis na saúde pública do Brasil, a despeito dos avanços obtidos neste domínio. …

  15. Educational attainment and HIV status among Ethiopian voluntary counseling and testing clients

    We examined the association between HIV infection and educational attainment level among a population of 34,512 voluntary counseling and testing (VCT) clients in Ethiopia, using client data from the Family Guidance Association of Ethiopia (FGAE). Overall, more than 50 percent of the VCT clients report at least secondary level educational attainment, and HIV prevalence is 8.5 percent for men and 14.3 percent for women. …


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