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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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Search results

  1. A qualitative review of psychosocial support for young people living with HIV

    The increasing effectiveness and availability of highly active antiretroviral treatment (HAART) during the past decade has resulted in the survival into adolescence of thousands of children born with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who would otherwise have died in childhood. At the same time, despite growing awareness about effective interventions to prevent HIV transmission among young people, they still make up 45% of new transmissions worldwide. …

  2. Impact of HIV and AIDS on education in the Greater Mekong Sub-Region

    This paper examines the impact of HIV and AIDS on education in the Greater Mekong Subregion using thje Ed-SIDA model, looking at the demand for and the supply of education. It concludes that HIV and AIDS might have a noticeable impact on the supply of education in the region, particularly in terms of cost.

  3. Manual del usuario del equipo multidisciplinario que brinda Targa: Trabajo Social

    Manual de procedimientos para profesionales que conforman los equipos multidisciplinarios encargados de administrar el TARGA a nivel nacional en Perú. Se incluye información general, sintomatología y procedimientos, además de especificaciones para distintos tipos de pacientes y la atención social pertinente. El documento está orientado principalmente a la asistencia socialáy no así alápsicológico oáfarmacológico.

  4. Manual del usuario del equipo multidisciplinario que brinda Targa: Psicología

    Manual de procedimientos para profesionales que conforman los equipos multidisciplinarios encargados de administrar el TARGA a nivel nacional en Perú. Se incluye información general, sintomatología y procedimientos, además de especificaciones para distintos tipos de pacientes y la atención psicológica pertinente. El documento está orientado principalmente al tratamientoápsicológico y no así al social o farmacológico.

  5. Manual del usuario del equipo multidisciplinario que brinda Targa: Enfermería

    Manual de procedimientos para profesionales que conforman los equipos multidisciplinarios encargados de administrar el TARGA a nivel nacional en Perú. Se incluye información general, sintomatología y procedimientos, además de especificaciones para distintos tipos de pacientes. El documento está orientado principalmente al tratamiento médico y no así al social o psicológico.

  6. Cuidados en el hogar y adherencia al tratamiento antirretroviral de niños, niñas y adolescentes con VIH. Manual para capacitar a padres y cuidadores

    Manual para el tratamiento y cuidado de niños y adolescentes que viven con VIH/SIDA. Incluye desde aspectos básicos como higiene y alimentación hasta detalle de terapia antirretroviral. Está orientado a capacitadores de salud para que orienten a padres y cuidadores de estos niños, en un formato de módulos educativos.

  7. Learning about HIV/AIDS: our schools, our future, our responsibility

    This booklet is designed to protect teachers and to help them teach and train their colleagues and students about HIV/AIDS and STIs. It includes lots of accurate information, self study tasks and activities teachers could use in their training and teaching. It is written by PNG teachers. It reflects the priorities and policies of the Department of Education.

  8. Children and AIDS: Fourth Stocktaking Report, 2009

    In 2005, the epidemic's consequences prompted UNICEF, the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) and other partners to launch Unite for Children, Unite against AIDS, a global campaign to focus attention and resources on mitigating the worst effects of HIV and AIDS on children and young people. Four years into this effort, many lives have been saved or improved because national governments, non-governmental organizations, local communities and international organizations have been examining the evidence and responding. …

  9. PAHO Caribbean HIV/STI plan for the health sector, 2007 to 2011

    The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) has developed a Caribbean-specific plan called The PAHO Caribbean HIV/STI Plan for the Health Sector, 2007 to 2011. The plan is aligned with the overall strategies and targets endorsed by Caribbean Governments under the broader Regional HIV/STI Plan for the Health Sector, 2006-2015 for Latin America and the Caribbean.The document is organized in five parts: Part One: Situation Analysis, discusses the current HIV/STI situation and the program/policy environment in the Caribbean. …

  10. The global economic crisis and HIV prevention and treatment programmes: vulnerabilities and impact

    The global economic crisis threatens recent gains in health and poverty reduction in developing countries. What is the effect of the crisis on HIV programmes, especially in high HIV prevalence countries? What are the possible consequences? What can be done to avoid negative impacts? Much is at risk: increased mortality and morbidity, unplanned interruptions or curtailed access to treatment, with increased risk of HIV transmission, higher future financial costs, increased burden on health systems and reversal of economic and social development gains.

  11. Getting the Story and Telling it Right, HIV on TV: A Handbook for Television Producers and Trainers

    Telling the HIV story can be done with respect, dignity and sensitivity. It needs exposure to priority issues so that a wide range of stakeholders including individuals, households, communities and policy-makers can be involved in preventive action. Recognizing the need to accelerate non-formal preventive education, UNESCO's Network of Young TV Producers on HIV and AIDS facilitates workshops through which 200 TV producers have been able to create more than 100 TV items for free transmission in more than 70 countries. …

  12. HIV and AIDS Policy

    The impact of the epidemic has given a new dimension to the University's social responsibility in the wake of changing socioeconomic milieu. The development and adoption of the University HIV and AIDS Policy is intended to facilitate the domestication of the National HIV and AIDS Policy and the Education Sector HIV and AIDS Policy within the Egerton University setting as a specific workplace and learning institution.This policy document acts as a guideline for effective adoption of HIV and AIDS prevention, care and support programmes and activities within the University and its environs.

  13. Zambia HIV/AIDS Service Provision Assessment Survey 2005

    The 2005 Zambia HIV/AIDS Service Provision Assessment (ZHSPA) survey was designed to collect baseline information on the availability and quality of HIV/AIDS and related services in the formal health sector in Zambia. The survey collected information on the preparedness of health facilities to provide high-quality preventive services as well as care and support to people living with HIV/AIDS. …

  14. Morocco: a national AIDS response

    The Moroccan AIDS response gave rise to the National Strategic Plan, which now serves as a reference throughout Africa. The National Strategic Plan has contributed to keeping the national seroprevalence at a low level. This document outlines the process of development and the key elements of the plan: sentinel surveillance of HIV; syndromic case management of sexually transmitted infections; social communication in respect to HIV; confidential voluntary HIV counselling and testing; and case management.

  15. Estimates of the Impact of HIV and teacher ART take-up on the Education Sector on the achievement of EFA in Rwanda

    This impact analysis revealed that the number of HIV positive teachers is likely to increase, as could AIDS mortality and absenteeism. ART, particularly second-line ART could reduce these problems and save money. HIV prevalence in Rwandan teachers could reach 12% by 2015. Considerable effort is required to reduce pupil-teacher ratios and increase orphan school attendance. Rwanda can celebrate its successes in increasing net enrolment.


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