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The National HIV Prevention Strategy (2009-2013) is a guiding tool for planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluating and resource mobilization for HIV prevention interventions. The strategy will provide practical guidance for improving current HIV prevention programming for maximum impact. The goal of the strategy is to reduce new HIV infections in order to further mitigate the burden and impact of HIV and AIDS in Malawi. …
To assist Member States in preparing and submitting their 2010 Country Progress reports, UNAIDS has released the new UNGASS Guidelines on Construction of Core Indicators for 2010 reporting. The new guidelines provide essential information on the composition of core indicators for reporting including the purpose of the indicator, methods of measurement and a summary interpretation of the indicator. The guidelines are also intended to ensure consistency of information across countries for accurate global progress analysis.
The report shows that HIV and AIDS has varied and far reaching socio-economic impacts to the persons infected and affected and to the economy in general. These effects cannot be ignored in any of the sectors and the economy as a whole, if national and millennium development goals are to be achieved. HIV and AIDS has the greatest effect on people in their prime years of economic productivity, and is uniquely devastating as it increases poverty and reverses human development achievements. …
An analysis was carried out to indirectly estimate the imapct of HIV on the education sector in Kenyan provinces using the Ed-SIDA model which uses teacher demographic information and combines this with epidemiological projections to determine the number of teachers who are living with HIV, their AIDS absenteeism and associated mortality. The main results were that HIV prevalence among Kenyan teachers can be expected to be high, 15%, due to teachers belonging to vulnerable age groups. …
The dynamics and impact of HIV in humanitarian crises are complex. They depend on the kind of crisis: is it the result of conflict, a rapid-onset natural disaster (such as a flood or cyclone), or a slow-onset emergency caused by drought or environmental degradation? It also depends on the HIV prevalence rate before the crisis, the political situation, the scale and duration of the crisis, the existing infrastructure and services and the level of awareness of HIV. Case studies from five countries facing very different emergencies and HIV prevalence rates were backed by a literature review. …
This report is a guide to HIV/AIDS and human rights in the Southern African region. It seeks to describe the extent to which SADC countries have used and implemented selected guidelines from the International Guidelines on HIV/AIDS and Human Rights; describe good legal, policy and human rights practices in relation to HIV and AIDS and outline key human rights challenges facing People Living with HIV/AIDS in the SADC region. The first chapter describes the context for the report, including the most current statistics on HIV prevalence in the region. …
This law provides for HIV/AIDS prevention and control. After general considerations on HIV and AIDS, especially in Vietnam, this document establishes social measures in HIV/AIDS prevention and control (the role of information, education and communication, the mobilization of families, organizations and individuals in HIV/AIDS prevention and control). It alsoáexamines medical technical measures in HIV/AIDS prevention and control (testing, treatment and care of infected people).
The Government of Papua New Guinea (GoPNG) has endorsed a National Strategic Plan (NSP) for HIV and AIDS 2006 to 2010. An annual planning exercise for the implementation of the NSP is undertaken each year which aims to bring stakeholders together into one planning cycle. The outcome of the process is intended to be an approved GoPNG HIV Development Budget and Plan for the coming year containing details of funded activities to support NSP implementation. …
This paper traces Uganda's experience of HIV/AIDS, and the reaction of the government, civil society and communities of Uganda to the epidemic. The motives underlying the decision in 1986 of the National Resistance Movement (NRM) government to admit there was an HIV/AIDS epidemic in the country are examined. While the HIV prevalence rate was documented to have started dropping as of 1993, it was not until 2000 that President Yoweri Museveni began using the HIV/AIDS epidemic as a success story. …
O presente documento, o PNCS II, vem pois responder à necessidade de assegurar a continuidade dos ciclos de planificação. O PNCS II é concebido como um Plano de médio termo e visa cobrir o horizonte temporal 2004 - 2009. Porém algumas das projecções que ele comporta estendem-se pelos próximos 10 anos. …
The national response to HIV/ AIDS reflects Indonesia's participation in fulfilling international commitments, specifically the resolutions set forth in the UNGASS and ASEAN Declarations on HIV/ AIDS in 2001. HIV/ AIDS was also discussed in a special cabinet session in March 2002. In this context, a greater role for PLHA needs special consideration. Based on comprehensive review of the literature and extensive consultation with related parties and specialists, seven program priority areas for the next 5 years have been identified: 1. HIV/ AIDS Prevention, 2. …
Présentation du cadre stratégique national de lutte contre le VIH/SIDA 2006-2010
For the past several years Estonia has ranked number one in Europe in the amount of new HIV infections. The seriousness of the situation is reflected in the fact that the number of new HIV infections per 1,000,000 people in Estonia exceeds that of the majority of EU member states by dozens of times. The general objective of the national HIV and AIDS prevention strategy for 2006-2015 (hereinafter the strategy) is to achieve a permanent decline in the spread of HIV in Estonia. …
Despite the magnitude and dire consequences of the growing number of orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) in South Africa, and elsewhere in sub-Saharan Africa, there is insufficient documentation of the strategies deployed to improve the well-being of these children. In an attempt to fill these knowledge gaps, the U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (emergency plan)/South Africa commissioned Khulisa Management Services to research and write 32 case studies of emergency plan-funded OVC programmes in South Africa. …
The World Bank developed its initial Multi-Country AIDS Program (MAP) in 1999, their program to reduce the impact and future path of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in sub-Saharan Africa. Since that time, the landscape surrounding the epidemic has changed dramatically. Given this new information, the World Bank has decided to update its approach regarding the HIV/AIDS epidemic, and write a new strategy plan, Agenda for Action 2007-2011. …