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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. 2° encuesta mundial de salud escolar Argentina 2012

    El objetivo de la segunda Encuesta Mundial de Salud Escolar es: Proporcionar datos precisos sobre comportamientos relativos a la salud, factores de riesgo y de protección entre los alumnos, para: - Establecer prioridades, elaborar programas, diseñar los recursos en los mismos y formular políticas de salud escolar y de los jóvenes. - Brindar la posibilidad a los gobiernos, las agencias internacionales y otros organismos de hacer comparaciones entre los países y dentro de los mismos sobre la prevalencia de los comportamientos relativos a la salud y los factores de protección. …

  2. Regional module for teacher training on comprehensive sexuality education for East and Southern Africa

    The module was developed as a resource to support pre–service training of teachers for the delivery of school–based sexuality education in East and Southern Africa.

  3. Promoting student health and wellbeing: a guide to drug education in schools

    Promoting Student Health and Wellbeing: A Guide to Drug Education in Schools is intended for school Boards of Trustees, principals, and teachers of drug education within the context of the health and physical education curriculum. The guide provides information and guidance for schools on developing and implementing drug education programmes. It also outlines how these programmes are supported by a whole-school approach to promoting health and wellbeing that links to wider school communities.

  4. Programa de participación estudiantil: guía metodológica para padres, madres y representantes. Educación preventiva integral de los usos y consumos problemáticos de alcohol, tabaco y otras drogas en el sistema educativo nacional 3

    El Ministerio de Educación, rector de la política educativa, consciente de la importancia que se debe ofrecer a la Educación Preventiva Integral de los Usos y Consumos Problemáticos de Alcohol, Tabaco y otras Drogas, propone material pedagógico para abordar el fenómeno social de las drogas en el Sistema Nacional de Educación. …

  5. Programa de participación estudiantil: guía metodológica para estudiantes. Educación preventiva integral de los usos y consumos problemáticos de alcohol, tabaco y otras drogas en el sistema educativo nacional 2

    El Ministerio de Educación (MINEDUC) entrega a ustedes estudiantes de 1ero y 2do de bachillerato este material, el cual tiene como objetivo invitarles a conocer, analizar y reflexionar sobre el el fenómeno social de los usos y consumos problemáticos de drogas. Con este material se propende llegar al desarrollo de sus habilidades sociales y capacidades para llegar a la toma de decisiones conscientes e informadas. En el mundo se analizan nuevas formas de enfrentar fenómenos sociales como el de los usos y consumos problemáticos de drogas. …

  6. Programa de participación estudiantil: guía metodológica para docentes. Educación preventiva integral de los usos y consumos problemáticos de alcohol, tabaco y otras drogas en el sistema educativo nacional 1

    El Acuerdo Ministerial N° 0444-12 describe los lineamientos y pautas para la implementación del Programa de Participación Estudiantil en las instituciones educativas del país. En el artículo 3, se plantean las opciones del programa y una de estas es Prevención Integral de los Usos y Consumos Problemáticos de Drogas. Esta opción considera la prevención como un proceso integral que se centra en el ser humano. …

  7. Consumo cuidado: guía para acompañar acciones de prevención en la escuela: hablemos del tema

    Desde el Programa Nacional de Educación y Prevención sobre las Adicciones y el Consumo Indebido de Drogas (Ley nacional N° 26586), trabajamos con el objetivo de promover valores y actitudes que fortalezcan las capacidades de las personas y su entorno para prevenir las adicciones y el uso indebido de drogas. “Hablemos del tema” es el eslogan que guía las acciones del programa a partir del convencimiento de que la escuela es un espacio privilegiado para abordar esta cuestión sin temores ni prejuicios. …

  8. Drogas nas escolas: versão resumida

    A presente edição foi especialmente preparada para atender as escolas brasileiras. Trata-se da versão resumida do livro Drogas nas Escolas, de Mary Castro e Miriam Abramovay lançado em 2002 com grande repercussão na imprensa. A pesquisa que deu origem a esse livro procurou privilegiar a visão de mundo dos alunos, do corpo técnico-pedagógico das escolas e dos pais, sobre o consumo de drogas e temas correlatos. O estudo envolveu crianças e jovens do ensino fundamental e médio de 14 capitais brasileiras. …

  9. Substance use in South-East Asia: knowledge, attitudes, practices and opportunities for intervention: summary of baseline assessments in Thailand, the Philippines and Viet Nam

    The Global Initiative on Primary Prevention of Substance Abuse (Global Initiative) is jointly executed by the United Nations International Drug Control Programme (UNDCP) and the World Health Organization (WHO). Implementation began in June 1997. The Global Initiative aims to prevent the use and abuse of all licit and illicit psychoactive substances by young people. The project is implemented in selected communities in eight countries in three regions of the world where rapid/dramatic social change is in progress. …

  10. Skills for drug education in schools: a manual for teachers and trainers

    This comprehensive training manual is suitable for teachers and trainers to support the implementation of a skills-based drug education programme in schools. It is based on evidence-based principles of drug education in schools. It was developed through a consultation process involving school education authorities and drug implementation agencies of participating countries to ensure its relevance to the target group. The focus of the manual is on the training of teachers and trainers on the skills for drug education, utilizing experimental learning approaches. …

  11. A young peer trainer's guide to provide sexual health and drug-related harm reduction education

    This guide is the result of a series of workshops conducted in 2009 and 2010 by young people in Romania, India, Mexico and Canada. During these workshops, the authors identified gaps in the information young people have regarding sexual health and drug use. They also identified the best ways to talk about drug use and sexual health among young peers. This guide provides information, practical activities, and resources to facilitate youth-led peer trainings. …

  12. Report of the working group on educational materials for use in SPHE in post-primary schools and centres for education with particular reference to substance use education in the context of SPHE

    This Report sets out the current context for Social, Personal and Health Education (SPHE) in Chapter Two. It notes the approval of an integrated SPHE curriculum for Junior Cycle in 2000 along with the establishment of the SPHE Post-Primary Support Service which was a collaborative initiative with the Department of Health. The SPHE Curriculum was introduced to primary schools from 1999 and the SPHE curriculum for post-primary schools was introduced in 2003. …

  13. Bridging the gap between evidence and practice: a multi-perspective examination of real-world drug education

    Aims: The study examined normative school drug-education practice in Scotland and the extent to which it reflected the evidence base for effective drug education. Methods: Current guidance in Scotland was compared with systematic review evidence on drug-education effectiveness; a survey was mailed to primary, secondary and special schools (928 questionnaires returned); and 100 drug-education lessons were systematically observed across 40 schools. Findings: Nearly all schools provided drug education but modes of delivery and learning approaches did not always reflect the evidence base. …

  14. Four questions to ask as school governors

    This two-sided briefing paper lists the most important questions that governors should be asking head teachers. 1) How does our PSHE provision match up to Ofsted’s standards? 2) How does our curriculum prepare pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life? Are pupils learning how to make good decisions when faced with risky situations? 3) Are drug-related incidents managed with confidence and consistency, and in the best interests of those involved? …

  15. Plan gouvernemental de lutte contre les drogues et les conduites addictives : plan d'actions 2013-2015

    Adopté le 19 septembre 2013 lors d’un comité interministériel présidé par le Premier ministre en présence de l’ensemble des ministres concernés, le plan gouvernemental de lutte contre les drogues et les conduites addictives définit la stratégie de la France pour les années 2013-2017. Elaboré sur le modèle du plan de l’Union Européenne en la matière, ce plan stratégique sera décliné en deux plans d’actions successifs, programmés sur une durée de deux ans chacun. Ce document présente le premier plan d’actions, préparé pour la période 2013-2015. …


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