New York: UNDP, 2014. 59 p.
Grubb, Ian
Avafia, Tenu
Pradichit, Emilie
This manual provides guidance on planning and holding a National Dialogue on HIV and the Law. It highlights key principles, processes, best practices and lessons learned from Regional Dialogues held by the Global Commission on HIV and the Law in 2011, and from countries that have already held a National Dialogue to advance the recommendations of the Global Commission. The manual includes links to practical tools that may be adapted to a specific country context, as well as other resource materials. Although this manual is primarily intended as a resource for United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) staff members in Regional Service Centres and Country Offices who are already involved in staging a National Dialogue, it can also be a useful resource for civil society organizations, national AIDS control bodies as well as national and international actors more broadly. Still other stakeholders in the National Dialogue such as Advisory Committee members can make use of this manual. This manual can also help the Country Dialogues being undertaken to inform the development of HIV concept notes and proposals for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.
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