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This study is an article extracted from "Studies in Family Planning" published in December 2008. The objective of this study is to analyse the sexual transition in Mali, and more precisely in a poor zone of Bamako. It is based mainly on a survey (a questionnaire ) conducted in 2002 to 2000 young people from urban and rural area. The analysis consisted of descriptive statistics, survival curves and logistic regressions. The study provided indicators of the links between sexual transition, the modernization of Malian society, and sociocultural and economic trends. …
This study is an article extracted from "Studies in Family planning" published in December 2008 by Population Council. The aim of this article is to know if there is an age to start sexual intercourse, to marry or to bear a child. This study propose a division of adolescence into three age categories -early adolescence (ages 10-14), middle adolescence (15-17), and late adolescence (18-19) instead of using the customary 15-19 to better capture the age-specific variations in the trajectories of male and female sexual, marital and reproductive events. …
Ce document fait partie d'une série de livret élaboré par l'UNESCO dans le cade du Projet Spécial UNESCO/DANIDA pour les femmes et les filles en Afrique. Ces livrets sont destinés aux femmes néo-alphabétisées et aux filles non scolarisées. Cependant, les messages contenus dans les histoires peuvent être utilisés comme matériels pédagogiques de lecture supplémentaire au sein du système formel pour les lecteurs des deux sexes. Les sujets des livrets, basés sur les évaluations des besoins, reflètent un large éventail de besoins et de conditions des femmes d'Afrique sub-saharienne. …
Koffi... la rue... le sida est une bande dessinée, éditée par l'UNESCO en 2003 dans le cadre du Programme d'Education des Enfants en Situation Difficile. Elle s'adresse avant tout aux éducateurs et aux enfants des rues, particulièrement exposés au VIH/sida en raison de la promiscuité dans laquelle ils vivent et des risques de contraintes sexuelles auxquelles ils sont exposés. Il vise à transmettre des informations objectives et liées aux risques objectifs concrets auxquels les enfants des rues sont confrontés afin de les aider à réduite leur vulnérabilité face au VIH et au SIDA. …
You, Your Life, Your Dreams is a book that helps young people make informed decisions about their sexual lives. Easy to read and visually attractive, it provides accessible, objective, and urgently-needed information on a broad range of sexual and reproductive health issues. …
This manual is aimed at young people working with groups of young people, to help set up an effective HIV/AIDS health promotion programme. However, the manual is also useful for anyone working with young people to improve their health and life skills. …
This report seeks to describe the current situation of the HIV epidemic, the key challenges faced by adolescents and young people, and the actions that UNICEF is taking to respond in each region.
The MKA clubs dynamic school and community extra curricular setting aims to invigorate HIV and AIDS prevention and mitigation efforts among people of all ages, particularly the youth. Clubs members include out-of-school youth, orphans and children with HIV and AIDS, as mandated in their by-laws, stimulating community-wide dialogue about youth development and HIV. Club activities for teachers, youth and community members include training in club formation, leadership skills and how to elect officers, facilitate club meetings and manage club activities. …
This study is an article extracted from "Studies in Family Planning", special issue on "Adolescent sexual and reproductive health in Sub-Saharan Africa", published in December 2008. As formal schooling spreads within sub-Saharan Africa, a growing proportion of adolescents remain enrolled in school when they "come of age". As a consequence more and more adolescents have to negotiate sexual maturation and sexual initiation in a different context than from that of counterparts in prior generations. …
Le Luxembourg n'a pas de coordinateur national pour le HIV/SIDA. Le comité de surveillance du Sida assure ce rôle et suit ce qui se passe en matière de HIV/SIDA au niveau des différents ministères et de la société civile. Le Ministère de la santé à chargé le Comité de surveillance du SIDA d'élaborer un nouveau plan d'action de lutte contre le HIV/SIDA, axé en premier lieu sur la prévention. …
The National AIDS Control Programme (NACP) has registered 4047 cases of HIV and 455 cases of AIDS till December 2007. In Pakistan, the epidemic has been registered as concentrated with HIV prevalence among intravenous drug users above 5%. The overall objective of the component under evaluation of Round 2 GFATM (Global Fund for AIDS, Tubercolosis and Malaria) proposal was to improve knowledge of HIV transmission among street children of Karachi from baseline of 5% to 60% by 2006. …
The Regional Strategic Framework for the Protection, Care and Support of Children Affected by HIV/AIDS provides guidance to the eight member states of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) on a consistent approach across South Asia to the protection, care and support of children affected by HIV/AIDS. The regional framework promotes a universal approach to ensure children affected by HIV/AIDS have access to the same public and social support systems which are available to other children, rather than being separated or singled out. …
The objective of the operation is to improve the response of the education sector to the HIV/AIDS epidemic, as a partner in the multi-sectoral strategy of prevention and mitigation in each country. To achieve this objective, the program will develop and support the implementation of effective intervention models for use by the education sector to reach in and out of school youth, as well as the regional dissemination of results and leveraging of other available funding outside this project. …
This study aims to assess the effectiveness of Jamaica's current and planned response to HIV and AIDS in the education sector, highlighting strengths and critical gaps. It outlines parameters for a strategic planning exercise that will develop an action plan for the period 2006-2010 for the education sector which in turn will contribute to the preparation of the National AIDS strategy for the same 5 year period. The report is based on data obtained through a review of documents, stakeholder interviews and field visits in Kingston, Browns Town and Ocho Rios. …
This surveyed was commissioned to Life Quality Promotion Centre (Life Centre) by Save the Children UK with the main objectives to (i) find out Knowledge-Attitude-Practice (KAP) of children and youth related to HIV and AIDS and other related topics, and (ii) assess the needs for care and support of HIV and AIDS-infected and affected children and youth. …