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This education booklet is produced by Soul City under the multi-media health and development programme and is aimed at 12-18 year olds in South Africa, Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia and Swaziland. It addresses the HIV and AIDS and Tuberculosis pandemic in sub-saharan Africa by positively informing adolescents about sexual behaviours in order to reduce the incidence of teenage pregnancy, HIV and other STD's. It deals with a range of issues that affect and has an impact on sexual decisions and choices that young people make. …
This education booklet is produced by Soul City under the multimedia health and development programme and is aimed at 12-18 year old young people in South Africa, Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia and Swaziland. It addresses the HIV and AIDS pandemic in sub-saharan Africa by positively informing adolescents about sexual behaviours in order to reduce teenage pregnancy, HIV and other STD's. It deals with a range of issues that affect and has impact on sexual decisions and choices that young people make. …
"Sara" is a very popular children's educational comic strip. Sara, the charismatic heroine of the series is an adolescent girl living in urban Africa. Like many girls of her age, she faces insurmountable socio-cultural and economic obstacles in her desire to attain her goals in life. Consisting of seven volumes, the stories are aimed at young female adolescents between the ages of 12-18 years in or outside school. The series can also be used at secondary school level. In this booklet entitled: 'Choices', the main character is seen as a communication tool for teenage pregnancy prevention. …
This document has been prepared to help people make a case for school-based efforts to address and improve family life, reproductive health, and population education, and to plan, implement, and evaluate school-based efforts as part of the development of a "Health-Promoting School". …
This programme is included in the Source Book of HIV/AIDS Prevention Program that presents 13 cases studies of good and promising practices of HIV/AIDS prevention programs in Sub-Saharan Africa. The Midlands AIDS Service Organisation (MASO) targets 10 -24 year olds, in and out-of-school youth in urban and rural areas of the Midlands province of Zimbabwe. This programme aims to encourage safer sexual practices among youth, reduce the prevalence of HIV/AIDS in the general population, and promote positive living among people who have been infected and affected. …
This programme is included in the Source Book of HIV/AIDS Prevention Program that presents 13 cases studies of good and promising practices of HIV/AIDS prevention programs in Sub-Saharan Africa. Students Partnership Worldwide (SPW) is a non-profit NGO whose aim is to make young people central to the development process. SPW Tanzania advocates that young people have much to offer, and their age can be an advantage when discussing sensitive issues. …
This study provides an initial examination of the potential of open, distance and flexible learning (ODFL) to mitigate the affects of HIV and AIDS on young people, through an examination of experiences from Mozambique and South Africa. It analyses national AIDS policy and identifies major ODFL initiatives to translate this policy into practice. It explores the learning needs and favourite ways of learning of young people affected by HIV and AIDS, and suggests ways for ODFL to support and extend the work of existing infrastructures. …
This methodological guide aims to offer a flexible and adaptable training tool, able to effectively assist facilitators when they need to deal with the issue of HIV and AIDS with the street children. In addition, it offers tools in order to measure the effectiveness of the facilitators' interventions.
Youth who do not attend school or who drop out prematurely miss many of the fundamentals of basic education - reading and writing skills, mathematics, and science. But they are also disadvantaged because they lose a valuable opportunity to learn about reproductive health and HIV in a stable and credible environment: the classroom. Such youth are vulnerable to misinformation from unreliable sources or possibly never learn about the issues at all. …
La Conférence mondiale sur l'éducation pour tous (Jomtien, Thaïlande, 1990) a confié à l'UNESCO la responsabilité de veiller à ce que ses Etats membres s'attachent activement à éliminer les disparités éducatives qui peuvent exister au détriment de certains groupes tels que les enfants en situation difficile ; ces derniers comprennent les enfants vivant dans la rue, les enfants travailleurs, les enfants exploités, les enfants infectés par le VIH/sida, les enfants de parents démunis ou séparés, etc. …
This article discusses the links between poverty, HIV/AIDS, and barriers to education, based on the first-hand experiences of 'street children' in northern Tanzania. Within the context of national levels of poverty, 'cost-sharing' in health and education sectors, and the AIDS epidemic, poor families in Tanzania are under considerable pressure, and increasing numbers of girls and boys are consequently seeking a living independently on the streets of towns and cities. …
Uganda AIDS Commission and the Youth Communication Program: In response to the Presidential initiative which seeks to improve the HIV/AIDS communication support to youth in the country, UAC will spearhead a comprehensive communication program for young people in Uganda, starting with primary schools. This program will support intensive and sustained communication and community mobilization initiatives for children and young people for the prevention of further spread of the HIV in Uganda. …
The paper reports presentations from a conference to share experience of HIV/AIDS work with mobile populations in South East Asia.
L'approche sectorielle de l'épidémie du VIH /SIDA a amené les acteurs du système éducatif dans différents pays à aborder la question de son incidence sur l'école. L'UNESCO dans le cadre de son programme régional en Afrique a développé de nombreuses interventions. Les jeunes, en particulier les filles et les jeunes femmes âgées de 15 à 24 ans sont les plus vulnérables à l'infection au VIH. Cette tranche d'âge est celle qui constitue également la population scolaire. Elle est en outre le groupe qui doit assurer la relève pour le développement des pays africains. …
L'étude a été commanditée par l'Institut de l'UNESCO pour l'Education (IUE) auprès du ROCARE régional basé à BAMAKO. L'étude portant sur la contribution de l'éducation non formelle en matière de prévention du VIH/SIDA a débuté depuis le 1er octobre 2005.Il comporte deux volets; le premier a pris fin le 28 Octobre 2005. Il a permis de faire l'inventaire des ONG oeuvrant dans le domaine de l'éducation non formelle en matière de prévention du VIH/SIDA, puis de sélectionner une de ces organisations ayant des pratiques efficaces en la matière. …