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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. My changing body: puberty and fertility areness for young people

    This is a manual for human development and fertility teachers of very young adolescents (VYA). It provides participatory activities on fertility awareness (understanding of maturing bodies and emotional changes that accompany puberty, empowering them to make informed decisions in their sexual behavior) and body literacy (understanding how bodies function, gender roles, power relations, social norms). VYA often lack information and skills to deal with the social, emotional, physical changes of puberty. …

  2. Connections training of trainers workshop meeting report

    Connections is an adolescent and parent programme that helps girls and their mothers to become more confident and comfortable to talk about gender, relationships and sex. The programme provides information and life-skills around issues including puberty, growing up, relationships, dating, sexuality, pregnancy prevention, gender rights, alcohol use and parent-to-adolescent communications. The programme covers both the biological aspects of sex, and broader relational aspects such as peer and romantic relationships, love, reproduction, gender rights, HIV, risk-taking and peer influence. …

  3. My changing body: fertility awareness for young people

    My Changing Body: Fertility Awareness for Young People is not a comprehensive sexuality education manual, but it goes into detail about one of these topics - fertility awareness. My Changing Body provides accurate, factual information about puberty in objective and reassuring terms for young people. What youth learn from My Changing Body will help them to become more self-confident, practice good health habits, and gain a positive self-image. …

  4. Prevenção das DST, HIV e AIDS

    O propósito da série Adolescentes e Jovens para a Educação entre Pares, do Projeto Saúde e Prevenção nas Escolas (SPE), propósito não é ser apenas mais um conjunto de fascículos, e sim trazer provocações e aprofundar o conhecimento que os(as) adolescentes e jovens têm a respeito de temas presentes em toda a sociedade, e que, muitas vezes, são tratados de maneira equivocada ou com preconceitos. Ao mesmo tempo, deseja orientar o trabalho por meio de oficinas, debates e leituras. Pretende, também, provocar reflexões e instigar o diálogo sobre as temáticas do SPE dentro das escolas brasileiras. …

  5. Manual de Formação de Facilitadores. Educação e Aconselhamento em Sexualidade, Saúde e Direitos Reprodutivos de Adolescentes e Jovens

    Elaborado pelo Instituto Nacional para o Desenvolvimento da Educação, o presente Manual oferece marcos norteadores na abordagem das temáticas da sexualidade e saúde direcionada a jovens e adolescentes. Conceitos centrais, tais como saúde sexual, direitos reprodutivos, puberdade, métodos contraceptivos, gravidez na adolescência, aborto, planejamento familiar são abordados. Um destaque particular também é feito em relação às questões de Gênero e à prevenção de DTS/HIV/SIDA.

  6. Life Skills Based Sexual and Reproductive Education, HIV/AIDS Prevention. Summary and Analysis of the Evaluation Survey Results

    To curb the spread of HIV/AIDS among young people, in the period from December 2001 to February 2004, the project Coordinated Support to the Health and Development of Young People in Latvia was implemented by the Ministry of Education and Science and UN agencies (UNAIDS, UNICEF, UNDP, UNFPA and WHO) and the overall goal of the project was to limit spread of HIV/AIDS among young people through increased access to information and services on HIV/AIDS such as life skills based HIV/AIDS education, peer education and youth friendly health services. …

  7. Hé les Miss !

    Hé les Miss ! est un petit guide édité en 2007 par l'Aide Suisse contre le Sida (ASS) de Zurich et l'Office fédéral de la santé publique (OFSP) à Berne. Il s'adresse aux adolescentes et vise à leur fournir, au moyen d'un langage simple et accessible, des informations essentielles sur leur santé et leur corps afin de leur permettre de vivre au mieux cette période particulière qu'est la puberté. …

  8. The blue book. What you want to know about yourself (15+ years)

    This booklet was prepared for young people aged 15-19. Young people have many misconceptions and questions about sexuality issues. Their queries are often based on fragmented information. Accurate information is essential to promote a healthy sexuality. These booklets explain issues such as puberty, what happens to boys' and girls' bodies, sex and sexuality, how babies are made, infections and abuse. They also provide answers to such questions as: What is happening to my body? What is this sex stuff really all about? When is the right time to start? What is safer sex? Am I attractive? …

  9. The red book. What you want to know about yourself (10-14 years)

    This booklet is prepared for young people aged 10-14. Young people have many misconceptions and questions about sexuality issues. Their queries are often based on fragmented information. Accurate information is essential to promote a healthy sexuality. The booklet explains issues such as puberty, what happens to boys' and girls' bodies, sex and sexuality, how babies are made, infections and abuse. It also provides answers to such questions as: What is happening to my body? What is this sex stuff really all about? When is the right time to start? What is safer sex? Am I attractive? …

  10. The world starts with me!

    This is an innovative, computer-based, online curriculum on sexual and reproductive health and rights for secondary schools in Indonesia, Kenya, Thailand and Uganda. It combines information technology (IT) skills-building and creative expression with sexual health and rights (SRH) education, using experiential learning as the didactic method and following the principles of three combined approaches: adolescents' development, behaviour change and the human rights-based approach. …

  11. The Questions Adolescents Ask Most Frequently About. Vol 1: Growing Up and Their Answers

    The GTZ supported Reproductive Health Project of Tanzania developed youth-friendly education materials, with basic facts about human physiology and reproduction, sexuality, prevention of unwanted pregnancies and HIV/STIs, as well as about partnership and communication between partners. Based on the most frequently asked questions adolescents had on a range of sexual and reproductive health issues, a multidisciplinary team of specialists together with young people de-veloped six "question-and-answer" booklets. …

  12. Criança livre do HIV/SIDA: Informação para crianças sobre o desenvolvimento do corpo humano, saúde sexual e HIV/SIDA

    Este livro, que foi realizado pela Save The Children UK em Moçambique, procura de forma clara e simples orientar a criança de modo a que esta possa estar informada sozinha, com amigos ou pessoas adultas sobre os vários assuntos relacionados com as DST's/HIV/SIDA. Vários exercícios, desenhos e questionários, permitem à criança ter conhecimento de diferentes temas entre os quais : o corpo humano, o aparelho reprodutor feminino e masculino, as DST's, o HIV/SIDA e o abuso sexual.

  13. Children for health. Children as partners in health promotion

    This document was published by the Child-to-Child Trust in 2005. This book advocates and aims to strengthen the provision of good quality health education for all children. This document consists of 3 parts : Part 1 : "Children as partners"; part 2 "Children's action"; part 3: "Facts for life: Prime messages and supporting information". The book is illustrated with examples of inspiring work being done across the world by educators and health workers dedicated to improving the lives of children and their families. The book is designed for teacher and health workers. …

  14. Les questions posées le plus souvent par les adolescents sur la Croissance et leurs réponses. Vol. 1.

    Le Programme Santé et Lutte contre le Sida de la GTZ a élaboré avec des adolescents un ensemble de 5 livrets abordant l'adolescence, les relations hommes-femmes, les rapports sexuels, les relations saines, le VIH et sida et la nouvelle génération. Il s'agit d'une adaptation aux besoins et aux réalités de la Guinée d'une précédente collection de livrets produite pour la Tanzanie. Ce premier livret est consacré aux questions liées à l'adolescence et à la puberté (organes génitaux, transformations corporelles.). …

  15. Life skills, health & family life and citizenship education, curriculum guide, level 3, draft (IBE appraisal)

    "Life Skills, Health & Family Life and Citizenship Education, Curriculum Guide for Level 3, Draft" is a guide edited by the Ministry of Education of Guyana in collaboration with UNICEF in 2002. It is a draft document to support the teaching and learning of this critical area of the curriculum. This document can serve as a focal point for departmental and regional sub-committee meetings, where methodologies and strategies for both teaching and assessing are deliberated on. …


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