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"Health and Family Life Education, Activity Guide, Grade Two" is a document edited by the Ministry of Education of Guyana in 2004. It is made to assist teachers as they start the process of delivering life skills based education. The questions which accompany each scenario are intended to offer guidance in developing the skill. …
Les filles: guide du corps féminin - Les garçons: guide du corps masculin est un petit guide édité par l'association mauricienne Prévention, Information et Lutte contre le Sida en 2008. Il s'adresse aux filles et aux garçons en période de puberté et vise à leur fournir, au moyen d'un langage simple et avec de nombreuses illustrations, les réponses aux questions relatives aux changements corporelles, à la santé ou encore à la sexualité qu'ils se posent souvent à cet âge. …
Ce document est une synthèse d'évaluation faite par le BIE. Mon bouclier contre le sida au CM2 est un manuel destiné à l'élève du CM2 au Tchad. Il a été élaboré par le Ministère de l'Education nationale du Tchad et la coopération allemande par l'entremise de la GTZ, en partenariat avec les services de santé, de l'administration scolaire et des Associations de parents d'élèves. Il fait partie d'un ensemble plus large de manuels intitulés "Mon bouclier contre le sida" destinés aux élèves du cours élémentaire deuxième année, et ceux des cours moyens 1er et 2ème années. …
This document is a toolkit developed by the International HIV/AIDS Alliance in 2007.It aims to support community groups to work in a practical and thorough way on improving understanding and relationships between women and men. Through this, it aims to promote sexual well-being, strengthen communities and help to prevent HIV. This toolkit is aimed at individuals and organisations that support communities to address HIV and AIDS and related issues. Examples include training organisations, NGOs, and organisations implementing interventions in communities. …
This toolkit shares the experiences of a project on sexuality and life skills led by the International HIV/AIDS Alliance started in 2003. The toolkit is based on a number of workshops and discussions with teachers and students. Throughout the development of the toolkit, students contributed questions, stories, problem letters and pictures. The result is a series of three books developed with teachers and learners in Grades 4 to 9 from 14 schools in the Chipata District of Zambia. …
Este documento fue publicado en 2002 por la Cruz Roja Juventud. Esta guía se centra fundamentalmente en la prevención que se puede lograr a través del marco de la educación sexual y se dirige a los educadores y las educadoras. Con este guía, los autores quisieran lograr tres objetivos. El primero es que los educadores, y el resto de las personas que lean esta guía, asuman que son piezas claves en la prevención. El secundo objetivo es proponer elementos informativos y metodológicos que permitan realizar esta tarea con eficacia. …
This document introduces the electronic version of Family Life and HIV/AIDS Education (FLHE), based on the Nigerian FLHE curriculum. The programme combines an e-learning environment for computers including One Laptop per Child (OLPC) and Classmate with a mobile phone service. This combination of digital tools, content formats and student-centred learning can be harnessed for learning and communicating about many topics. The programme is designed to work on any regular computer or the OLPC and Classmate computers. …
Sexuality Education Series for Young Persons, No. 6: Foundations of Human Sexuality Education is a document produced by B. Madunagu and N. Bassey in collaboration with GPI (Girls' Power Initiative) in 2007 in accordance to the Sexuality, Family Life & HIV/AIDS Education curriculum in Nigeria. The document is the 6th in the Sexuality Education Series for young persons and has been produced. The document condemns the taboo regarding any questions around human sexuality. …
This teachers' guide is part of the official Family Life and HIV Education (FLHE) curriculum in Nigeria. It includes sexual health topics from a scientific perspective. The main objective of the guide is to help learners to: (i) develop a positive and factual view of themselves; (ii) acquire the information and skills they need to take care of their health, including preventing HIV; (iii) respect and value themselves and others, and (iv) acquire the skills needed to make healthy decisions about their sexual health and behaviour. …
This document is part of a series of short storybooks for children which are about the story of a 10-year-old girl named Chela. Through her own experiences and the stories of her grandmother, she learns useful lessons of life. The documents introduce issues such as menstruation, sanitary pads, private parts and wet dreams. The four booklets also discuss alcohol, drugs and cigarettes, healthy eating, sexual harassment and abstinence before marriage. They aim to provide basic information on puberty in an easy-to-understand and entertaining manner. …
This document is part of a series of short storybooks for children which are about a 10-year-old girl named Chela. Through her own experiences and the stories of her grandmother, she learns useful lessons of life. The documents introduce issues such as menstruation, sanitary pads, private parts and wet dreams. The four booklets also discuss alcohol, drugs and cigarettes, healthy eating, sexual harassment and abstinence before marriage. They aim to provide basic information on puberty in an easy-to-understand and entertaining manner. …
This study is an article extracted from "Studies in family Planning", special issue on Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health in Sub-Saharan Africa, published in December 2008. The inconsistency between reported sexual behavior and HIV incidence has prompted some epidemiologists to question the conventional explanation for the African AIDS pandemic. This study represents one effort to investigate the reporting of premarital sex in rural southern Malawi. It summarizes the results from an interview-mode experiment conducted with unmarried young women aged 15-21. …
The Bangladesh Center for Communication Programs (BCCP) created the "Know Yourself" multimedia package with technical assistance from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health's Center for Communication Programs (CCP), the Health Communication Partnership (HCP), and several local partners including an ARH Working Group and supported by the U.S. Agency for International Development's Mission in Dhaka and the United Nations Children Fund. …
This report finds that, compared to the situation 20 years ago, young people are entering adolescence in better health and reaching puberty earlier. They are also more likely to attend school, more likely to postpone entering the labor force, and more likely to delay marriage and childbearing. These broad statements, however, capture only the average tendencies for young people in developing countries. Despite dramatic progress in certain areas, many young people still lack adequate schooling and good health-both of which are essential for ensuring their productivity and well-being. …
Choose a Future! is targeted at 10 to 19-year-old boys. It seeks to develop supportive relationships, expand analysis skills, decision-making, problem solving and negotiating skills and to increase access to resources. It is also designed to promote gender equality as well as tolerance, appreciation and diversity in order to prevent communal violence. The curricula are articulated around activities such as discussion, reflection and role-play to help participants apply their new knowledge and skills to their own situation. …