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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Adolescent reproductive and sexual health: an exploration of trends in Pakistan

    A report on the study conducted by Pakistan Voluntary Health and Nutrition Association (PAVHNA) to find out adolescent perceptions regarding sexual and reproductive health. The study also aimed to assess the level of physical and sexual abuse in the society with reference to four provincial cities of Pakistan: Karachi, Quetta, Swabi, and Gujranwala.

  2. Adolescents and youth in Pakistan 2001-2002: a nationally representative survey

    The Adolescents and Youth in Pakistan 2001-2002: A Nationally Representative Survey (AYSP) was funded by the Rockefeller Foundation, the Department for International Development (UK), and UNICEF (Pakistan). The AYSP provides an unprecedented view of young Pakistani people's experiences with and attitudes about education, employment, families, and marriage. The survey explores the transition to adulthood of Pakistani adolescents and the social and economic forces that shape the transition. …

  3. Mass media exposure among urban youth in Nepal

    This article presents data on both lifetime and daily exposure to specific mass media sources among Ne pal’s urban youth. It also presents in formation on preferred radio stations and television channels; the role of the mass media in disseminating messages about social and health is sues; the mass media as a source of in formation on contraceptive methods, HIV/AIDS and puberty; and their role as a source of sex education for boys and girls. Finally, it ex amines the factors that influence urban youths’ exposure to the mass media in Nepal.

  4. Youth-friendly services: a manual for service providers

    A training curriculum to strengthen the skills of health workers who provide reproductive health services to adolescent clients. The manual includes training activities that can be conducted with various levels of staff providing adolescent health services. Topics include the importance of working with youth, characteristics of youth-friendly services, youth sexual and reproductive health issues, service provider values about working with young people, gender roles, youth sexual and reproductive health issues, and communicating with young people.

  5. Puberty's wild ride: the ups and downs, ins and outs, zigs and zags of growing up

    A booklet produced for pre-teens and teens is meant to take some of the scariness out of growing up. Through games, illustrations, exercises and text, the booklet explores what's going on with a young person's mind, body and emotions. It explains how puberty's changes can affect the way youth related to family and to boys and girls their own age.

  6. Respecting healthy sexuality : for grades 9-12

    This publication is part of the Teenage Health Teaching Modules, a comprehensive health education curriculum for middle and high school students. The six sessions for grades 9 and 10 focus on assessing sexuality-related messages, using values to draw the line in relationships, and exploring the rights and responsibilities of healthy sexuality. The six sessions for grades 11 and 12 focus on essential skills for developing healthy relationships, dealing with challenging situations, and thinking about intimacy in relationships. …

  7. Growing into healthy sexuality: for grades 6-8

    This publication is part of the Teenage Health Teaching Modules, a comprehensive health education curriculum for middle and high school students. The eight sessions in this module emphasizes the importance of developing a healthy sense of self, understanding gender roles, and making safe, respectful decisions. The module includes three optional sessions on puberty and incorporates clear messages about abstinence. …

  8. Action for adolescent health: towards a common agenda. Recommendations from a joint study group

    The Study Group reviewed the scientific evidence regarding the effectiveness of key interventions for adolescent health; highlighted the essential factors and strategies needed to establish, implement and sustain programmes for adolescent health; developed a common framework for country programming; recommended priority actions to accelerate and strengthen programming for adolescent health, including the global and regional support needed for country-level programming.

  9. Addressing urgent issues [booklet] : looking beyond - bridging the gap : a newsletter on adolescence health programme : a serious effort of WBVHA

    The newsletter recounts the efforts of the West Bengal Voluntary and Health Association (WBVHA) in adolescents' problems. WBVHA is a leading health promoting agency mainly concerned with the basic health of common people. It works to prevent HIV, AIDS, malaria and promoters for caring adolescence health and taking unique steps. WBVHA has already been working with many schools in Kolkata and four districts in West Bengal.

  10. Socio-cultural aspects of menstruation in an urban slum in Delhi, India

    The paper attempts to understand the experience of menstruation in the socio-cultural context of an urban Indian slum. Observations were gathered as part of a larger study of reproductive tract infections in women in Delhi, using both qualitative and quantitative methods.

  11. The world's youth 2000

    The report, accompanying a data sheet, giving a profile of today's youth, provides data on population, education, and health with special focus on sexual and reproductive health.

  12. You, your life, your dreams : a book for adolescents

    The book was written for adolescents aged 14 to 19, to help them cope with challenges and decisions they may face during the transition period from childhood to adulthood. The book presents factual information about the changes that occur during this time of life, and about a range of other issues such as: how to stay physically and emotionally healthy, how to avoid sexually transmitted infections and unwanted pregnancy, how to handle pressure to have sex, and how to avoid drug and alcohol abuse. …

  13. Reproductive health of adolescents module: trainer's manual: understanding my body

    This module, "Understanding My Body" is one of the seven concepts presented in the Reproductive Health of Adolescents Module (RHAM) developed by FFPAM as a guide for educators, youth peer educators involved in the promotion of adolescent reproductive health. The module covers physical growth and emotional development during puberty, reproductive system and sexual response, and feelings of adolescents about their body image. …

  14. Sexualité des adolescents : tendances récentes en milieu rural sénégalais

    This study presents the trend with regard to age at first intercourse of men and women in rural Senegal. The start of the sexual life of men proved to be early for the young generations. The start of sexual life of women, on the contrary, appeared to be somewhat later, in one of the sites. These results confirm that of another study carried out in another rural zone in Senegal. The underlying factors seem to be the early puberty of boys, the contact with the urban culture through education, migration and the changes of norms with regard to sexuality. The rise of the age of marriage of men, combined with an earlier start of sexual life, leads to a longer period wherein the risk of non desired pregnancies exists. It is thus important to implicate boys in the prevention actions with regard to sexual and reproductive health.

  15. Santé reproductive des adolescents (es). Bouclette 4: grossesse non désirée

    Cette brochure sur la santé reproductive des adolescents est le dernier d'une série de quatre, produite dans le cadre du programme d'orientation, de conseil et de développement de la jeunesse pour l'Afrique. Il traite des risques et des conséquences d'une grossesse précoce.


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