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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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Search results

  1. Promoting Health-Seeking Behaviours and Quality of Care among Men who have Sex with Men and Transgender Women: Evidence from 5 Provinces in Thailand

    The study was commissioned by UNESCO Bangkok and aims to increase understanding about the health-seeking behavior of MSM/TG women in Thailand, including perceptions of illness, sources of information on sexual health, types of health services accessed, and constraints and obstacles in accessing healthcare; and to evaluate whether existing sexual health services meet the needs of MSM and TG women in the current Thai context, and develop recommendations for community groups/organizations, policy-makers (in light of Thailand’s revised National AIDS strategy), health service providers and developi …

  2. In-school HIV and AIDS counselling services in Botswana: an exploratory study

    This exploratory study describes the provision of HIV & AIDS counselling services in Botswana junior secondary schools as perceived by teachers. A total of 45 teachers (age range = 20-55; teaching experience range = 0-21 years) from three schools participated. The participants completed a questionnaire on the types of HIV & AIDS-related counselling services provided in the junior secondary schools services, their self-rated HIV & AIDS counselling training needs and their perceived importance of the HIV & AIDS-related counselling services. …

  3. Guideline in HIV disclosure counselling for children up to 12 years of age

    The World Health Organization (WHO) has developed guidance for health care workers on how to support children up to 12 years of age and their caregivers with disclosure of HIV status. Health care workers (HCWs) know that disclosure decisions are complex because of stigma, social support concerns, family relations, parenting skills and concern about children’s emotional and maturational ability to understand and cope with the nature of the illness. …

  4. Teacher peer counseling on HIV/AIDS successes and lessons learned from Mangochi District, Malawi, September 2008

    More than forty percent of teacher deaths in Malawi are related to HIV/AIDS, making AIDS-related death the most common cause of teacher attrition. In Malawi's Mangochi District, an average of three teachers die every month due to illness related to HIV/AIDS, with 52 teachers - 4.3 percent of the teaching corps - dying between June 2006 and August 2008.2 To respond to this crisis, Save the Children initiated an HIV/AIDS peer counseling program for teachers. A needs assessment showed that teachers, like others, rarely go for testing and generally lack access to anti-retroviral medications. …

  5. Guidelines for counselling youth on sexuality

    Nearly half of the people in the world are under the age of 25, with one in three people aged between 10 and 24 years. Youth are most at risk of HIV infection and other sexual health problems. These include unplanned pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STIs). The HIV pandemic has made us think about how and when to have sex in a way that is healthy for our partners and ourselves. This includes knowing how to say 'no' to sex when we do not want it. Many youth have a lot of knowledge about HIV prevention, but this knowledge is not always right. …

  6. Foundation for the future: meeting the psychosocial needs of children living with HIV in Africa

    This technical brief describes promising practices in critical services related to the psychological and social well-being of perinatally-infected children (aged 0 to 12 years) in Africa. These include the identification, testing, and counseling of children so that they are linked to appropriate support as early as possible, as well as the provision of ongoing PSS to help children and their families manage disclosure, stigma, and grief and bereavement processes. …

  7. Doorways III: Teacher reference materials on school-related gender-based violence prevention and response

    The overall goal of the training program is to increase teachers' knowledge and shift attitudes and behaviors so that they may prevent school-related gender-based violence (SR GBV) and respond to students who have experienced SR GBV. …

  8. HIV Counselling Trainer's Manual for the Asia-Pacific

    This trainer's manual was developed to facilitate the delivery of high-quality HIV counselling training courses. It forms part of the HIV Counselling Resource Training Package, which also includes the HIV Counselling Handbook: A Comprehensive Guide to Voluntary Counselling and Testing, Provider-Initiated Testing and Counselling, and Care Counselling and Tools for HIV Counselling.

  9. HIV Counselling Handbook for the Asia-Pacific

    This handbook was developed for trainers, counsellors in training, and working counsellors to assist them in delivering high-quality HIV testing and counselling services. It highlights the important contribution of counsellors to HIV prevention, care, and support activities and forms one of three parts of the HIV Counselling Resource Package, which also includes trainer's session plans, participatory learning activities, and an HIV counsellor's toolkit.

  10. Assessing implementation of Botswana's program for orphans and vulnerable children

    Botswana's 2008 National Guidelines on the Care of Orphans and Vulnerable Children define a vulnerable child as any child under the age of 18 years who lives in an abusive environment, a poverty-stricken family unable to access basic services, or a child-headed household; a child who lives with sick parents or outside family care; or who is HIV positive. Due to challenges in creating an effective response that corresponds to this broad definition, there are no available estimates of the number of children rendered vulnerable as a result of HIV, poverty, and other causes in Botswana. …

  11. Doorways II: Community counselor training manual on school-related gender-based violence prevention and response

    The Doorways program is a series of manuals targeting three key audiences: teachers, students and community members. These three groups can create a critical mass in schools that will bring about transformative, lasting change. …

  12. Guidance on Testing and Counselling for HIV in Settings Attended by People Who Inject Drugs - Improving Access to Treatment, Care and Prevention

    This document offers basic operational guidance on HIV testing and counseling in settings attended by people who inject drugs (PWID). It is intended for a wide audience, including policy-makers, HIV/AIDS programme planners and coordinators,care providers, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) providing services for HIV-related conditions, and civil society groups. This document recommends a proactive approach to HIV testing and counseling by care providers in these settings. It includes simplified pre-test information consistent with WHO and UNAIDS policy.

  13. Liberia National Education Sector HIV and AIDS Strategic Plan - Five year Program of work 2010-2014

    This HIV & AIDS strategic plan of the Education sector, which is aligned with the National Strategic Framework (NSF 2009-2013), will provide broader strategies from which every education stakeholder will derive their annual work plan for HIV and AIDS interventions within the sector. This sector strategy is intended to delineate the rights and responsibilities of every stakeholder involved, directly and indirectly, in the education sector with regard to HIV & AIDS: the learners, their parents and caregivers, educators, managers, administrators, support staff and civil society.

  14. Feasibility, acceptability, effectiveness and cost of models integrating HIV prevention and counseling and testing for HIV within family planning services in North West Province, South Africa

    In South Africa, care and support and antiretroviral (ARV) treatment for individuals infected with HIV is available at a few selected hospitals as a first step in the national treatment roll out. However, counseling and testing for HIV (C&T;) is currently limited to antenatal care (ANC) settings and a few stand-alone centers. Uptake is limited, even within the ANC setting where C&T; is systematically offered to clients for the prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV (PMTCT). C&T; services have yet to be integrated into other reproductive health services. …

  15. Sub-regional workshop on guidance and counselling and HIV/AIDS: workshop report

    The overall objective of the workshop was to strengthen the capacity of participants, mainly teachers at all levels and guidance and counselling focal points in Ministries of Education on guidance and counselling for the purpose of improving the effectiveness of HIV/AIDS prevention education programmes. …


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