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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Revue des stratégies de communication lors des séances d'IEC VIH-sida en milieu scolaire et/ou universitaire au Bénin : méthodes, messages, impacts et perspectives

    L'objectif principal de cette recherche est d'étudier et d'analyser l'adaptabilité et les impacts des campagnes ou stratégies de communication des séances d'information, d'éducation et de communication (IEC-VIH-SIDA) en milieu scolaire et/ou universitaire en rapport avec le contexte socioculturel béninois Dans cette optique, l'accent sera surtout mis sur la revue des différentes séances d'IEC en matière de VIH/SIDA effectuées en présentant les stratégies étudiées, les supports utilisés et les messages transmis et en procédant par la suite à une analyse des données recueillies.

  2. Informe nacional sobre violencia de género en la educación básica en México

    La investigación tiene por objetivo primordial la producción de conocimiento estadístico que posibilite la medición y el acercamiento a la compresión integral de la problemática de la violencia de género. Asimismo, busca ser una guía en el diseño y el desarrollo de políticas educativas que, desde la perspectiva de género, propicien relaciones equitativas entre los sexos, contribuyan a la eliminación de la discriminación y la violencia de género, así como a garantizar el cabal cumplimiento de los derechos de las niñas y los niños en el entorno educativo.

  3. Zimbabwe national strategic plan for the education of girls, orphans and other vulnerable children 2005-2010

    Guided by the overall principles of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, the Zimbabwean education act, the national policy on gender, the Orphan Care Policy and National Plan of Action for Orphans and Other Vulnerable Children, the proposed five year National Girls' Education strategic plan aims to accelerate Zimbabwe's progress towards UPE in the context of gender and other social asymmetries in accessing education. …

  4. Final evaluation report of the BELONG Project in Zambia and Ethiopia

    In March 2005, Project Concern International began implementing the BELONG Project (Better Education and Life Opportunities for Vulnerable Children through Networking and Organizational Growth) in response to the growing number of OVC who lacked access to health and other support services essential to minimizing their vulnerability and addressing their developmental needs. The project was funded by PEPFAR through USAID and was planned with a life cycle of 5 years, ending on September 30, 2010. …

  5. Understanding the impact of HIV/AIDS on education in sub-Saharan Africa: Kenya. Country report

    The purpose of the study is to improve our understanding of the current impact of HIV and AIDS on primary education in four Eastern and Southem African countries. The study uses Kelly's (2000) framework which identifies potential ways in which education systems are affected by HIV and AIDS. Using a selection of his categories the study is designed to assess the impact at both national and local levels through the collection of empirical data on the teaching force and the situation of orphans in each country. …

  6. The impact of the HIV/AIDS epidemic on the attainment of basic education in Kenya

    We invesitigated the impact of HIV/AIDS on athe attainment of basic education in Kenya. The following policy-related questions were addressed: What are the impacts of the HIV/AIDS epidemic on education-performance indicators (e.g. rates of enrollment, dropping out, absenteeism, grade-level/course repetition, and transition) in primary and secondary schools? Does HIV/AIDS affect teacher attrition (retirements, deaths, illness, and absenteeism) in Kenya? What policies and strategies has the government implemented in the education sector to combat the HIV/AIDS epidemic? …

  7. Plan stratégique de lutte contre le VIH et SIDA du sous secteur éducation de base. Période 2009-2011

    Ce plan stratégique pour le sous-secteur de l'éducation de base pour la période 2009-2011 se veut conforme aux objectifs globaux identifiés par le Plan Stratégique National et comprend 6 principales parties ou sections : Section 1 : Caractéristiques du Sous-Secteur Education de Base ; Section II : Analyse de la réponse actuelle du Sous-Secteur Education de Base ; Section III : Cadre stratégique de lutte contre le VIH et sida du Sous-Secteur Education de Base ; Section IV : Programme de lutte contre le sida (2009-2011) ; Section V : Plan opérationnel. …

  8. Teaching in the window of hope evaluation report

    This report describes an external, qualitative evaluation of an approach to training pre-service teachers to promote HIV prevention among school children aged 5-14 years. The development of the approach was a needs-based, collaborative effort of the Ministry of Education (MOE) and the Community Health and Nutrition, Gender and Education Support-2 (CHANGES2) program supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). …

  9. Draft integrated strategy on HIV and AIDS 2012-2016. Full report

    Within the Department of Basic Education (DBE) this integrated strategy is currently being developed in accordance with the National Strategic Plan (NSP) and with new thinking globally on rolling back HIV and AIDS. The strategy relies on the framework of the NSP with prevention, treatment, care and support and research/monitoring arms together with efforts to mainstream and strengthen a systemic response to HIV and AIDS. It will also define interventions beyond the Life Skills Programme to respond more comprehensively to the epidemic. …

  10. USAID/Zambia CHANGES2 Program final report: June 2005 - September 2009

    The American Institutes of Research (AIR)/Community Health and Nutrition, Gender and Education Support - 2 (CHANGES2) program was implemented through an EQUIP1 Associate Award. The program commenced operations in June 2005 and was completed in September 2009. CHANGES2 received funding from the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), the Africa Education Initiative (AEI), Development Assistance (DA), Fast Track Initiative (FTI), and the Economic Support Fund (ESF). …

  11. An Education Sector Policy on HIV/AIDS

    In The Gambia HIV/AIDS is regarded as a major development issue even though its prevalence rate has remained relatively low. Prevalence rates in The Gambia were estimated in 2000 and 2001 at 1.2% for HIV-1 and 0.9% for HIV-2, the rate of increase since earlier sero-prevalence surveys has been exponential. Increases in HIV-1 continued after 2001 reaching a peak level of 2.1% in 2004 while the prevalence rate for HIV-2 began to decline, reaching 1% in 2004. …

  12. Stratégie nationale du secteur de l'éducation

    le présent plan sectoriel de l'éducation prend en compte les objectifs du Plan National de Développement de l'Education (PNDE), de Juin 1999, du Millénaire pour le Développement (OMD), de l'an 2000, du Plan National d'Action de l'Education Pour Tous (PNA.EPT), d'Avril 2004, des insuffisances du système éducatif récemment mises en exergue par le Rapport d'Etat du Système Educatif National Centrafricain RESEN/RCA) et surtout les axes prioritaires contenus dans le Document de Stratégie de Réduction de la Pauvreté. …

  13. VCT uptake and associated factors among teachers from Harari Administrative Region

    Background: Although HIV/AIDS is affecting most productive segments of the population, the basic education sector which is vital to the creation of human capital is also equally affected. The loss of skilled and experienced teachers due to the problem is increasingly compromising the provision of quality education in most African countries and thus, needs appropriate intervention measures that reverse the current trend. Objectives: To assess the prevalence and determining factors of VCT uptake among teachers of Harari Administrative Region. …

  14. Orphaned and vulnerable children in Zambia: the impact of the HIV/AIDS epidemic on basic education for children ar risk

    There is an emerging corpus of work on the impact of the HIV/AIDS epidemic on education in sub-Saharan Africa. This mainly employs demographic models to make projections of student enrolments and teacher requirements. However, there is a paucity of research in basic schools to examine the experiences of AIDS-affected teachers and students. This study explored staff and student perceptions of the impact of the HIV/AIDS epidemic on the education of affected children in high-prevalence districts of the Copperbelt province of Zambia. …

  15. Emerging Voices: A Report on Education in South African Rural Communities

    This report acknowledges the voices of members of rural communities across South Africa, and ensures that policies undertaken to improve the quality of rural education are informed by the powerful insights of the people in those communities. The research for this book aimed to find out what the rural poor experience as education and what these communities think should be done to deal with the problems of education in the context of rural poverty.


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