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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Situation Analysis of Basic Education, Vocational Education and Development of Sustainable Livelihoods in Drug Treatment and Rehabilitation Centres in India

    A situational analysis of basic education, vocational education and the development of sustainable livelihoods in the drug treatment and rehabilitation centres of India was undertaken from August to November 2008. The key focus was on vocational education and sustainable livelihoods, with drug and HIV awareness running as transversal themes. This research aims to improve our understanding of broad ranging education activities, within the government, nongovernment and private sectors. …

  2. Trauma, Guilt and Self Esteem - Counselling Training Manual

    Improved counseling skills have been identified as a key to better serving adolescent clients and combating HIV and AIDS, particularly for the poor and the marginalized. The objectives of this training manual include (1) building the capacities of counselors and service providers in three areas: self esteem development, dealing with trauma, and addressing guilt; (2) providing practical and hands-on training by using participatory teaching methods; and (3) responding to the needs of counselors so that they can apply knowledge and experience in their respective settings.

  3. Leo, coloreo y aprendo sobre mi sexualidad y mis derechos

    Libro para colorear dirigido a niños de 6 a 10 años, sobre educación sexual, prevención del abuso y derechos del niño.

  4. FIERE-Filles Eduquées réussissent

    Compte-rendu et analyse d'un programme de scolarisation des filles en Guinée basé l'approche FIERE. Présenté comme une borchure de documentation et un outil de travail, cette évaluation permettra aux bailleurs et aux administrations et organisations de s'inspirer des expériences de FIERE pour promouvoir la scolarisation des filles.

  5. Sehat-1: Class 1: Teacher's guide

    Practical guide to teach six health topics (Hygiene and Disease Prevention, Environmental and Community Health, Family and Social Health) to children in class one. The manual is divided into 4 to 6 lessons.

  6. Lessons and Activities Plans. Resources for HIV and AIDS lessons and activities. Four basic types of activity

    Lessons and exercices adapted from the book "AIDS working with young people". Divided in four basic types of activity: HIV and AIDS - the facts (lesson 1); HIV and AIDS - transmission (lesson 2); Attitudes to HIV and AIDS (lesson 3); Focusing on sex and HIV (lesson 4).

  7. Promoting quality education for orphans and vulnerable children. A sourcebook of programme experiences in Eastern and Southern Africa

    The Sourcebook documents 12 cases in 6 countries in Eastern and Southern Africa - Kenya, Rwanda, Swaziland, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania, and Zambia - that represent a wide range of approaches designed to address the educational rights and needs of orphans and vulnerable children. The single unifying feature of all of the cases was each intervention's goal of assisting children to exercise their right to education as guaranteed in article 28 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

  8. HIV/AIDS-related issues infused into the basic education (standards 1 to 7), junior secondary (form 1 to 3) and guidance and counselling programmes

    HIV/AIDS-related issues infused into the basic education, junior secondary and guidance and counselling programmes. Topics covered include: nutrition, hygiene, sexuality education, sexually transmitted diseases, children's rights and AIDS, child abuse, beliefs and practices (social, cultural and religious), care and support, impact of HIV and AIDS on the affected and infected, life skills, living positively, relationships.

  9. Guidance on the curriculum: sex and relationships education policy standard circular GSE 1

    This circular aims to outline to schools the key principles for delivery of sex education. The advice covers all formal education settings - nurseries, primaries, secondaries, behaviour support centres and special education schools and units. It covers topics such as: Aims; Confidentiality; Pre-school Education; Special Education; Parental Consultation; Teaching Approaches.

  10. Take care of those you love: product of a UNESCO workshop for the preparation of gender-sensitive booklets on HIV/AIDS

    This booklet is one of an ever-growing series of easy-to-read materials produced at a succession of UNESCO workshops. The workshops are based on the appreciation that gender-sensitives literacy materials are powerful tools for communicating messages on HIV/AIDS to poor rural people, particularly illiterate women and out-of-schools girls.

  11. Social, personal and health education: resource materials for relationships and sexuality education. Fifth and Six class

    The resource materials presented here are based on the Interim Curriculum and Guidelines for Relationships and Sexuality Education prepared by the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment and approved by the Department of Education and Science. They are not prescriptive, rather they provide a menu of options for classroom lessons from which teachers can choose in accordance with their school RSE Policy.

  12. Social, personal and health education: resource materials for relationships and sexuality education. Third and fourth class

    The resource materials presented here are based on the Interim Curriculum and Guidelines for Relationships and Sexuality Education prepared by the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment and approved by the Department of Education and Science. They are not prescriptive, rather they provide a menu of options for classroom lessons from which teachers can choose in accordance with their school RSE Policy.

  13. Social, personal and health education: resource materials for relationships and sexuality education. First and second classes

    The resource materials presented here are based on the Interim Curriculum and Guidelines for Relationships and Sexuality Education prepared by the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment and approved by the Department of Education and Science. They are not prescriptive, rather they provide a menu of options for classroom lessons from which teachers can choose in accordance with their school RSE Policy.

  14. UNESCO Beyrouth commence à combattre le VIH et sida

    Cet article est publié par le bureau régional de l'UNESCO à Beyrouth afin de sensibiliser et de mobiliser les politiques, les journalistes, les leaders religieux, les intellectuels et le grand public à la gravité du VIH et sida et la nécessité de combattre fermement cette épidémie ravageuse. Il vise essentiellement à "briser le mur du silence" entourant le VIH et sida dans le monde arabe et à lutter contre la stigmatisation et la discrimination associées à cette maladie. …

  15. Children for health. Children as partners in health promotion

    This document was published by the Child-to-Child Trust in 2005. This book advocates and aims to strengthen the provision of good quality health education for all children. This document consists of 3 parts : Part 1 : "Children as partners"; part 2 "Children's action"; part 3: "Facts for life: Prime messages and supporting information". The book is illustrated with examples of inspiring work being done across the world by educators and health workers dedicated to improving the lives of children and their families. The book is designed for teacher and health workers. …


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