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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. From Schooling Access to Learning Outcomes: An Unfinished Agenda

    From Schooling Access to Learning Outcomes: An Unfinished Agenda, An Evaluation of World Bank Support to Primary Education is a document made by the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) of the World Bank Group in 2006. The goals of evaluation are to learn from experience, to provide an objective basis for assessing the results of the Bank Group's work, and to provide accountability in the achievement of its objectives. It also improves Bank Group work by identifying and disseminating the lessons learned from experience and by framing recommendations drawn from evaluation findings. …

  2. Koffi... la rue... le sida

    Koffi... la rue... le sida est une bande dessinée, éditée par l'UNESCO en 2003 dans le cadre du Programme d'Education des Enfants en Situation Difficile. Elle s'adresse avant tout aux éducateurs et aux enfants des rues, particulièrement exposés au VIH/sida en raison de la promiscuité dans laquelle ils vivent et des risques de contraintes sexuelles auxquelles ils sont exposés. Il vise à transmettre des informations objectives et liées aux risques objectifs concrets auxquels les enfants des rues sont confrontés afin de les aider à réduite leur vulnérabilité face au VIH et au SIDA. …

  3. HIV/AIDS, Stand Up for Human Rights

    VIH/SIDA, Défendons les Droits Humains est une petite bande dessinée, développée par le Haut Commissariat des Nations Unies aux Droits de l'Homme (HCDH), le Programme Commun des Nations Unies sur le VIH/SIDA (ONUSIDA) et l'Organisation Mondiale de la Santé (OMS) en 2004. Cette brochure aborde la stigmatisation et la discrimination dont les personnes affectées et infectées par le VIH/SIDA peuvent être victimes, dans une perspective de défense des droits de l'homme. …

  4. VIH et SIDA, Droits Fondamentaux Pour Tous

    VIH et SIDA, Droits Fondamentaux pour Tous est une brochure éditée par le HCR en 2006. Il s'agit d'une petite bande dessinée qui s'adresse aux personnes déplacées et particulièrement vulnérables que sont les réfugiés et les rapatriés. Il vise a promouvoir un environnement accueillant et sans discrimination pour les réfugiés et les rapatriés. Souvent accusés à tort de véhiculer le VIH et d'autres maladies, la brochure aborde ainsi diverses situations auxquelles les réfugiés peuvent être confrontés dans leur pays d'accueil comme l'exclusion, la discrimination ou l'exploitation sexuelle. …

  5. Lineamientos Educativos y Orientaciones Pedagógicas para la Educación Sexual Integral. República del Perú. Manual para profesores y tutores de la Educación Básica Regular

    Salud, sexualidad y VIH-sida; actualización para el debate con los docentes, es un material para profesores que deseen promover en los adolescentes conductas de cuida do ha-cia su propio cuerpo, su salud personal y la salud de su entorno. Este material proporciona ideas y propuestas de actividades para el aula, sugerencias bibliográficas para el docente, quien podrá encontrar en sus páginas orientaciones que - inevitablemente- deberá adaptar a la singularidad de cada grupo de jóvenes y de cada contexto. …

  6. Evaluating the impact of community-based interventions on schooling outcomes among orphans and vulnerable children in Lusaka, Zambia

    In sub-Saharan Africa, an estimated 12 million children under the age of 18 have lost a parent to AIDS. Despite this situation, the evidence regarding effectiveness of interventions targeting these children remains scant. This paper contributes to the literature by evaluating the impact of a community-based program implemented by a Zambian nongovernmental agency (NGO) on educational outcomes among orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) in Lusaka, Zambia. These outcomes included school enrollment and being at the correct age-for-grade. …

  7. Building Bridges between the School and the Community: an in-depth examination of school and community linkages

    UNESCO Harare Cluster office initiated this study in five countries that are under its responsibility with the aim of documenting best practices on school-community linkages and to advocate for these best practices in the fight against HIV and AIDS. The study dates back to a sub-regional colloquium meeting held in November 2004 in Harare with the theme, Teachers in a World with AIDS. During this meeting, the issue of building linkages between the community and schools was emphasised as an effective way of promoting the teaching profession and the fight against HIV and AIDS. …

  8. Accelerating education's response to HIV and AIDS in Nigeria

    In 2007, the Federal Ministry of Education, Nigeria, undertook a review in order to document how the Government of Nigeria and development partners worked together to build a systematic education sector response to HIV and AIDS in the country. The review, "Accelerating the education sector response to HIV in the Federal Republic of Nigeria: A review of five years of experience, 2002-2007' is written by authors from the Federal Ministry of Education, Nigeria, The Partnership for Child Development, Action Health Incorporated, Nigeria and the World Bank. …

  9. AIDS-related parental loss: does the age when the trauma occurs matter?

    The purpose of this paper is to use data from the Kagera region of northwestern Tanzania to investigate the long run impact of the timing of parental death on the education outcomes. …

  10. HIV/AIDS and its impact on basic education

    This training manual, as a resource book for trainers in HIV/AIDS in basic education, has been designed to provide skills and information in order to reduce the spread of HIV/AIDS epidemic in Zambia. The manual emphasizes learning by doing and includes many suggestions for ways to actively involve the trainees. The goal of this training manual is to introduce both trainers and trainees to the use of visual aids for effective training and information sharing in the reduction of HIV/AIDS spread and its impact.

  11. USAID/Zambia changes2 program: baseline results report

    The CHANGES2 program is funded by USAID/ ZAMBIA through an EQUIP1 Associate award. It is implemented by the American Institutes for Research (AIR) and the Zambia Ministry ofEducation. Its aim is to strengthen basic education teachers' professional skills related to health and education with a special emphasis on HIV/AIDS prevention. The program concentrates basic education activities in four of Zambia's nine provinces, namely Lusaka, Copperbelt, Central and Southern Provinces. …

  12. The demand for education for orphans in Zimbabwe

    We examine the effect of orphan status on school enrolment in Zimbabwe, a country strongly impacted by the HIV/AIDS pandemic with a rapidly growing population of orphans. Using data from 2003, after controlling for other determinants of enrolment we find that orphans are less likely to attend school than non-orphans. The result is robust to our correction for selection bias. …

  13. Report of the national conference on education and training

    The Kenyan Ministry of Education, Science and Technology organized in November 2003 a three day national conference on education and training. The objectives of the conference were to build consensus on policies and strategies in education and training for improved performance in the sector. Section one of this report provides the background with respect to policy background, objective, expected outputs, organizations and opening of the conference. Section two captures the recommandations made by the syndicate discussions group. …

  14. A report of the eastern African ministries of education HIV/AIDS focal points meeting, UN House, Abuja, Nigeria, 7th December 2005

    An all day meeting of the Ministries of Education Focal Points (FPs) for HIV/AIDS was conducted in Abuja Nigeria on Wednesday the 7th of 2005. The main objectives of the meeting were: i) to provide an opportunity for the Focal Points to start building a team, ii) exchange information on how their countries are responding to the impact of HIV/AIDS on their countries' education sector; and iii) to develop the network's vision, mission and 2006 work plan.

  15. Adolescent girls literacy initiative for reproductive health (a GIFT for RH)

    The goal of "GIFT for RH" project is to increase the ability of illiterate and out-of-school adolescent girls aged 10-19 living in remote regions of Nepal to make and act on informed decisions regarding their reproductive health and rights as well as to make the community and their peers aware of the same, by the girls' participating in Lalima literacy classes given in Adolescent Girls' Groups (AGGs). The programme was implemented by Aamaa Milan Kendra (Mothers' Club) with technical and financial support from Centre for Development and Population Activities (CEDPA). …


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