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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. IATT case study review - Kenya

    This aide memoire presents the results of a country case study of Kenya which took place in the context of a four-country exercise commissioned by the UNAIDS Inter-Agency Task Team (IATT) on Education. This is an interim document, the purpose of which is to provide the stakeholders interviewed in Kenya, as well as the IATT on Education with a preliminary summary of findings. The results of this discussion will then be incorporated in the final overall report on the four countries which will be available mid-2007. …

  2. HIV/AIDS: responding to the education challenge

    This document presents the activities of a joint programme, the UNAIDS Interagency Task Team (IATT), to help accelerate the education sector response to HIV/AIDS as an essential contribution to achieving EFA goals. The joint programme provides a forum for countries to share experience of responding to HIV/AIDS, with the goals of mitigating the impact of the disease on the education sector, and preventing infection in students and teachers. …

  3. HIV/AIDS and the Education Sector in Nigeria: Review of policy and research documents

    This literature review on HIV/AIDS and education in Nigeria was undertaken in preparation for a regional workshop on the "Education Research Response to HIV/AIDS" which took place in Bamako, Mali in June 2004. The aim of the workshop is to identify research gaps and develop the framework for a trans-national study on HIV/AIDS and education in selected Education Research Network for West and Central Africa (ERNWACA) member countries. …

  4. HIV/AIDS and education in Africa: a Sencer backgrounder for discussion at SSI 2002 with 2003 update included

    This paper wil attempt to provide an overview of important aspects on HIV/AIDS in Africa along with commentary on the status of higher education, as well as its response to AIDS.

  5. HIV/AIDS and education

    This document describes the impact of HIV/AIDS on education systems. The supply and demand for education will be greatly altered over the next 5 - 10 years, challenging the prospects of Education for All. In addition, as more AIDS education is dispursed, the trends will change and HIV/AIDS will become a disease among the poor.

  6. HIV and AIDS in education: a resource manual for inspectors and advisory teachers

    School inspection and advisory support is the "sin qua non" for ensuring quality in education. Inspection and advisory support is often limited to monitoring implementation of the school curriculum and education policies, and rarely are inspection fi ndings used to inform the preparation of staff development strategies and school improvement programmes. As inspectors and advisory teachers, we should become aware of the major current trends and emergent areas of special concern in education. HIV is the virus that causes AIDS, a pandemic that is spreading around the world every day. …

  7. HIV prevention in basic education: the heart of a community-based AIDS response in Francophone Africa

    Cette brochure présente les approches développées par trois projets de la GTZ implantés dans des pays francophones d'Afrique de l'ouest : le Tchad, le Mali et la Guinée. Il s'agit du- « Projet éducation de base » (PEB) au Tchad,- « Projet Lutte contre le VIH/SIDA dans les programmes de l'éducation de base » (PLC - VIH/SIDA) au Mali,- « Projet d'appui à l'éducation de base en moyenne Guinée » (PAPEBMGUI) en Guinée. Ces trois projets ont expérimenté les stratégies et les approches présentées dans cette brochure. Leurs concepts reposent sur une approche multisectorielle qui met en place une collaboration étroite entre un projet d'éducation et un projet de santé (et/ou des structures médicales locales). Les mesures de formation et d'information mises en oeuvre visent à transmettre des connaissances sur la sexualité et la prévention des infections sexuellement transmissibles (IST), du VIH et du SIDA, mais aussi à développer les capacités de communication chez les différents groupes cibles (par ex. entre parents et enfants) et à promouvoir ainsi le dialogue et les initiatives de la communauté. Un objectif essentiel des formations porte sur le développement de compétences sociales et de citoyenneté et vise à promouvoir des comportements responsables au moyen de techniques d'apprentissages actives, centrées sur les apprenants.

  8. Atelier régional pour l'étude transnationale ROCARE sur l'impact du VIH/SIDA sur les enseignants dans l'éducation formelle et non formelle en Afrique de l'Ouest

    L'atelier régional de lancement de la recherche transnationale du ROCARE sur l'impact du VIH/SIDA sur les enseignants dans l'éducation formelle et non formelle en Afrique de l'Ouest s'est tenu du 19 au 23 mars 2007 à Niamey. L'objet de cette rencontre est d'examiner et d'adopter le guide méthodologique et les instruments devant servir à la collecte des données afin d'avoir une vision partagée et harmonisée entre les chercheurs concernés. …

  9. Accelerating efforts to achieve universal basic education: a critical component of the global AIDS response

    In order to expand educational opportunities for girls and orphans and reduce their risk of contracting HIV infection, the Global AIDS Alliance recommends: Eliminate School-Related Fees. School-related fees prevent millions of children, particularly girls and orphans, from attending school; Mobilize Additional Resources to Achieve Universal Basic Education. Poor countries need assistance in order to scale up and improve educational systems, as well as to eliminate school fees; Reform Financing and Delivery Mechanisms. …

  10. AIDS Toolkits. HIV/AIDS and Education.

    This toolkit aims to assist Government Ministries or Departments to develop a sector-specific response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic. The toolkit is intended to facilitate the incorporation of HIV/AIDS issues into existing planning processes.

  11. What do we mean by HIV/AIDS and Education? A Draft Construct

    This is a paper articulating HIV and Education and attempts to set out particular significant issues for education practitioners and researchers. Issues discussed range from education and training, management, policy and planning issues, educator development and support issues, gender concerns to international agreements, legislation and human rights issues. Conclusion is that the broader concept of HIV and education means that in practice, each educator is responsible in their own domain to make sense of what is happening and to react appropriately.

  12. From Policy to Practice: Sexual Health Education in Zimbabwean Secondary Schools

    This study explores the path from policy to practice of sexual health education in Zimbabwe, in order to identify the barries to programme implementation and key elements of success. Zimbabwe relatively high secondary school enrollment rates make secondary school a potential source for providing young people with the knowledge and skills they need to protect themselves from risks and lead healthy lifestyles.

  13. Focusing Resources on Effective School Health: A FRESH Start to Improving the Quality and Equity of Education

    This article discusses the current state of education in the region and the factors affecting it. The main concern has been provision of Education for All and achieving this through improving the quality of education for all. The factors that have decreased the quality of education and how they can best be tackled are put on the fore front in this inter-agency collaboration.

  14. The World Bank School Health Programmes in Sub-Saharan Africa

    This document reviews the work of the Focusing Resources on Effective School Health (FRESH) programs. The FRESH partnership was developed by the World Bank, WHO, UNICEF and UNESCO in order to ensure that schools have adequtate hygiene and sanitation facilities together with all required nutrition services. This was in recognition of the fact that without proper health facilities, good education was at risk and virtually impossible.

  15. HIV/AIDS and Education Resource Materials: SIX - Responding to the Needs of Learners Affected by HIV

    This compilation is a collection of publications that are focused on the provision of education to those who are affected by HIV/AIDS including OVCs who are subject to abuse and sexual violence amongst other things, besides losing family to the disease.


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