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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. VIH/SIDA Infancia y adolescencia en América Latina y el Caribe

    Este documento es un paquete informativo sobre infancia, adolescencia y VIH/SIDA en América Latina y el Caribe producido por la UNICEF en 2005. Constituye una herramienta que pretende poner al alcance de los responsables de la toma de decisiones políticas, medios de comunicación, contrapartes, gobiernos locales, niños, niñas, adolescentes y personas interesadas en el tema, información sobre el impacto de la epidemia en la región, así como las acciones que UNICEF y sus aliados emprenden para fortalecer la repuesta nacional, local y de las comunidades ante el VIH/SIDA. …

  2. Estratégia de Comunicação sobre o HIV/SIDA

    Este documento foi elaborado pelo Ministério da Educação de Moçambique e tem como alvo principal apresentar estratégias de comunicação sobre o HIV/SIDA. Quatro grupos alvos estão definidos e para cada um deles existe uma abordagem específica. O primeiro grupo reúne todo o pessoal do Ministério da Educação (gestores, professores, alfabetizandos). Oásegundo grupo é composto pelos jovens com mais de 15 anos de idade.áO terceiro é composto pelos jovens entre 12 e 15 anos e o quarto grupo reúne o jovens de menos de 12 anos de idade. …

  3. The Elmina Resource Guide on HIV/AIDS and Education

    This resource guide is designed to help policy makers and practitioners to access resources and to build on best practices in order to combat HIV and AIDS in the education sector. Based on the recommendations and proceedings of the Elmina Conference on HIV and AIDS and Education, it highlights strategies for government, educational institutions and civil society agencies in the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). …

  4. HIV and AIDS. An action guide for higher education institutions in the SADC region

    A critical issue for universities is to prevent HIV infections among their students, who are usually in the age groups most vulnerable to HIV. However, universities are also increasingly being asked to provide care and support to infected students and staff. They also need to consider programmes to manage and mitigate the impact of HIV/AIDS on their core purposes of teaching and research. …

  5. Decreto ejecutivo n°119 (de 29 de mayo de 2001) que reglamenta la ley 3 de 2000, general sobre las infecciones de transmisión sexual, el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana y el SIDA

    Decreto ejecutivo n°119 (de 29 de mayo de 2001) que reglamenta la ley 3 de 2000, general sobre las infecciones de transmisión sexual, el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana y el SIDA

  6. Accelerating education's response to HIV and AIDS in Nigeria

    In 2007, the Federal Ministry of Education, Nigeria, undertook a review in order to document how the Government of Nigeria and development partners worked together to build a systematic education sector response to HIV and AIDS in the country. The review, "Accelerating the education sector response to HIV in the Federal Republic of Nigeria: A review of five years of experience, 2002-2007' is written by authors from the Federal Ministry of Education, Nigeria, The Partnership for Child Development, Action Health Incorporated, Nigeria and the World Bank. …

  7. An assessment of the policies and programmes of Zimbabwe in addressing the HIV/Aids epidemic in the education sector

    This study assessed the policies, strategic plans and structures that have been put in place inZimbabwe to address the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the education sector. It also examined the comprehensiveness of projects and programmes currently being implemented by the government in collaboration with partner organisations and NGOs. The findings show that the epidemic has had a very adverse impact on the education sector. …

  8. HIV/AIDS and teacher education. Consultation on HIV/AIDS and teacher education in East and Southern Africa

    Education has a pivotal role to play in HIV/AIDS prevention and mitigating its effects. The special responsibility of schools and teachers as role models and instructors has been acknowledged for more than 20 years. But education systems are themselves struggling with the impact of the disease on learning institutions, particularly in countries where HIV prevalence rates are high. …

  9. Managing Teachers. The centrality of teacher management to quality education. Lessons from developing countries.

    The report reveals that developing countries often have constrained budgets due to limited resources and in some cases tight fiscal management policies imposed by the International Monetary Fund. It urges governments and donors funding education in developing countries to prioritise teacher management. Ignoring this issue will lead to, poor living and working conditions for teachers and school leaders and ultimately children will be denied their right to a quality education. …

  10. The response of the education sector in Jamaica to HIV and AIDS

    This study aims to assess the effectiveness of Jamaica's current and planned response to HIV and AIDS in the education sector, highlighting strengths and critical gaps. It outlines parameters for a strategic planning exercise that will develop an action plan for the period 2006-2010 for the education sector which in turn will contribute to the preparation of the National AIDS strategy for the same 5 year period. The report is based on data obtained through a review of documents, stakeholder interviews and field visits in Kingston, Browns Town and Ocho Rios. …

  11. Child participation in education initiatives

    This guide from CRS/Zimbabwe addresses child participation in many aspects of programming. Child participation is one of the guiding principles of the convention on the rights of the child and increasing the scope and level of child participation should be an objective for every education or child protection program. This guide presents many useful suggestions for ways to increase child participation, but what is required most of all is a belief in the value of child participation and a commitment to making it happen in a meaningful way. …

  12. Promising practices II. HIV and AIDS integrated programming

    This second edition of Promising Practices contains 24 case studies of promising HIV and AIDS practices from around the world. Each case study is organized in much the same way, including sections on how the project works, what the successes have been, and what lessons learned have emerged. At the end of each case study is the contact information for the relevant programs. The objectives of this publication are to: 1. Document some of the creative solutions or 'promising practices' used by CRS programs to address those affected and living with HIV and AIDS. 2. …

  13. OVC Programmes in South Africa funded by the U.S. president's emergency plan for AIDS relief. Summary report for 32 case studies

    Despite the magnitude and dire consequences of the growing number of orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) in South Africa, and elsewhere in sub-Saharan Africa, there is insufficient documentation of the strategies deployed to improve the well-being of these children. In an attempt to fill these knowledge gaps, the U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (emergency plan)/South Africa commissioned Khulisa Management Services to research and write 32 case studies of emergency plan-funded OVC programmes in South Africa. …

  14. Rapport sur le développemnet humain durable, Burkina Faso 2001. La lutte contre le VIH/SIDA

    L'objectif du développement humain durable, exprimé lors des différents sommets et conférences organisés sous l'égide des Nations Unies, est de propromouvoir la création d'un cadre de vie offrant les meilleures opportunités d'épanouissement et de développement individuel et collectif au sein d'une société . Ce rapports'inscrit dans ce cadre et analyse en profondeur dix thèmes de la problématique du VIH/SIDA et du Développement Humain au Burkina Faso. …

  15. Workshop report on higher education science and curriculum reforms: African universities responding to HIV and AIDS

    The purpose of this workshop was to share information and learn from the experiences from different African universities in view of addressing the need for the universities to respond to the impact of HIV/AIDS through curriculum reforms. The theme of the workshop fell within the wider UNESCO project on Prevention Education for African universities which seek to create awareness among the Faculties of Science and Engineering on the need and importance of responding to the impacts of HIV/AIDS and finding long lasting solutions to the pandemic. …


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