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"Entre jóvenes. Comunicación y VIH" es un proyecto con diferentes líneas de acción, parte de un trabajo integral de la Red Regional Entre Jóvenes, que nuclea a cerca de cien organizaciones juveniles de base, urbanas y rurales, del MERCOSUR (Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay), de países andinos (Ecuador y Perú) y de Cuba. Desarrolla estrategias para jóvenes preocupados por dos derechos que les son propios: el derecho a la comunicación y el derecho a la salud. …
This toolkit is a practical resource to improve the quality and impact of HIV-related legal services and to expand their availability. The toolkit provides guidance on factors to be taken into account when designing and scaling up an HIV-related legal services program. It also provides guidance about different models and approaches for delivering, monitoring and evaluating HIV-related legal services, and gives information about resource mobilization.
Central to Nepal's National HIV and AIDS Strategy 2006-2011 is the call to scale up universal access to prevention, treatment, care and support. This is a continuation of the National HIV and AIDS Strategy 2002-2006 that remains strongly in accordance with the aim to accelerate Nepal's response to HIV and AIDS in order to stay ahead of the epidemic. To carry this out, a National Action Plan on HIV and AIDS 2006- 2008 was developed through a multisectoral participative consultation. …
In 2005, the Government established the National AIDS Commission (NAC) by the NAC Act 2005 along the "Three Ones Principles". NAC is placed outside the Government structure and given more independence and authority to manage the national HIV and AIDS response in conjunction with stakeholders and the authority to mobilise resources outside the Government systems. The establishment of NAC was also necessitated by the increased number of players in the national response, coupled with the substantial increase in the amount of financial support from international funding organisations. …
This document is prepared as a national guideline for planning behaviour change interventions and activities on HIV/AIDS and Sexual Reproductive Health [SRH] for the period 2001-2004. The National BCI Strategy is a planning tool, to guide ministries, district planners, NGOs, CBOs, DACCs, learning institutions, faith institutions and employers on effective HIV/AIDS and SRH behaviour change programs. The strategy is also intended to guide donors on areas of support and interventions that require national resources. The BCI Strategy has identified six key social groups for BC interventions. …
This paper presents the Tanzanian communication strategy agains HIV/AIDS. TUNHACASI is a TACAIDS initiative to communicate a shared vision of an effective response to AIDS in Tanzania through coordinated, collaborative effort, and lead the way to its achievement. TUNHACASI implements the National HIV and AIDS Communication and Advocacy Strategy (NHACAS). …
The mission of the National AIDS Council (NAC) is to coordinate all HIV/AIDS activities in Zambia. Its mission is to provide national leadership for a co-ordinated multisectoral fight against HIV/AIDS. The need for effective communication cuts across all the objectives in the National Intervention Strategic Plan 2002-2005, NAISP. This communication strategy gives guidance to all stakeholders who wish to carry out communication activities in the area of HIV/AIDS. A key problem in the response to HIV/AIDS to date has been the lack of appropriate information available to the public. …
This advocacy plan provides comprehensive guidelines to the concerned advocacy group/s to concentrate their efforts to ensure change. It explains the major issue that need to be addressed by the advocates as the specific target area on which advocacy needs to be continued. This Advocacy Plan has been developed to strongly support the implementation of the National Action Plan on AIDS 2008-2011 and thereby accelerate an expanded response on HIV and AIDS in Nepal. …
This advocacy piece from the International AIDS Society argues that without sufficient treatment coverage, investments in HIV treatment and prevention will have only limited impact. Therefore, maximising coverage is the most sustainable response. By limiting new infections in the next five years, treatment costs that would otherwise continue to accrue for decades can be avoided. The author uses mathematical models to show that the potential of HIV treatment as prevention is high. …
This National behaviour change communication (BCC) Strategy for HIV/AIDS for Guyana has been developed at the request of the Ministry of Health (MOH) of the Government of Guyana (GOG). …
Le plan stratégique de lutte contre le VIH/SIDA au Rwanda pour la période 2005-2009 canalise les interventions de lutte contre le VIH/SIDA en apportant les réponses aux défis constatés au cours des cinq dernières années. Ce plan apporte certaines innovations quant au renforcement de la surveillance et au partage de l'information entres différents intervenants. …
The HIV/AIDS training workshop for the Media was conducted from 2 - 4 November 2008. Its main objective is to educate and create awareness regarding HIV/AIDS to media professionals so they become change agents in delivering anti-stigma messages to millions of audiences in the UAE and the region. …
Community Lessons, Global Learning is a partnership between the International HIV/AIDS Alliance and Glaxo Wellcome's Positive Action programme launched in 1997. …
A decade ago women seemed to be on the periphery of the epidemic, today they are at the epicentre. In fact, the HIV/AIDS epidemic is taking its toll on everyone, but women are impacted more. This leaflet argues that actions to resolve this issue is not simply a matter of justice or fairness, because gender inequality is fatal. It explains that effects of campaigns are limited, unless women are involved.
Panos Eastern Africa in collaboration with Panos Ethiopia conducted a rapid review on media coverage of HIV and AIDS-TB co-infections in Ethiopia with the aim of identifying challenges and opportunities in improving reporting on these issues. The objective of the research is to conduct a rapid review on media coverage of HIV and AIDS-TB co-infections based on qualitative and quantitative research with the aim of identifying the challenges and opportunities through critical analysis of the media coverage of HIV and AIDS and TB. …