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This publication is part of a larger IPPF initiative called Girls Decide. The initiative aims to ensure that girls’ and young women’s sexuality and pregnancy-related issues are effectively addressed by leaders and service providers. Girls Decide: Choices on Sex and Pregnancy presents a selection of innovative projects that are examples of good practice, and offer great potential for poverty reduction, female empowerment and development. These projects can guide policy- and decision-makers, educators, service providers and community leaders in rethinking strategies for girls and young women
We provide experimental evidence on the relationships between education, HIV/AIDS education, risky behavior and early fertility in Kenya. We exploit randomly assigned variation in the cost of schooling and in exposure to the national HIV/AIDS prevention curriculum for a cohort of over 19,000 adolescents in Western Kenya, originally aged 13.5 on average. We collected data on the schooling, marriage, and fertility out-comes of these students over 7 years, and tested them for HIV and Herpes (HSV2) after 7 years. …
This publication is part of IPPF’s thematic focus on adolescents and young people. We recognize the important role of joint advocacy action in addressing child marriage. This advocacy tool is also part of the wider initiative on preventing HIV infection, particularly among adolescent girls, which is led by the United Nations Global Coalition on Women and AIDS (GCWA), with the support of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and Young Positives. …
Cette publication à destination des équipes éducatives des collèges et des lycées propose : un état des lieux des violences sexuelles en France et des différentes formes de violences en milieu scolaire, des définitions et des rappels juridiques relatifs au sexisme, aux violences à caractère sexuel, aux mariages forcés et aux mutilations sexuelles féminines, un chapitre sur le rôle de l'École et la prévention, des ressources utiles.
Au Togo, comme la plupart des pays en Afrique subsaharienne, plusieurs études et enquêtes ont été réalisées afin de documenter plusieurs aspects de l’épidémie du VIH/SIDA (étude de séroprévalence, études comportementales, études portant sur les aspects médicaux et sur les résistances). Ces études ne sont pas toujours accessibles pour les acteurs et institutions engagés dans la lutte contre le SIDA et encore moins pour le grand public. …
Data from the first five Demographic and Health Surveys to include HIV testing for a representative sample of the adult population are used to analyze the socioeconomic correlates of HIV infection and associated sexual behavior. Emerging from a wealth of country relevant results, some important findings can be generalized. First, successive marriages are a significant risk factor. Second, contrary to prima facie evidence, education is not positively associated with HIV status. …
This report presents the difficulties faced by girls, their families, communities and teachers across Africa, and how their experience of education is impacted and influenced by policies, cultural practices and traditional values.
This report is a call to decision makers, parents, communities and to the world to end child marriage. It documents the current scope, prevalence and inequities associated with child marriage. This document argues that child marriage jeopardizes girls’ rights and stands in the way of girls living educated, healthy and productive lives. Furthemore, early marriage also excludes girls from fundamental decisions, such as the timing of marriage and choice of spouse. Not to mention that all of the effects of early marriage put girls more at risk of contracting HIV and other STIs. …
These guidelines provide recommendations on action and research for a) preventing early pregnancy: by preventing marriage before 18 years of age; by increasing knowledge and understanding of the importance of pregnancy prevention; by increasing the use of contraception; and by preventing coerced sex; and b) preventing poor reproductive outcomes: by reducing unsafe abortions; and by increasing the use of skilled antenatal, childbirth and postnatal care. …
Youth who engage in early and premarital sex are at risk of HIV and sexually transmitted infections. Most prevention programs ignore the mediating influence of the threat and experience of violence on these outcomes. Using nationally representative data from Lesotho, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda, the autors used multivariate analyses to examine the association between individual- and community-level tolerance of spouse abuse on the age and circumstances of sexual debut among female youth. The youth sample sizes ranged from a high of 5007 in Malawi to a low of 3050 in Lesotho. …
Girls in many resource-poor countries often have little choice about whom or when they marry. Orphans and young girls without involved caregivers are particularly vulnerable to early marriage. Early marriage curtails girls’ freedom, isolates them from peers, and ends their education prematurely. Often wed to men who are older and more sexually experienced, young brides lack power and are more likely to experience partner violence. They risk exposure to HIV and other STIs. …
This wall chart provides a summary of selected key indicators (marriage and family formation; knowledge and attitudes about HIV/AIDS; attitudes toward gender role and practices; school, work and civic participation) for youth in Egypt as abstracted from the Population Councils 2009 Survey of Young People in Egypt (SYPE).
In this report, Gordon Brown, the former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, explains how child marriage can lead to a life of poverty, illiteracy and powerlessness for girls. Brown challenges the international community to take urgent action to end child marriage. His review says that the issue of child brides has been "conspicuous by its absence" in the efforts to cut global poverty, bring down child and maternal death rates, and get children into school.
Child marriage violates girls’ human rights and adversely affects their health and well-being. While age at marriage is increasing in most regions of the developing world, early marriage persists for large populations. Worldwide, it is estimated that more than one out of three women aged 20–24 were married before age 18, and one out of seven were married before age 15. There is great variation in child marriage practices across and within regions and between ethnic and religious groups. Eradicating child marriage has long been on the agenda of the United Nations and of individual countries. …
Nyanza Province has been a focus of heightened attention in Kenya since the advent of the country’s HIV epidemic. …