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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Zambia HIV prevention response and modes of transmission analysis

    The purpose of this epidemic, response and policy synthesis is to provide an overall analysis of the HIV epidemic and response in Zambia by drawing together, triangulating and reconciling various and different data sources in order to make recommendations as to how the response could be improved. …

  2. Swaziland HIV prevention response and modes of transmission analysis

    NERCHA (National Emergency Response Council on HIV/AIDS), MOHSW (Ministry of Health and Social Welfare), UNAIDS and GAMET/World Bank are collaborating in a capacity development process to support an evidence based review of Swaziland's epidemiological situation (Know Your Epidemic, KYE) and the national HIV prevention response (Know Your Response, KYR). The process for the KYE was an in-depth review of available epidemiological data from Swaziland and the sub-region, and application of the UNAIDS incidence estimation model. …

  3. Kenya HIV prevention response and modes of transmission analysis

    For the study in Kenya, (similar studies in Lesotho, Mozambique, Swaziland, Uganda, and Zambia) HIV epidemiological data and incidence modelling data (from the UNAIDS Modes of Transmission Model) were analysed together to obtain an epidemiological synthesis (Know Your Epidemic, KYE synthesis), while the HIV prevention review and resources data were analysed together to obtain an HIV response synthesis or "Know Your Response" (KYR) synthesis. …

  4. Youth's voices: report on sexual and reproductive rights in Central and Eastern Europe and Balkan countries

    In May 2006, ASTRA-Youth concluded a research done in 11 countries from Central and Eastern Europe and the Balkans. In average, 50 young people (between 16 and 30 years old) were interviewed in each country. The research focussed on the knowledge and attitudes of Youth towards Sexual and Reproductive Health issues in their countries. In addition, a cross cultural analysis of the data provided a clear picture of the commonalities and differences in attitudes and needs, giving the opportunity to share best practices and materials amongst participating countries. …

  5. Preventing HIV infections in youth aged 10-24 years : report of the USAID track 1.0 ABY program review

    This report presents the results of an external assessment of youth-focused HIV/AIDS prevention program promoting abstinence before marriage and being faithful in a monogamous relationship as primary prevention approaches for youth aged 10-24. …

  6. Lesotho HIV Prevention Response and Modes of Transmission Analysis

    This is an evidence-based review of Lesotho's epidemiological situation (Know your epidemic, KYE) and national HIV prevention response (Know your response, KYR). The purpose of this modes of transmission (MoT) study is to contribute to the ongoing efforts to understand the epidemic and response in Lesotho and thus help the country improve the scope (doing the right kind of activities), relevance (with the right populations) and comprehensiveness (reaching all members of target populations) of HIV prevention efforts. …

  7. HIV/AIDS in Namibia: Behavioral and Contextual Factors Driving the Epidemic

    This report identifies and describes what current evidence indicates are the main behavioral and contextual factors that are driving the HIV epidemic in Namibia. The report is intended to assist in the development of a national prevention strategy for combating the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Data from several sources are triangulated to assess which factors are most likely to contribute to the spread of HIV across the population. In the absence of a national seroprevalence survey, the following were examined to identify the main drivers of the Namibian HIV epidemic: 1. …

  8. The red book. What you want to know about yourself (10-14 years)

    This booklet is prepared for young people aged 10-14. Young people have many misconceptions and questions about sexuality issues. Their queries are often based on fragmented information. Accurate information is essential to promote a healthy sexuality. The booklet explains issues such as puberty, what happens to boys' and girls' bodies, sex and sexuality, how babies are made, infections and abuse. It also provides answers to such questions as: What is happening to my body? What is this sex stuff really all about? When is the right time to start? What is safer sex? Am I attractive? …

  9. Journey to Cheptoo's wedding, Chela 2

    This document is part of a series of short storybooks for children which are about a 10-year-old girl named Chela. Through her own experiences and the stories of her grandmother, she learns useful lessons of life. The documents introduce issues such as menstruation, sanitary pads, private parts and wet dreams. The four booklets also discuss alcohol, drugs and cigarettes, healthy eating, sexual harassment and abstinence before marriage. They aim to provide basic information on puberty in an easy-to-understand and entertaining manner. …

  10. Young people, health, HIV, AIDS and development: a case for Uganda

    The paper outlines a background to the current social, health, sexual and reproductive health (SRH) and HIV and AIDS status of young people, and the magnitude and impacts of the AIDS epidemic with specific focus on young people's vulnerability to HIV infection. It provides an overview of Uganda response to HIV and AIDS highlighting policy interventions, strategies, approaches and the contributions of young people in the response. Challenges and emerging issues and opportunities for scaling up the response are briefly explored. …

  11. Sexual and reproductive health in the Middle East and North Africa: a guide for reporters

    This guide aims to bring together the latest available data on sexual and reproductive health for countries in the MENA region, to help journalists educate the public and make the case for policymakers that poor sexual and reproductive health contributes to social inequalities and hinders social and economic development.

  12. Factors influencing access and retention in primary schooling for children and young people affected by HIV and AIDS: Case studies from rural Malawi

    This report presents findings from the second phase of the SOFIE research project. The research focuses on young people affected by HIV and AIDS and aims to improve their access to learning and increase retention through the use of ODFL strategies that complement and enrich conventional schooling.

  13. Girls count. A global investment and action agenda

    In many places girls and young women do not enjoy the basic rights of voting, cannot inherit land, are subject to female genital cutting, and do not have the right to stop unwanted sexual advances or gain justice. This report is about why and how to put girls at the center of development. It is about how the health of economies and families depends on protecting the rights of and fostering opportunities for today's girls. …

  14. Youth in a Global World

    A new policy brief from the Population Reference Bureau (PRB), Youth in a Global World, describes what it's like to grow up in today's world, with a special focus on four major experiences in the lives of young people: schooling, health, marriage, and childbearing.

  15. Reproductive and sexual health education-care-counseling for married adolescents, rural India

    The brief presents preliminary evaluation findings of a study carried out in Pune district, Maharashtra in India to find out whether provision of reproductive health education, sexual counselling, and improved clinical referrals can function as a comprehensive package to improve SRH of married youth ages 14-25 years.


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