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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. HIV/AIDS and Education Policy-Legal Issues

    This powerpoint presentation on legal issues surrounding HIV/AIDS and Education gives an overview of the international and regional framework impacting the education sector. Some areas were law impacts on education policy include HIV testing, privacy and confidentiality, illness issues of sick leave and termination, and access to treatment. Various international and regional legal instruments on HIV/AIDS protecting employees and case laws are cited in this presentation.

  2. HIV/AIDS impact on the education sector: the management challenge

    This is a summary from a power point presentation. The author stresses the need for real change within the education systems of developing countries and focuses on management responses to the following issues: labour, employment and gender, orphans, transition rates and geographic variation. The conclusion acknowledges the difficulty in such drastic changes but believes that effective management can have far reaching implications in mitigating effects of the HIV pandemic.


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