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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. A gender-based analysis of HIV/AIDS in Belize

    In this report, we present a Gender-Based Analysis (GBA) of HIV/AIDS in Belize. Added analysis of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and gender-based violence (GBV) is provided, as they affect biological risks and social vulnerabilities and help inform the GBA of HIV/AIDS. The objective is to explore current epidemiological patterns and trends, access to testing and treatment, health-related outcomes, and various risk factors associated with contracting HIV/AIDS among men, women, boys and girls living in Belize.

  2. HIV and violence against women in Belize

    The overall objective of this study was to explore the potential intersections between two forms of violence against women (VAW) - partner violence and non-partner violence - among users of VAW and HIV services and to document their experiences, knowledge and perceptions on HIV and violence. The information was collected using a standardized questionnaire in each participant country in order to collect and compare data in a multi-country analysis. In Belize seventy-four (74) women were interviewed, 32 users of HIV services and 42 users of VAW services countrywide during 2007. …

  3. Break another silence: understanding sexual minorities and taking action for sexual rights in Africa

    This booklet is about marginalised sexualities and human rights. It is written for people working in civil society and government organisations, with a focus on Africa, particularly the Horn, East, and Central Africa. This booklet is to encourage staff in civil society and government organisations to: understand sexual rights as human rights; to become aware of the ongoing abuses of sexual minorities' human rights including lack of access to essential services; and to take action to protect rights for all, including minority groups. Chapter 1 focuses on basic information and key debates. …

  4. Evolving Men: Initial Results from the International Men and Gender Equality Survey (IMAGES)

    This report summarizes multi-country findings from the International Men and Gender Equality Survey (IMAGES), a comprehensive household questionnaire on men's attitudes and practices - along with women's opinions and reports of men's practices - on a wide variety of topics related to gender equality. From 2009 to 2010, household surveys were administered to more than 8,000 men and 3,500 women ages 18 to 59 in Brazil, Chile, Croatia, India, Mexico and Rwanda. …

  5. Technical Brief: Integrating Gender into Most At-Risk Populations

    Gender inequity is a fundamental driver in the HIV epidemic, and integrating strategies to address gender inequity and change harmful gender norms is an increasingly important component of HIV programs. Integrating gender strategies into programs targeting most-at-risk populations (MARPs) which include men who have sex with men, transgender people, injecting drug users, and male, female and transgender sex workers, whether in mixed or concentrated epidemic countries is much less prevalent. …

  6. Most at Risk Young People Survey Cambodia 2010

    Cambodia's Most at Risk Young People Survey (MARYPS) 2010 is a follow up survey of the Youth Risk Behavior Survey conducted in 2004. The survey provides the policymakers and planners with data on alcohol, drug and sex related behaviors and utilization of sexual and reproductive health services among MARYP. This survey is jointly supported by FHI, PSI, UNAIDS, UNESCO, UNFPA, UNICEF and WHO.

  7. Sexualidades e saúde reprodutiva

    O propósito da série Adolescentes e Jovens para a Educação entre Pares, do Projeto Saúde e Prevenção nas Escolas (SPE), não é ser apenas mais um conjunto de fascículos, e sim trazer provocações e aprofundar o conhecimento que os(as) adolescentes e jovens têm a respeito de temas presentes em toda a sociedade, e que, muitas vezes, são tratados de maneira equivocada ou com preconceitos. Ao mesmo tempo, deseja orientar o trabalho por meio de oficinas, debates e leituras. Pretende, também, provocar reflexões e instigar o diálogo sobre as temáticas do SPE dentro das escolas brasileiras. …

  8. Cuba's HIV/AIDS strategy: an integrated rights-based approach

    This paper discusses the Cuban approach to HIV, which like the nation's public health system, is founded on the principal that health is a human right. In practice, this translates into a continuum of care through universal access to primary, secondary, and tertiary health services, government commitment to equalizing and improving social determinants, and scientific research and development aimed at advancing population health. Constitutional rights, including job and housing guarantees and anti-discrimination laws, also play a role. …

  9. La masculinidad desde la perspectiva de los hombres de Lima Metropolitana - Proyecto MACHO

    Se realizó un trabajo cualitativo fenomenológico, con la finalidad de determinar la percepción de Masculinidad desde la perspectiva de los hombres de Lima Metropolitana. Para ello se realizaron grupos focales y entrevistas en profundidad, realizándose un total de 6 grupos focales y 10 entrevistas en profundidad semi-estructuradas, considerando la selección de los participantes. Las grabaciones de los grupos focales y las entrevistas, se transcribieron a Word, y se realizó un análisis cualitativo con codificación a posteriori y construcción de nodos. …

  10. Orientación e identidad sexual: Cuadernillo estudiantil

    Guía sobre sexualidad y orientaciones sexuales, en la que se explican las diferencias entre sexo, sexualidad, género y relaciones sexuales. Así mismo desarrolla de manera clara conceptos como diversidad e identidad sexual, orientaciones sexuales (heterosexualidad, homosexualidad, bisexualidad) y prácticas sexuales. Este cuadernillo presenta también temas como homofobia, discriminación, diversidad y derechos humanos.

  11. Men-streaming in sexual and reproductive health and HIV: a toolkit for policy development and advocacy

    Sexual and reproductive health and rights and HIV programmes are likely to have greater impact on communities if they address constructively the actual and potential role of men in society. At present, however, many such programmes often fail to target men, to address their specific needs and understand the wider influence of male and female gender norms. This Men-streaming toolkit helps organizations create, and advocate for, affirmative policies which promote the positive roles that men can play in improving their own sexual and reproductive health - and those of women and children. …

  12. Understanding and Challenging HIV Stigma: Toolkit for Action. Adapted version for use in Cambodia

    This toolkit is written for community leaders, AIDS educators, people living with HIV, health workers, teachers, media workers, and others involved in the AIDS field in Cambodia. Its aim is to build awareness and commitment to confront HIV stigma, and promote more care and support for people living with HIV. The toolkit is a collection of participatory educational exercises for use in raising awareness and promoting action to challenge HIV stigma. Trainers will select from the exercises to plan their own courses for different target groups. …

  13. Gender and HIV in the Pacific Islands Region

    This study presents evidence linking the spread of HIV with gender inequality in law and in custom in Pacific Island countries and territories. It suggests recommendations based on the findings, proposing policy responses and programme approaches which can and should be fundamental to fighting the spread of HIV in Pacific Island countries and territories. …

  14. Promoviendo procesos de sensibilización y capacitación en género y masculinidad con niñez, adolescencia y juventud

    Sistematización de talleres desarrollados por Red de Masculinidad por la Igualdad de Género en Nicaragua para niños, adolescentes y jóvenes sobre el tema de la masculinidad con el objetivo de derribar mitos y prejuicios, abordándolo desde una perspectiva de derechos humanos e igualdad de género. Se abordan temas como sexualidad, violencia, VIH/sida, homofobia, salud sexual y reproductiva y otros. Se describen las actividades realizadas, su metodología y logros.

  15. Sexualidade e saúde reprodutiva

    Este caderno apresenta e discute aspectos que permeiam as práticas sexuais e de saúde reprodutiva dos jovens rapazes. Tais práticas são determinadas por um complexo conjunto de fatores, destacando-se particularmente a interação cultural - construída em cenários em que as relações de gênero definem hierarquias - e as formas políticoeconômicas de organização das sociedades. Podemos afirmar, portanto, que mulheres e homens não se comportam de uma maneira ou de outra em função de sua própria natureza, mas são produtos de uma construção social. …


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