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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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Search results

  1. Predictors of knowledge about HIV/AIDS among young people: Lessons from Botswana

    This study sought to identify factors that can predict knowledge about HIV/AIDS among adolescents in Botswana. The data were collected through a self administered questionnaire from a sample of 1294 students from schools around the capital city of Botswana, Gaborone. The research instrument consisted of 76 items that solicited information on background characteristics of respondents, indicators of family cohesiveness and bonding of children with their parents, indicators of personal adjustment, evidence of sex life, and knowledge about HIV/AIDS. …

  2. WHO guidelines on preventing early pregnancy and poor reproductive outcomes among adolescents in developing countries

    These guidelines provide recommendations on action and research for a) preventing early pregnancy: by preventing marriage before 18 years of age; by increasing knowledge and understanding of the importance of pregnancy prevention; by increasing the use of contraception; and by preventing coerced sex; and b) preventing poor reproductive outcomes: by reducing unsafe abortions; and by increasing the use of skilled antenatal, childbirth and postnatal care. …

  3. Jamaican Mothers' Influences of Adolescent Girls' Sexual Beliefs and Behaviors

    The purpose of this study was to identify the ways in which urban Jamaican mothers influence their adolescent daughters' sexual beliefs and behaviors in order to incorporate them into the design of a family-based, HIV risk-reduction intervention program. Focus groups were conducted with forty-six 14- to 18-year-old adolescent girls and 30 mothers or female guardians of adolescent girls recruited from community-based organizations in and around Kingston and St. Andrew, Jamaica. Separate focus groups were held with mothers and daughters; each included 6 to 10 participants. …

  4. Sexual and reproductive health communication between mothers and their adolescent daughters in northern Nigeria

    The authors conducted structured interviews and focus groups to investigate reproductive health (RH) communication practices among 184 mother–daughter pairs in Ungogo, northern Nigeria. Transcripts were analyzed using the grounded theory approach. A total of 136 mothers reported discussing RH issues with their daughters. The majority of daughters acquired RH education from their mothers. Parents were more likely to discuss marriage, menstruation, courtship, premarital sex, and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) than other sex education topics. …

  5. Mother-daughter communication about sexual maturation, abstinence and unintended pregnancy: Experiences form an informal settlement in Nairobi, Kenya

    Parental communication and support is associated with improved developmental, health and behavioral outcomes in adolescence. This study explores the quality of mother-daughter communication about sexual maturation, abstinence and unintended pregnancy in Korogocho, an informal settlement in Nairobi, Kenya. We use data from 14 focus group discussions (n = 124) and 25 interviews with girls aged 12-17, mothers of teenage girls, and key informant teachers. …

  6. Connections training of trainers workshop meeting report

    Connections is an adolescent and parent programme that helps girls and their mothers to become more confident and comfortable to talk about gender, relationships and sex. The programme provides information and life-skills around issues including puberty, growing up, relationships, dating, sexuality, pregnancy prevention, gender rights, alcohol use and parent-to-adolescent communications. The programme covers both the biological aspects of sex, and broader relational aspects such as peer and romantic relationships, love, reproduction, gender rights, HIV, risk-taking and peer influence. …

  7. In a life: linking HIV and sexual and reproductive health in people's lives

    Linking sexual and reproductive health and HIV recognizes the vital role that sexuality plays in people's lives, and the importance of empowering people to make informed choices about their lives, love and intimacy. The real-life stories in this publication reflect the core characteristics and values that IPPF aims for in linking sexual and reproductive health and HIV: evidence-informed programming, a recognition of vulnerability and the full protection of rights. …

  8. Sexuality and HIV and AIDS in Africa: report of the 4th Africa Conference on Sexual Health and Rights

    "Sexuality and HIV & AIDS" was the theme of the 4th Africa Conference on Sexual Health and Rights held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from February 8th to 12th, 2010. The main objective of the Conference was to identify vulnerabilities and vulnerable people that are critical to SRHR and HIV/AIDS interventions. The Conference sought to introduce new insights to initiatives that will stem the spread of HIV and AIDS and map a course of action for SRHR. A key expected outcome was a shift away from moral approaches and expansion of the discussion of sexuality from a rights based perspective. …

  9. No small issue: Children and families. Universal Action Now

    In 2007, an estimated total of 2 million children were living with HIV - eight times more than in 1990 - while both new infections and deaths among children have grown three-fold globally since 1990. Around 90% of these children live in sub-Saharan Africa, where 12.1 million children are estimated to have lost one or both parents to AIDS. This plenary presentation argues that children and families have been severely neglected in responses to HIV and AIDS. …

  10. Información Salud

    Documento con información general sobre VIH/sida. Incluye la declaración de la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas (UNGASS) sobre VIH/sida yáel discurso del ministro de salud de Argentina dr. Ginés González. También contiene información general sobre prevención y cuestionarios sobre VIH/sida, además de información sobre derechos de las personas que viven con VIH, homofobia, embarazo y VIH/sida en niños y jóvenes. También incluye el marco legal que protege los derechos de las personas que viven con VIH.

  11. The National Guidelines for the Management of HIV and AIDS in Children in Nepal

    These Guidelines aim to provide up-to-date, evidence based, practical information and knowledge designed to help health service providers to make informed decisions on the management of HIV and AIDS in children and to gain basic knowledge about HIV and AIDS in the pediatric age group. The guidelines are mainly based on algorithms with annotations and reflect international best practice. …

  12. Executive Summary: Sexual risk and protective factors. Factors affecting teen sexual behavior, pregnancy, childbearing and sexually transmitted disease: What are important? Which can you change?

    Executive Summary: Sexual Risk and Protective Factors. Factors Affecting Teen Sexual Behavior, Pregnancy, Childbearing And Sexually Transmitted Disease: What Are Important? Which Can You Change? is a document part of the project of the United States National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy. It addresses two main primary questions: 1) what factors influence adolescents' decisions about sex? And 2) Which of these factors can be altered? By identifying and targeting those factors it tries to provide information to reduce sexual risk-taking.

  13. La infancia y el SIDA: Un inventario de la situación

    Este informe es un inventario de las medidas y cambios más importantes en favor de los niños y niñas afectados por el VIH/SIDA durante el primer año de Únete por la niñez, Únete con la juventud, Únete para vencer al SIDA. Entre otras cuestiones, el informe indica que, en 2006, el tema de la infancia y el SIDA se integró más claramente en los marcos nacionales de política - entre ellos, los planes nacionales de acción y los documentos de estrategia para reducción de la pobreza - de por lo menos 20 países de África subsahariana. …

  14. Psychosocial care and support for young children and infants in the time of HIV and Aids: A resource for programming

    This publication is offered as a resource for programme staff in organisations that work with babies and young children, or their parents or caregivers, in the context of HIV and Aids, poverty and conflict. It is not intended for direct presentation to grassroots community workers, parents or caregivers.It can be used to develop programmes, training or action sheets for local needs. The material contained in this publication can be used as a set of principles or guidelines.

  15. Mucho más que dos: sistematización de experiencias de prevención de la transmisión madrehijo del VIH-sida

    Sistematización de experiencias de prevención de transmisión vertical de VIH en Argentina. Las características de las mujeres embarazadas viviendo con VIH en ese país, la relación entre los servicios de salud y organizaciones de la sociedad civil.


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