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The Positive Change: Children, Communities and Care (PC3) Program is a five-year (2004-2009) integrated and comprehensive program designed to provide care and support to more than half a million orphaned and vulnerable children and their families throughout the country of Ethiopia. The Program emphasizes community-based, results-oriented, and family-focused efforts which reduce the negative impact of HIV and AIDS on children, families and communities and increases capacity of local organizations and communities to positively respond to the needs of OVC. …
This report summarizes HIV prevalence and the associations between HIV serostatus and key characteristics and behaviors of adult women and men in 22 developing countries, primarily in sub- Saharan Africa. Data come from Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) and AIDS Indicator Surveys (AIS) conducted between 2001 and 2006. In most of these surveys, nationally representative samples of women age 15-49 and men age 15-59 were tested for HIV. …
This Report discusses the state of human development in Lesotho at the turn of this new millennium. Almost seven years into this century, Lesotho has been faced with a combination of problems that do not seem to be amenable to easy solution, and that threaten to hold back, even reverse, its socio -economic progress. The nexus of the mutually reinforcing effects of chronic poverty, inequality and food insecurity is being compounded by the impact of the pervasive and growing HIV epidemic.
Currently, most effective responses to HIV/AIDS have been community and national driven. Now it has become apparent that people play a key role as individuals and as members of social systems such as families in effectively responding to the HIV/AIDS pandemic. As such the Report will focus on enhancing the capacity of households to fight HIV/AIDS at the household level. …
The second National Multi-sectoral Strategic Framework (NMSF) on HIV and AIDS covers the period 2008 to 2012. It builds on the achievements and strengths of the National Response to the HIV epidemic in the last five years (2003-2007) and proposes measures and strategies to overcome past barriers and constraints. This NMSF guides the approaches, interventions and activities which will be undertaken by all actors in the country. The framework was developed through an extensive review and consultation process under the guidance of the national and international consultants.
More than 30 percent of school-aged children have lost at least one parent in Malawi. Lack of investments in human capital and adverse conditions during childhood are often associated with lower living standards in the future. Therefore, if orphans face an increased risk of poverty, exploitation, malnutrition, and poorer access to health care and schooling, early intervention is critical so as to avoid the potential poverty trap. …
The Regional Strategic Framework for the Protection, Care and Support of Children Affected by HIV/AIDS provides guidance to the eight member states of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) on a consistent approach across South Asia to the protection, care and support of children affected by HIV/AIDS. The regional framework promotes a universal approach to ensure children affected by HIV/AIDS have access to the same public and social support systems which are available to other children, rather than being separated or singled out. …
In two decades, AIDS has killed more than 20 million people. By 2020, another 68 million face premature death in the 45 most affected countries, unless concerted and effective action is taken now. Sustainable development implies a balance between environmental and economic and social development. The devastation of the AIDS epidemic is draining the human and institutional capacities that fuel sustainable development. Prevention works. Treatment and care save lives. An effective, long-term response to the epidemic hinges on recognizing and protecting people's rights. …
Desde que se diagnosticó el primer caso de SIDA en Panamá en 1984, el país ha llevado adelante una lucha constante por detener el avance de la epidemia. El Programa Nacional de ITS/VIH/SIDA del Ministerio de Salud ha preparado, como resultado de un proceso de consulta con todos los actores involucrados, el Plan Estratégico Multisectorial de ITS/VIH/SIDA 2003-2007, el cual, se ha nutrido de importantes insumos, tales como el Análisis de la Respuesta de país, Análisis de Situación y el Informe de Avances de los Acuerdos de VIH/SIDA de las Naciones Unidas 2003 (UNGASS, por sus siglas en inglés). …
Informe país del UNGASS sobre VIH/SIDA en Costa Rica. Sus resultados se basan en una serie de estudios bibliográficos, documentales y la aplicación de entrevistas y la realización de dos talleres participativos con representantes de la sociedad civil y el gobierno, que se llevaron a cabo durante los meses de Septiembre a Diciembre del 2005, en San José, Costa Rica. En el año 2001, Costa Rica firma el acuerdo de UNGASS con el resto de las 188 naciones que firmaron este acuerdo. …
The report summarizes the findings of the 2002 Vietnam Demographic and Health Survey carried out by the General Statistical Office with regard to demographic conditions, family planning, infant and child mortality, and health-related information about breastfeeding, antenatal care, child immunizations, common children's diseases, and HIV/AIDS.
Chapter in: Fifth Asian and Pacific Population Conference Selected Papers.
The report presents the results of the 2001 Nepal Demographic and Health Survey (2001 NDHS). The principal objective of the survey is to provide policymakers and planners with current and reliable information on fertility, family planning, infant and child mortality, maternal child health, nutrition and information on HIV/AIDS.
This report is a synthesis of the materials and experts' opinions presented in the WHO/UNFPA/UNICEF Study Group on Programming for Adolescent Health. The report is presented according to the components of the framework of the country programmes which are: goals of programmes, guiding concepts, major interventions, intervention settings, keys to success, building political commitment, assessing priorities for action, maintaining implementation, and monitoring and evaluation.
Many features of modern life are changing the structure of house-holds and the nature of family life. More women are seeking paid employment, and the number of single-parent and two-earner families is growing. At the same time, family members are more dispersed as those who might normally share a home leave their villages, towns, and even their countries to find work. In many parts of the world, people are living longer, and increasing numbers of older people are facing questions of where to live and how to support themselves. …